Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2228: Meet! Xi


"Wang joins the army, immediately count a group of troops, and follow the general to meet him to see who the opponent is!"

In the turret of the gate, Su Dingfang turned to look at Wang Yun and gave instructions.


Although Wang Yun was doubtful about Su Dingfang's previous judgment that "the other party is really not here to fight... there must be something unexpected happening on the grassland", he still subconsciously followed Su Dingfang's order with his fists clasped.

A moment later, Su Dingfang took the lead, leading a light cavalry of about 800 people, heading north to meet the army of 10,000 people several miles away!

"Uu~! Stop the march! Everyone stay on guard!"

Su Dingfang did not lose his head and blindly trust his own judgment. In order to prevent accidents, he ordered the team to stop when they were still about two miles away from the opponent. The distance of two miles was enough for them to observe more details. , and in this position, if they find something wrong with the other party, they will have time to turn around and flee back to the military camp to join the large army, without being trapped in the tiger's mouth and never coming back!


The Eight Hundred Qingqi stopped advancing. Wang Yun rode to the front and looked towards the opposite team. Although he couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly with the naked eye from a distance of two miles, he could see that the other party was seeing him. After reaching them, the speed of progress seems to be even faster!

"General Su! The other party has accelerated and is coming straight towards us. It seems that they are coming with bad intentions!"

After Wang Yun saw this, he said with a worried look: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the opponent is a Turkic Wolf Cavalry, General Su may have mishaps if you stay here. Please return to the camp as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation!"

Preconceived idea, when Wang Yun saw the other party speeding up, he subconsciously thought that the other party had discovered the "enemy situation" and wanted to speed up and rush over to eliminate them all, so he spoke out to persuade him.

When Wang Yun was observing the army in the north, Su Dingfang was also carefully observing the opposite side with a telescope. At this distance, he could even vaguely see the appearance and expression of the front row sergeant on the opposite side with the telescope. After listening to Wang Yun's words, He shook his head, smiled slightly and said:

"No! The other party is not Jie Li's Wolf Cavalry, it should be the army of other tribes on the grassland. They have no ill intentions, and there are several Central Plains people among them! One of them looks familiar to me..."

If it was just a guess before that the 10,000-strong army coming from the north was a friend rather than an enemy, now he was basically sure, because the opponent's clothing, weapons, and horse configuration were all completely different from the Turkic wolf cavalry, and Su Dingfang could use the telescope to After seeing the opponent's front-row generals and their small team, there was genuine joy on their faces, without any killing intent!

The other party didn't know that he had a military telescope in his hand and could see things at an extremely long distance, so this joy was definitely not a deliberate "performance" for him, but a genuine expression of true feelings. What does this mean? It means that the other party is definitely not here to fight. It is very likely that they regard their 800 troops as... reinforcements!

"What? They are not wolf riders under Jie Li? And there are people from the Central Plains among them?"

When Wang Yun heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then couldn't help but wonder: "General, what are the identities of these people?"

Su Dingfang did not answer immediately. He held up his binoculars and looked intently at a middle-aged scribe in the front row of the prairie cavalry. He looked calm and intimidating, and it seemed that he was in a high position. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is The thing is that this man Su Dingfang looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he was too far away, and he couldn't see it very clearly with the telescope, and he couldn't remember where he had seen this man.

As Wang Yun was talking, the 10,000-strong army on the opposite side was getting closer and closer to Su Dingfang and the others. Su Dingfang could see more clearly through the telescope. He finally saw the appearance of the middle-aged scribe clearly. His eyes widened, as if he thought of something, and just as he was about to speak, he saw the middle-aged scribe saying something unknown to the left and right, and then the soldier next to the middle-aged scribe raised a white flag!

"It's the Duke of Ju! The Duke of Ju is on the opposite side! The other party is not attacking our Tang Dynasty, but coming to surrender!"

Su Dingfang put down the telescope at this time and couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, he probably understood the origin of the cavalry opposite.

About a month ago, Tang Jian was ordered by Li Er to lead an army to escort a batch of supplies to support Tuli's troops and prevent Jieli from annihilating Tuli and unifying the grassland. Su Dingfang also learned about this through certain channels. News, but he didn't expect that after Tang Jian went deep into the tiger's den, he could return to the Tang Dynasty safely, just go back to the Tang Dynasty, and bring so many grassland troops back to the Tang Dynasty!

God knows what happened over there in the grassland recently

"What? The Duke of Ju is on the opposite side? And the other party is coming to surrender? How is this possible? How could the Duke of Ju go to the grassland?"

Wang Yun and others had far less information channels than Su Dingfang. They didn't know about Tang Jian's mission to the grassland. When they heard this, they all looked confused and confused. Su Dingfang knew that now was not the time to explain, because the other party came in such a hurry. Yes, it was obviously something urgent, so he ordered:

"Let's go! Follow me to welcome the Duke of Ju back to the Tang Dynasty!"

After that, he kicked the horse's belly and ran towards the 10,000-strong army.

"Hey! General Su, don't be careless..."

Wang Yung was about to say something, but Su Dingfang didn't give him a chance to dissuade him, and rushed out with both men and horses. In desperation, he had no choice but to call on a group of men and horses to catch up.

Su Dingfang was right. The middle-aged scribe in the front row of the ten thousand cavalry was Tang Jian. At this time, Tang Jian was saying loudly to Tu Li beside him:

"The frontier should be our border troops in the northern part of Datang Yunzhou! After they see the white flag, they will understand that we have no ill intentions. Look, they are coming!"

Tu Li, who was galloping on horseback, saw Su Dingfang's eight hundred light cavalry rushing toward him. He couldn't help but smile and said: "It's better that the Duke of Ju is thoughtful, otherwise the other party might regard us as enemies and use them as enemies." If you treat me aggressively, it will be bad if there is a misunderstanding!"

In the past, if he saw Tang Jun, Tu Li would be wary, not to mention hostile, but now, he has never felt friendly and relieved when he saw Tang Jun like this.

After being besieged by Jieli's 300,000 troops for several months, he was almost defeated and killed. Now seeing Datang's border troops meant that he finally escaped!

"Send the order, tell the soldiers to hurry up! The land of the Tang Dynasty is ahead of us. If we join the Tang army, we will be completely rescued!"

Tu Li looked greatly refreshed and gave loud instructions to the soldiers on his left and right.


The guards on the left and right took the order and left.

The ten thousand cavalrymen accelerated again and ran towards the oncoming Su Dingfang and others.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. When there was still a distance of more than a hundred feet, the teams on both sides invariably slowed down to prevent the two groups of people from colliding with each other. The two groups of people and horses finally stopped ten feet apart.

On the Tang Army's side, Su Dingfang took the lead and stood out from the crowd. With eyes like lightning, he looked at the opponent's first row of sergeants and said loudly, neither humble nor arrogant:

"Is this the Duke of Ju in front of you? I wonder where this army came from?"

At this time, Tang Jian stepped forward a few feet from his horse, raised his hand to Su Dingfang and said, "It is indeed Tang! This is Tuli Khan of the grassland. He was persecuted by Jieli and led his troops to defect to the Tang Dynasty. Who is the young general? He actually recognizes me?"

There are several feet between the two of them, and these few feet are also the last precautions for both parties. After all, for them, the identity of the other party is unknown, so it is still a bit risky to rush forward rashly. Tang Jian was not a martial artist, and his ears and eyes were far less sharp than Su Dingfang's. From a distance of several feet and the darkness, he could only vaguely see the outline of Su Dingfang's face, and even when he was in Chang'an, he and Su Dingfang There wasn't much interaction. After all, the other party was a military commander and he was a civil servant, so it was no surprise that he didn't recognize Su Dingfang when they met him!

Sudden profit!

On the opposite side is an army led by Tu Li! And the other party came to seek refuge with Datang!

Su Dingfang captured these two key pieces of information from Tang Jian's words, and he couldn't help but feel inspired. As a military general, and a general who had access to the high-ranking military officer of the Tang Dynasty (Li Jing), Su Dingfang certainly knew that the Tang Dynasty would soon attack the grassland. News, now that Tuli has broken out from Jieli's siege and led his troops to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, Su Dingfang can think with his toes that there must have been a big change on the grassland, otherwise Tuli would not have been able to break out. !

Moreover, Tuli troops surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, which was undoubtedly great news for the Tang army, because people like Tuli were very familiar with the terrain and environment of the grassland. If they were to take them with them when attacking the grassland in the future, it would be a disaster for the Tang army. Even more powerful!

Su Dingfang did not expect, and perhaps the entire Tang Dynasty did not expect, that Tang Jian's mission to the grassland would have such a successful result!

Thinking of this, Su Dingfang no longer hesitated and quickly rode up to Tang Jian. He clasped his fists and said, "Su Lie, the guerrilla general of Yunzhou, has met the Duke of Ju! The Duke of Ju ignored his own safety and went on a mission to the grassland for his country. Thanks for your hard work!"

"Oh! It's Dingfang!"

Hearing Su Dingfang introduce himself to his family, Tang Jian couldn't recognize him. He twirled his beard and said with a smile: "Dingfang is so polite! I can still shine for your majesty and the court with this old bone. That's it." My blessing! Come, I will introduce you to you!"

After that, Tang Jian brought Su Dingfang to Tuli and said, "This is the Tuli Khan of the grassland! I was taken care of by the little Khan on the grassland!"

Hearing the second half of Tang Jian's words, Tu Li couldn't help but blush. In other words, when Tang Jian and others first arrived in the grassland, they were indeed "taken care of" by him - disguised house arrest!

Su Dingfang didn't know these twists and turns. He raised his fists and saluted with a serious expression, and said: "Su Dingfang, the last general, has met the little Khan!"

Tu Li returned the salute and said: "General Su, you are a young hero, you don't need to be polite!"

Su Dingfang said: "This is not the place to talk. I would also like to invite the Duke of Ju and the young Khan to follow me back to the border army camp. I will take care of you all in the end!"


Tang Jian and Tu Li couldn't get what they wanted, so they agreed.

The two groups of men and horses gathered together and rushed towards the frontier camp.

… … … … … … …

Chapter 2163 Meeting!