Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2229: register!


"...What~? The ten Tiele tribes are determined to rebel? Is there going to be chaos in the grassland?"

At the border army camp, Su Dingfang briefly settled the tens of thousands of troops brought by Tu Li, and then brought Tu Li, Tang Jian and others to the Chinese army tent. Tang Jian introduced Su Dingfang to Su Dingfang in very brief words. After seeing the current situation in the grassland, Su Dingfang's expression perked up and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The generals Wang Yun, Ding He, Cao Shan and other generals sitting below him also had expressions of disbelief after hearing this, as if they were in a dream.

As border troops, they naturally knew that there would be a big war between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks soon. In addition, they also knew how powerful Jieli was. In terms of hard power, Jieli was stronger than the Tang Dynasty. In the future, the Tang Dynasty would The national war between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks is bound to be a protracted and dangerous battle!

But they never expected that the Turks, who were originally in a good situation, would have serious civil strife at this time. This is really a blessing for the Tang Dynasty!


Tuli couldn't wait to take the words at this time and said: "If the ten tribes of Tie Le were not determined to rebel against Du Bi, they would never have let the Khan's troops leave the grassland! Moreover, before leaving the grassland, the envoy of Q Bi tribe also After trying to coerce Ben Khan to come to the Tang Dynasty, he must lead the Tang army to the north and cooperate with them to deal with Tuli. This is enough to show that now the ten tribes of Tie Le are already at odds with Du Bi!"

When Su Dingfang heard this, he rushed down to Wang Yun with a serious face and ordered: "Wang Shenjun, you write a letter immediately to inform the court of the changes in the grassland and the situation here, and send 800 miles to rush the letter to Chang'an overnight! "

Wang Yun nodded, and then said with a troubled face: "But it is already dark now, and the messenger may be inconvenienced if he travels at night..."

Ancient roads were not as smooth as modern ones, and there were street lights. Riding a horse in the dark could easily lead to loss of direction or other accidents.

Su Dingfang insisted: "The situation is urgent and the military situation is raging. I can't worry about so much. The sooner this information reaches Chang'an, the sooner your Majesty will be able to make a decision!"

He has already seen a fighter opportunity from the current situation in the grassland, a peerless fighter opportunity for Datang! He believed that Li Er would be able to see it too!

At this moment, Su Dingfang couldn't help but think about how great it would be if he had a telegraph machine here and someone who knew how to use it!

When he was in Chang'an, he heard Li Jing talk about the magic of the telegraph machine and knew that this thing could send messages thousands of miles in an instant. I just don’t know if he can use the telegraph machine at the Yunzhou border to send the news back to Chang’an City!


Wang Yun bowed and accepted the order.

Seeing that Su Dingfang had made arrangements, Tu Li hurriedly said: "General Su, the 10,000 light cavalry led by this Khan are just the vanguard. There are more than 90,000 troops of this Khan who are coming towards the Yunzhou border in four directions! They are Carrying heavy soldiers, old, weak and wounded soldiers, the marching speed will be much slower. If they are overtaken by the fierce people and horses, they may suffer heavy casualties!

Ben Khan led the Qingqi to take the first step, hoping to join the Tang Dynasty border army first, and then return to the grassland with the reinforcements to meet the remaining tribesmen! I wonder how many troops there are in General Su’s camp? Are you willing to go back to the grassland with me to join my tribe? "

Tang Jian nodded at Su Dingfang, indicating that Tu Li was right.

Su Dingfang pondered for a moment and replied: "This is just a frontier army camp in the north of Yunzhou. Including the Huotou Army, there are only 9,000 troops in the camp! If the little Khan wants to take care of the remaining troops, Su is naturally willing to give his full support.

However, the situation on the grassland is unclear at the moment, and it may be dangerous for the young Khan to go there. I suggest that the young Khan and Tang Guogong first move to the Yunzhou camp. I will lead my troops and your light cavalry into the grassland to respond. Your subordinates, what do you think of the little Khan? "

From the perspective of the interests of the Tang Dynasty, the safety of Tuli and the current 10,000 Qingqi is definitely more important than the safety of the more than 90,000 Tuli tribesmen still on the grassland. As long as Tuli successfully surrenders to the Tang Dynasty, for Jie Li's prestige on the grassland is definitely a heavy blow! And in the future when the Tang Dynasty attacks the grassland, Tuli and these ten thousand Qingqi can become the "guides" of the Tang army!

As for the more than 90,000 Tuli tribesmen on the grassland, Su Dingfang was not particularly concerned about their safety! But if the more than 90,000 tribesmen can be rescued at a very small cost, it will be a great gain for Datang!

So Su Dingfang is willing to take the risk on this task, but the prerequisite is to ensure the safety of Tang Jian and Tu Li!

Tang Jian cooperated at this time: "General Su's suggestion is very pertinent. The current situation in the grassland is unclear. Why don't you and I go to the Yunzhou camp first? General Su will take your men to meet the people who are still in the grassland!" In addition, there are many soldiers and fierce generals in the Yunzhou camp. After we go there, we can also invite more reinforcements to support General Su and the others!"

Tu Li showed hesitation, and Ni Shutuo saw this and said, "Khan, you'd better go to the Yunzhou camp! The general will personally lead his people to accompany General Su to bring all our people back!"

Seeing this scene, Tu Li no longer hesitated. He nodded, stood up and clasped his fists at Su Dingfang and Ni Shutuo and said, "Okay! The people of this Khan tribe, please leave it to General Su and General Ni!"

"You're welcome, little Khan!"

Su Dingfang clasped his fists in return, and then ordered to the left and right: "Cao Shan! Immediately lead a team of people to escort Tang Guogong and the young Khan to the Yunzhou camp. No mistakes should be made~!"


A middle-aged general with beards stepped forward to accept the order, then saluted Tang Jian and Tu Li, and said: "Tang Guogong, little Khan, please come with us!"

Tang Jian and Tu Li nodded, followed Cao Shan out of the tent with a few personal guards.

Su Dingfang stood up at this time and said: "Ding He, immediately count the troops and horses. After a quarter of an hour, the entire army will attack and enter the grassland with the brothers from the Tuli Department!"


Another general loudly accepted the order and left.

After a while, a team from the south and north of the border army camp rushed out, heading south and north respectively. Those going south were the guards escorting Tang Jian and Tu Li to the Zhechongfu camp in Yunzhou. The team headed north was a combined army composed of the frontier army led by Su Dingfang and 10,000 light cavalry led by Qi Bihe. Nineteen thousand men and horses headed straight for the grassland.

… … … … … … … …

"The general Li Junxian reported to the Holy One that after emergency interrogation, the leader of the Turkic spies Zhao Deyan has confessed. Now the general can be sure that all the Turkic spies in Taiyuan City have been wiped out. The general decided to open the city gate early tomorrow morning and order Taiyuan to The city returned to normal, and people were secretly sent to search for Wang Kui and Wang Xinyuan...

... After Zhao Deyan defected to the grassland, he relied on his ability to flatter and familiarize himself with the official system of the Central Plains, and he was quickly appreciated and reused by Jieli, and he helped Jieli carry out official reforms on the grassland.

...However, at the beginning of the reform, there was considerable resistance, and many tribes even openly rebelled against Jie Li. In order to promote the reform smoothly, Zhao Deyan suggested that Jie Li form a wolf guard to clear the resistance on the road of reform!

According to Zhao Deyan's confession, the members of the Wolf Guard are all experts and elites selected by him from the Han prisoner camps in the grasslands. Their families are all under the control of Jie Li's army, so they are all loyal to Jie Li...

... The Wolf Guard is divided into the bright and dark parts. The bright part is responsible for tracking, assassination, and other tasks, while the dark part is much more mysterious. They are mainly responsible for lurking among the major forces, and then regularly delivering messages to the top. .

According to Zhao Deyan, the influence of the Wolf Guard Anbu has a very wide coverage. They are not only lurking among the major tribes in the grassland, but even the Tang Dynasty has been infiltrated by them!

This time, Zhao Deyan led 208 Wolf Guard secret guards. The reason why they were able to sneak into Taiyuan City so smoothly was not only the help of Wang Kui and Wang Xinyuan of the Wang family, but also relying more on the Wolf Guard secret troops who had been working hard in Datang over the years. Detailed work of every state and county!

Since these people were originally from the Central Plains, they knew the situation of the Tang Dynasty very well. In recent years, with the secret support of the Turks, they had mixed into various states and counties, either as small officials in the yamen, or as giant businessmen, and some even became members of a county. Respect!

They were hiding in the dark, constantly passing on information from the Tang Dynasty to the grasslands, and bribing officials and making friends with powerful people to facilitate their actions! The fact that Zhao Deyan and others were able to sneak into Datang and Taiyuan City so smoothly this time was inseparable from the help of these Wolf Guard secret guards who had been lurking in Datang for many years...

After seeing the list of secret guards lurking in the Tang Dynasty written by Zhao Deyan, the general was deeply shocked. If the list provided by Zhao Deyan was correct, I am afraid that more than ten states and counties in the northern border of the Tang Dynasty would have been infiltrated by the Wolf Guard secret troops long ago. is riddled with holes. If these latent cancers are not eradicated in time, the northern border of the Tang Dynasty may be in danger...

The general is fully aware of the importance of this roster. In order to ensure that it is foolproof, the general will send his trusted followers to send the roster back to Chang'an early tomorrow morning for your Majesty's sanction~! "

At six o'clock in the morning, in Chang'an City, in the Lizheng Palace in the Xiyuan of the Imperial Palace, Li Er received the second telegram sent back from Taiyuan City by Li Junxian. After reading the contents of the telegram, Li Er's expression became a little serious, even It's a bit grim.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong? But what happened in Taiyuan City?"

Queen Changsun on the side walked over quickly and said worriedly.

Seeing the serious look on Li Er's face, she thought something had happened in Taiyuan. She couldn't help but worry about Li Tai's safety again, thinking that it must not happen to Li Tai again!

Li Er put away the telegram, turned around and hugged Queen Changsun, and said softly: "Guanyin, don't worry, everything is normal in Taiyuan. This is Zhao Deyan's confession. According to his confession, all the Turkic spies in Taiyuan City have been eliminated. !

I just didn’t expect that Zhao Deyan would actually use the Turks to play such a big game. He has placed spies and intelligence networks in various states and counties in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty. If we really let him continue to operate for a long time, I am afraid that the northern part of the Tang Dynasty will eventually be defeated by the Turks. The forces were penetrated and riddled with holes! "

After Empress Changsun heard that nothing happened in Taiyuan, she breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then she was a little surprised and said: "This Zhao Deyan actually has such a huge power?"

At first, she only thought that Zhao Deyan was just a small leader under Jie Li, but from what Li Er said just now, it became clear that he was very powerful and had already penetrated all the states and counties in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty! For Datang, this person is definitely an extremely dangerous person!

"Yeah! I didn't expect that either!"

Li Er said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, this guy risked his own life and sneaked into Taiyuan for the sake of Qingque and the teachers and students of Yanhuang Academy. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to catch him, let alone get the information from his subordinates. A specific roster! With this roster that Li Junxian sent back to Chang'an, I can eradicate all the Turkic forces lurking in the northern states and counties of the Tang Dynasty! In the future, when I send my troops north to attack the Turks, I no longer have to worry about instability in the rear. !”

Li Er was in a complicated mood at the moment. Li Junxian caught Zhao Deyan and forced him to find out the list of wolf guards lurking in various states and counties in the Tang Dynasty. Although Li Er was very happy and excited, the price of all this was Li Tai. And the elite teachers and students of Yanhuang Academy gained it at the price of personal danger!

As he analyzed previously, if the bait (Li Tai and the teachers and students of Yanhuang Academy) were not tempting enough, Zhao Deyan, the cunning and life-saving leader of the Wolf Guard, would not have risked his life and personally led people to sneak into Taiyuan City, and Li It is impossible for Jun Xian to catch Zhao Deyan and force him to find out the list of Wolf Guard secret guards!

According to Zhao Deyan's confession, the Wolf Guard has a strict internal organization and each member performs his or her own duties. Only Zhao Deyan knows the complete roster of the Wolf Guard secret department. On the Tang Dynasty, if only a few Wolf Guard secret guards were captured, it would not help at all! Only by catching Zhao Deyan can the secret Turkic forces that have been lurking in the Tang Dynasty over the years be uprooted!

If he was given another chance to choose, and he could predict everything that happened in Taiyuan City in advance, would he be willing to let Li Tai and the teachers and students of Yanhuang Academy be used as bait to catch the big fish Zhao Deyan

Such a strange thought came into Li Er's mind for no reason, but soon he shook his head and killed the thought!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince and Princess Changle would like to see you!"

Just at this moment, a palace maid came in, bowed to Li Er and Queen Changsun, and said.

"Let them in!"

Li Er came back to his senses and couldn't help but turned to Empress Changsun and smiled: "These two children must have come to find out about Qingque! In the past few days, their brother and sister have also been worrying a lot about Qingque!"

Empress Changsun pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Now that I see these children getting along harmoniously, I am very happy every day. In the past, I was always worried that Cheng Qian and Qing Que would damage the harmony because of their competition for favor. Now it seems that I am I worry too much about my body!”

When Li Er heard this, his mind moved slightly, but he smiled and said nothing.

Let’s talk about Li Chengqian and Chang Le. The two brothers and sisters came here to find out about Li Tai. Earlier, they heard that their subordinates came to report that it was the Qintian Supervisor who sent two telegrams to Lizheng Palace. They made a lot of guesses. It might be news from Taiyuan City, so I hurried over!

As for Li Ke, he hadn't lived in the palace for a long time, so he didn't know the news and couldn't come with Li Chengqian and Chang Le.

… … … … … … … …

Chapter 2164 Rescue, roster!


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