Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 102: Be a mortal for a day


But it was obviously overexcited. With one jump, the hood on Silent's head was thrown out. Ye Mu heard Silent said that she was going to pick it up, but she did not agree with bad intentions. It's such a pity, as for the bald head, I'll take a piece of cloth around it later.

After a while, they stopped at the edge of a village.

No way, Silent threatened her with a jumping horse, saying that without a hood, she couldn't go out wearing such clothes. Ye Mu had no choice. After stopping in the village, she sneaked him to the yard where other people's clothes were hung.

"What are you going to do?" He looked at her silently, looking righteous.

"Shh!" Ye Mu asked him to keep his voice low, then quickly stole a piece of cloth and ran out! The cloth was supposed to be used to make clothes for children, so it wasn't that big. Seeing Ye Mu stealing something silently, he quickly told her to put it back.

Ye Mu didn't agree! She took a blue cloth and put it on his head, "So people won't know you're bald!"

"Absurd!" Silent hurriedly tore the cloth off, "If you don't pay it back, I will pay it back!"

As he said that, he walked towards the other person's yard and Ye Mu held him tightly. Although she couldn't use her inner strength, her strength was definitely stronger than that of a monk. Silently saw that he was about to be dragged away by Ye Mu, and hurriedly shouted, "Anyone? Someone stole"

Before he could finish his words, Ye Mu covered his mouth. As soon as she tried hard, she dragged him away! The family heard the movement, saw that a piece of cloth was missing, and hurriedly chased after it!

Ye Mu snatched the strip of cloth away, dragged Silent and ran all the way. Silent originally wanted to drag her to stop, but the aggressive woman behind him made him suddenly think that if he didn't run at this time, his own reputation would be lost. Ye Mu will also have a bad reputation.

Ye Mu saw that Silent finally stopped resisting, and the two ran for two miles before climbing on the horse and galloping away.

On the horseback, he hesitated several times in silence, and finally said in disapproval, "You shouldn't steal!"

A piece of cloth is small, but for ordinary farmers, it is also property.

Ye Mu gasped and said, "It's not you, you have to say that you don't go to the street without a hat. Where can I find a hat for you in the barren mountains and mountains? This is the only way to use it!"

After listening silently, he shook his head resolutely, "I won't use the stolen things, we will return them to others when we go back."

"Don't tell me." Ye Mu stopped the horse and turned around to look at him, "Well, how about we go back later and give it to others? It really doesn't work, let's leave some compensation?"

As she said, she stretched out her hand and tied the piece of cloth on Silent's head like a head cloth. In the end, it looks good and can handle any shape. The blue linen and the white and blue clothes on his body are a good match. At this time, they were in the woods, and the mottled sunlight fell on him through the leaves. It was obviously not a cassock, but it also showed a holy smell.

Silently looked at her complicatedly.

He should have refused, but seeing the smile in Ye Mu's eyes, he didn't say anything about refusal, he just thought that he would have to return it later.

"It's beautiful." After it was done, Ye Mu nodded in satisfaction.

Silent but still thinking about it, he emphasized, "I must return it to them later."

Ye Mu couldn't help rolling her eyes. She grabbed his hand that wanted to move the head cloth, and said angrily and funny, "Can't you be a monk one day?"

Silently stunned, then Ye Mu continued.

"If you don't become an eminent monk for one day, you will be an ordinary person, but how can ordinary people not make mistakes? So, how can you not make mistakes when you become an ordinary person?"

Silent for a long time, he finally lowered his head and said, "I will take it if I don't."

He'll try to forget that this thing on his head was stolen!

Ye Mu was satisfied and took him all the way to the town.

The weather was good today, and it was a good day to go to the market. They tied their horses in the stables. They were hungry and stopped by the restaurant.

At this time, the menus are all hanging on the wall. Generally, small restaurants don't have many dishes. They change every few days. Ye Mu asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Just as Silent was about to speak, Ye Mu stopped him, "Come on, you must be a slut, don't forget, you are not a monk today."

You can't eat meat either!

Silent stared at her with wide eyes, Ye Mu was amused by his expression, ordered a vegetarian dish, a meat dish and a soup, and then asked for a pot of wine.

"Eat a little, if you don't eat meat, how can your body take it?"

Ye Mu said with a smile, just as the wine she ordered was served first, she poured herself a glass and another silently.

Silent's scalp was numb, and after years of fasting, he regarded these things as snakes and scorpions. Ye Mu persuaded him several times not to drink it. In the end, her face sank.

"Master, mortal experience is also an experience. If you don't get contaminated, how can you be effective?"

She put the wine glass in front of him, "If you drink, I will allow you not to eat meat later, promise!"

There was a fierce ideological struggle in Silent's heart. If he eats meat, he will kill life, but wine is made from grains.

So he subconsciously chose wine.

Ye Mu's eyes flashed, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Come, have a drink, just for your new life today!"

Xu Shiye Mu's words touched him, and he drank it silently as soon as he gritted his teeth, but as soon as the wine entered his throat, he almost spit it out, and kept pouring water to suppress the pungency.

At this time, Ye Mu was holding a wine glass and looked at him with a smile, "Is it delicious?"

She chose the wine with the highest degree of alcohol, which was specially used to treat stupid monks.

He was speechless. At this moment, his jade-colored face was a little red, and his eyes were also a little red. The eyebrows raised with evil spirits, and the eyes like rabbits had an unspeakable aura. Not only Ye Mu was looked at by him. He was a little stunned at first glance, and so was the person at the table next to him.

A man at the next table stared at Silent for a long time. He was tall and beautiful, and Silent looked better than a woman, so he naturally caught his eye!

You Qi's coquettish attitude after drinking wine silently, revealing innocence in the slightest drunkenness, is simply superb!

His Adam's apple rolled, and he finally couldn't bear it and came over. He was wearing a fancy dress, and there were two thugs behind him. Obviously, his identity was unusual, but at this time, his eyes were only staring at Silent, without blinking.

"Can I sit here?"

Ye Mu hadn't spoken yet, and said silently, "Shi you light."

Ye Mu raised his brows and didn't say a word, but the big man said nothing, "I'm the eldest son of the Zhou family. I just came back from an errand outside. How dare you ask the little brother's surname and where does he live?"

Silently turned to chopsticks and hurriedly prepared to tell the truth, but was stopped by Ye Mu.

"We are just ordinary people, what are you asking about?"

Zhou Xu then turned his attention to this little girl who looked only about ten years old, his eyes brightened, "Are you brothers and sisters?"