Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 19: blackmail


Now she can only pin her hopes on Ye Li, she only hates that she is too young and can't do anything, it's really hateful!

A group of young slaves were sent to the banquet hall, but two of them did not cry or make trouble. They were Mo Linyuan and Ye Xiaolang!

The business had been discussed in the hall, and after the business was the entertainment part, Taiwei Liu rubbed his hands, and said to Ye Li with a smile without looking at the little slaves.

"General, to be honest, this officer has no interest in other little guys recently, and I don't know how that little slave in your house is doing now?"

Ye Li didn't expect that he was still thinking about Mo Linyuan, and was a little unhappy, but in face, he touched his beard and explained.

"That child? You were slashed with a knife. I'm afraid he's seriously injured now, right?"

Who knew that when he was saying this, two little slaves suddenly ran out of the slaves.

As soon as Ye Xiaolang came out, he said loudly, "General, it's not good! Miss is in danger now! Please go and save her!"

One word stirred up a thousand waves, and the people who came here were either rich or expensive, and when they heard there was danger, they all stirred up.

Ye Li slapped the table! Finding that these two bold fellows were none other than the two little slaves beside Ye Mu, he was furious and said without thinking.

"Damn! Where is the danger from the General's Mansion?! Come on, drag these two slaves out of the conspiracy and execute them directly!"

"Wait a minute!" Liu Taiwei suddenly stood up, staring at Mo Linyuan with glowing eyes. Mo Linyuan has been raising for more than a month recently, and his complexion is better than before, and he can see that Liu Taiwei is drooling.

"General, wait and see!" He took a breath and pointed at Mo Linyuan, "General, since this kid is still alive, it's better to give it to this official instead of killing it!"

He was so eager that he said these words almost without hesitation, without any scruples until Ye Li frowned.

His eyes were fixed on Mo Linyuan, this kid, he wanted to kill him for a long time, he knew too many secrets of him, how could he give it away

But when he thinks that Mo Linyuan is so young, he can't read or speak, and his tongue is cut by himself, even if he is given away, there should be no problem, and none of the boys who fall into the hands of Liu Taiwei can live for three days. Yes, it's okay to send him!

So he frowned suddenly.

"Since the adults have spoken, then this general"

"No!" Ye Xiaolang suddenly and eagerly interrupted their words, thinking of the words that Mo Linyuan had written in his palm before he came, he mustered up the courage and said to Ye Li word by word.

"General, Aji has something important to show you. If you don't read it, you will definitely regret it!"

After he finished speaking, he waited for Ye Li to answer.

If ordinary slaves said this, Ye Li would definitely sneer, and how to deal with it would double the punishment! But does the little slave who knows a lot of his secrets have something to show him? He narrowed his eyes dangerously, stood up suddenly, got down from the main seat, and walked towards them.

The hall became audible, King Zhao was shaking his fan thoughtfully, and Taiwei Liu looked at Mo Linyuan nervously, for fear that Ye Li would cut him directly! Ye Xiaolang also took a step back in fear, only Mo Linyuan was calm and looked up into Ye Li's eyes.

For a long time, the hall was shrouded in a repressed and irritable mood. Ye Li grinned and walked up to him, condescendingly, "Is there something to show me? Hand it over."

There was the sound of someone swallowing saliva around. The thin Mo Linyuan looked so fragile in front of the tall Ye Li, as if it would break when he broke it, but he stood unyielding, his expression was calm, and even a little calm.

He put something quietly in Ye Li's hand.

"This is"

Many people only see it as a jade-like thing, which is small and cannot be seen clearly.

Ye Li looked at the hot jade block in the palm of his hand that was pinched by the young man, and his face became extremely ugly! He turned it over and saw that the four characters "Eternal Night Dynasty" on the back made him chill, and his limbs became stiff! !

Because, this is what is in the treasure!

After discovering the treasure, although he did not explicitly send someone to guard it, he secretly invited a master to sit in the town. It is impossible for this kid to steal it later. The only possibility is that on the night he discovered the treasure, this kid secretly brought it out !

And he is giving this thing to him now, the meaning is obvious, it is to threaten him!

Once this jade seal is obtained by someone with a heart, his ambition will be known immediately! His big plans, his deployments will all come to nothing! The most serious consequence is that no one can escape from the Ye family!

Thinking of this, Ye Li's eyes filled with murderous aura, he used his inner strength to completely shatter Yukuai, and then suddenly lifted Mo Linyuan up and slammed it against the giant pillar next to him, "You are courting death!!"

The singers of the entire hall knelt down, and the guests who came to the banquet also looked solemn and their bodies tense.

The murderous aura of bone-eroding came to his face, Mo Linyuan was grabbed by Ye Li's collar, his pale face gradually turned red, but there was no fear in his eyes, he grabbed Ye Li's hand with one hand, and pointed at King Zhao's with the other. The direction, that silent threat, made Ye Li even more annoyed!

His meaning is very clear. Since he can take out this jade seal, he may have taken other terrible things. Ye Li and Zhao Wang conspired, but they actually want to be the emperor himself. Now Zhao Wang is here. , If he sees and knows something he shouldn't know, then it will be Ye Li's turn to be in disaster.

So although Ye Li wanted to strangle Mo Linyuan directly, but his arms were blue veins, but he didn't have much strength in his fingers. He was threatened, and he really didn't dare to strangle this damn slave like this!

At this time, Taiwei Liu didn't dare to touch Ye Li's tiger whiskers, even if he was reluctant, but when King Zhao saw Mo Linyuan pointing his finger at him, he closed the fan and said with a smile, "General, don't get angry, this king sees this little boy. The guy is very interesting, why doesn't he speak, what kind of riddle are you playing?"

King Zhao's voice made Ye Li's body tremble slightly. He glanced at King Zhao, killing people without blinking his eyes. At this time, he also felt fear, and his vest was full of cold sweat.

Sure enough, he should have killed this little slave in the first place! There is no need to be threatened by him at this time.


After a long time, Ye Li laughed dryly, and suddenly let go, letting go of Mo Linyuan, "These two children are the people around my daughter, they say my daughter is in danger now, I can't believe it, so try what they said. It's true or false, and besides, this is a mute who can't speak."

"Really?" King Zhao replied with two words inexplicably.