Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 36: A little turtle


"Of course I know this!" Ye Mu stretched out his hand and wrote the word "Qi" stroke by stroke on his chest.

Yue Guo's surname is "Qi"!

Yan Xu's eyes widened, but she didn't expect that she really knew!

Before he could speak, Ye Mu added, "Don't worry, only I know about this at the moment, and if you're good, I won't tell Ye Li."

Knowing that a child's guarantee doesn't mean anything, but Yan Xu heard the words, he was relieved, and it took a long time for him to relax.


Why didn't he kill him, why didn't he tell him after knowing his secret? Also, how did she know? Who is she

Ye Mu waved his hand, "There's no reason, I don't understand your affairs, and I won't intervene easily. I don't care how you fought in the end, whether you win or lose. However, I won't report you, do you also? Should you do me a favor?"

Yan Xu became vigilant, "What are you busy with?"

"I know you have some power outside, and I know that your Qinggong is a little bit more powerful than the old man who guards the door outside. I hope you send a letter out and use your people to help me save someone."

Yan Xu frowned, "What if I say no?"

"You don't have the right to say no." Ye Mu said with a cold face, "This is what you should pay me for not reporting on you. As long as you do, I promise not to interfere in your affairs."

"Even if the lives of the people in your Ye family are at risk, you won't intervene?"

"Don't interfere." Ye Mu answered quickly and coldly.

"Okay! Then tell me, who do you want me to save?" Yan Xu thought for a moment and asked.

Ye Mu's expression was solemn, "It's a little slave who was sent from the General's Mansion to Liu Taiwei's mansion yesterday. His name is Aji. After he is rescued, just let him go."

As soon as he heard that the other party was not a prominent person, Yan Xu agreed after a little consideration. In the entire capital, except for the General's Mansion, the Imperial Palace, and the Heavenly Prison, it was not difficult for him to save individuals from other places.

"Then you can let me go now? Also, are you serious when you say my father is sick?"

Ye Li didn't know his identity, but Ye Mu knew, so inexplicably, Yan Xu believed her words somewhat.

"Of course, one secret is another. I am fair and trustworthy! However, I can't let you go."

"Why?" Yan Xu looked up at her puzzled, but saw that she took out his knife and touched his chest with her small hand.

"One yard is one yard. Although we are cooperating now, but the last time you almost killed me, I haven't calculated it with you!"

"How do you want to count?!"

"It's very simple." Ye Mu held the knife and gestured on him, "How about engraving 'Ye Mu is here' on your body?!"

"you dare!"

"You, you always say you dare, can you be a little new?" When Ye Mu said that, the blade had already cut through Yan Xu's chest, and blood beads would seep out at once.

Yan Xu gasped, the stinging pain contrasted sharply with the soreness of his body! He wanted to resist several times, but unfortunately, the effect of Ma Fei San was at its maximum at this time! His muscles were bulging, but he couldn't move!

"Don't move, take it easy!" Ye Mu put the tip of his tongue against the upper corner of his lips, and focused on writing and drawing on the scar on his chest with the tip of his knife, "If you're honest, I'll just write one sentence, you If you are not good, believe it or not, I will tattoo a picture of the Qingming River on your chest?"

Although I don't know what the hell is the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, this does not prevent Yan Xu from being angry!

"Yemu!! You warn you, you better get off me now! Otherwise, I won't save that person!"

"Okay, okay! If you don't save me, I'll go to Ye Li's place to report you now!"

"You! Damn!!"

"No matter how loud you yell, I won't be soft-hearted, and you murdered me, I'm angry, I'm going to draw another bastard on you!"

Yan Xu heard the words and was completely quiet. In the rockery, there were only his violent gasps and the sound of his fists being squeezed.

Seeing that he was honest, Ye Mu could finally take revenge quietly. Really, she was almost killed, but it was too cheap for him to get a tattoo!

She was lying on Yan Xu's body, her small five-short figure was in sharp contrast with the other's slender body, and her flesh was soft and tender, but Yan Xu's body was as hard as iron, which made her uncomfortable.

Yan Xu swore that if it wasn't for Ma Fei San, he would definitely kill this milk baby! But I don't know why, when she breathed softly into his chest, her wicked laughter was in his ears, and the anger seemed to be poked in a hole, obviously it shouldn't be, but it couldn't be restrained. Damn it! Shouldn't he have ripped this mischievous little thing to pieces? ! Why does the body have an illusion of attachment and softness? It is so painful that the blade cuts through the skin! Is he crazy? !

Just when he was stunned, Ye Mu drew the last knife!

"Okay, call it a day!"

It was only after Yan Xu came back to his senses that Ye Mu finally got off him with both hands and feet. She stood in the cave, looking down at her masterpiece and touching her chin.

"In this way, every time you want to cherish your mother in the future, you will think of today's humiliation! Hahahaha! Don't stare, how do you say that? People live, you have to stay angry, I'm helping you! Hehe! hey-hey!"

After speaking, she packed herself up and ran out briskly, "Okay, I'm going to bed, I hope you can help me save someone tomorrow, I'll thank you in advance!"

Before the words were finished, the man had already gone outside, and his energetic appearance did not look like he had not slept all night.

Yan Xu watched Ye Mu jump away in silence, the disaster star finally left! He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the blood on his chest. Sure enough, the scar on his chest was cut open by the blade, and the blood was blurred. He reached out and touched it, and he couldn't help but "his", but Ye Mu let out some blood. He seemed to have regained some strength, and after a long rest, he slowly walked out of the rockery. At this time, the horizon was already white.

After returning to his room, he did not immediately change his clothes, but came to the bronze mirror and pulled off his clothes.

The place where there was a scar was suddenly covered by a very ugly tortoise. The tortoise looks ugly, but after looking at it for a long time, it will actually feel a little cute? He probably didn't know there was a word called "dumb and cute", and when he touched the injured piece of skin with his hand, he didn't even have any murderous intention in his heart, and even secretly, he had the urge to keep this trace.

"I must be crazy"