Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 55: The war begins


Ye Mu was startled, and then heard Zhang Yuan continue, "The general launched a mutiny at the city gate and confronted King Zhao. However, with the help of the second prince, the general's surprise attack quickly defeated King Zhao's troops, but King Zhao escaped under the protection of his cronies, probably hiding in the palace."

"So the general asked his subordinates to pick up the young lady and return to the general's mansion immediately. It will soon become unsafe here."

Ye Mu felt a little worried when he heard Ye Li launched the offensive.

"What about Aji? Is there anything wrong with him?"

"Young Master Aji is fine, please leave with your subordinates."

Ye Mu nodded, but the strange feeling in his heart became more and more serious. Why did the second prince suddenly help Ye Li? They shouldn't be friends if they're not enemies

More and more doubts made her feel a little enlightened, but she couldn't believe it.

After leaving the palace, Ye Mu soon saw Ye Li, but not in the general's mansion, but in a sacrifice square in the city.

At this time, the streets were in a mess, and there was not a single ordinary person. The bloodstains left on the ground proved that this place was also affected by the battle between the two armies in the morning.

In the square, tens of thousands of people wore black armor to support the sacrifice roof, and everyone had a chilling look on their faces, but when they looked at the person on the roof, their eyes were full of loyalty!

Ye Mu felt more and more strange, she looked up at the sacrifice roof, Ye Li was on the roof, tall and majestic!

"Mu'er, you are here!"

Ye Li said a word, and the crowd immediately gave way to an avenue to let Ye Mu pass.

Ye Mu pressed his heart and walked up, Ye Li's big hand was on her head, and he hadn't seen him for a long time. He was much more energetic than before, and his whole person was in high spirits, like a beast coming out of its cage. domineering.

"Father." Ye Mu asked hesitantly, "Why are you gathered here?"

Didn't it say that King Zhao escaped after losing the battle? At this time, Ye Li should be looking for him everywhere, why is he going to attack the palace

Ye Li smiled slightly, "On King Zhao's side, I have already sent someone to arrest him. Now that King Zhao's army has dispersed, it is a good time to pursue the victory. At present, only the forbidden army is left, and I want to kill the emperor. There is still a fight today. A tough battle is to be fought!"

So Ye Li wanted to attack the palace on the day he defeated King Zhao. How could this be possible

Ye Mu was shocked. Now that the situation in the palace is unknown, it would be too hasty to pursue the victory at this time!

And the second prince, didn't Ye Li reach an agreement with the second prince? Why can't I see him now

The more Ye Mu thought about it, the more confused she became, but before she could ask any questions, Ye Li pointed at the people beside her and said to her with a smile, "You're here just in time! Before sending troops, it was just for you to recognize people. These are all for fathers. The old part! When the emperor and I were fighting the world, there were many brothers by my side, but now, they are the only ones left!"

Ye Mu looked at the 20 or 30 people around Ye Li. All of these people were calm and seemed to have extraordinary martial arts skills. More importantly, they were extremely loyal to Ye Li.

The uneasy premonition in his heart is even stronger, because the victory is in hand, so Ye Li has summoned all his hidden power

At a critical time, Ye Li's previous partners were indeed abandoned by Ye Li, and they were finally released. It can be seen how much Ye Li trusted and valued them.

"General, this is Ling Qianjin? At such a young age, he is calm and composed, and he is indeed extraordinary!"

A veteran with a scar on Ye Li's face suddenly interjected, facing Ye Li, he did whatever he wanted, and Ye Li didn't seem to blame at all, but laughed!

"Yes, she is my favorite daughter, she is extraordinary!"

Everyone laughed. They were loyal to Ye Li and deeply concerned for Ye Mu. This kind of strong emotional change made Ye Mu feel more cordial. those old comrades.

But Ye Li is in the treasure, and he will kill if he wants to kill his confidants. Why do these people still trust Ye Li so much? Did he not know Ye Li's nature, or what did Ye Li do to them

Ye Mu couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his head and asked Ye Li, "Father, are they your old department? Why haven't I seen them before?"

Ye Li touched her head, a deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

"You haven't seen it before, because they were all suppressed by the imperial court, and they lived a life inferior to pigs and dogs. There was no way for them to be a father, but to hide them."

Ye Li's words made the scene quiet, and many people were moved and grateful to him.

"Back then, together with their father, they worked hard to recover the land occupied by the state of Chu, and they also expanded their territory. Who would have thought that after the war was settled, the dog emperor, who had promised them prosperity and wealth, went back on his promises! , and two generals, they were too upright, seeing that they could not get the benefits that the soldiers deserved, they said something they shouldn't have said in anger, and they were killed by the emperor on the grounds of 'bad intentions', and I was the only one left. , being careful, bowing his head as a minister, and only escaped the catastrophe.”

When he said this, his eyes were so deep and his tone was so tragic, as if the past could not be looked back on his words, which confused Ye Mu, as if he never really knew him, Ye Li is not a cautious and ruthless person ? In other words, he was fake in the past, and his caution and ruthlessness were all for the people he wanted to protect? Is this the truth

Ye Li raised his head, his copper bell-like eyes swept the audience, his expression was so solemn.

"Mu'er, many people here are people who fought bloody battles on the battlefield! Many of them have no home and lost their healthy bodies because of this. When they get old, they don't get what they deserve. On the contrary, endless enslavement and suppression!

Emperor Dog was afraid that the influence of the warriors would be too strong and his status would be jeopardized, so he reused the literati and suppressed the warriors. Many soldiers and soldiers were not reused and recognized. They were full of enthusiasm and finally died in depression, while more soldiers did not even eat. Not full, let alone talk about dignity! "

"When those literati squander their money and spend their days drinking and drinking, they live without food and clothing. Is this fair? It's not fair! Since it's not fair, it is natural for someone to preside over justice!"

Ye Li used his inner strength to transmit the voice, the voice became louder and faster, and the speed of speech became faster and faster. The last few words were even more refreshing!

"From today onwards, our warriors are no longer inferior! Emperor Gou suppresses military generals and re-uses literati, but after I captured the Yue Kingdom, I prefer to re-use warriors and suppress literate officials! I don't believe that literati can make peace, but warriors can't! We deserve it, if they don't give it, then we will grab it!!"

His words of justice cheered everyone up on the court.