Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 72: Bloodstains that cannot be wiped off


"Ye Mu?" Mo Linyuan endured the pain, sat up from the simple shelf and stared at her, "You finally woke up! What happened to you?"

Obviously the same person, why does Ye Mu feel so cold at this time

Ye Mu took his hand out of his hand, his fingertips dipped a little of his blood, hesitated for a moment, and put it in his mouth.

The smell of blood was not as fishy as expected, but had a hint of sweetness, which inexplicably suppressed the bloodthirsty violence that had tormented her all the way, and then attacked her even more strongly!

"Did they hurt you?"

After not speaking for a long time, Ye Mu's voice sounded intermittent and hoarse, and the mechanical pause also revealed that Sen Han was strange.

The people around finally reacted, and someone quickly said angrily, "It's them! They want to kill His Majesty, but His Majesty is worried about you, and he must come to find you before he is willing to leave."

Before he could finish speaking, he was stopped by Mo Linyuan. He was half lying on the shelf and looked at Ye Mu with a frown. The bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"I'm fine" As long as she wakes up, she's fine.

Ye Mu stiffly patted the back of his hand.

"It doesn't matter."

Her voice became even more hoarse, almost inaudible in the sound of the rain.

"Kill, I'll do it."

After speaking, she disappeared completely! Yes, disappear! When the body is approaching the extreme, everyone around has the illusion that she is missing out of thin air.

Then, a horrifying scream came from a distance!

A demon wakes up, she is on a killing spree!

The assassins, who had an eight-point confidence in killing the emperor, didn't take her seriously when Ye Mu rushed over. Where did this milk doll come from, is it here to die

But soon, they knew how wrong they were.

Originally, the emperor was only protected by more than 20 internal masters, and the rest were ordinary soldiers. The process of chasing the emperor was like a one-sided massacre, but since the appearance of Ye Mu, everything has changed. It was a one-sided slaughter, but the people who were slaughtered became them

There was a lot of slaughter, and the arrogant and arrogant masters were all in their own way, but since they experienced the horror of Ye Mu, they had to hug each other and save their lives!

But even if they were in a group, they still couldn't escape the fate of being slaughtered. That little white figure had corpses everywhere! The white clothes were gradually dyed red by the blood, and in the end, no matter whether she was approaching the enemy or her own people, she would be slaughtered indiscriminately!

Whenever she couldn't support her physical strength, she would drain the internal strength of several people, so that after a tragic battle, she stood on a pile of corpses with rosy cheeks like a full-fed devil.

All destroyed! !

The soldiers who had avoided it for a long time saw this scene. Even if they didn't sleep all night, their spirits were still highly tense, their faces were pale, and the two were fighting!

A person, a little girl, actually slaughtered four or five hundred people in one hour! And those people are not ordinary people, they are real masters of internal strength!

At the end of the fight, those people actually didn't have the courage to fight anymore and wanted to run away, but no matter how fast they ran, Ye Mu could catch up. She was like a clone technique. Those who want to run away will pile their corpses together maliciously after killing them, forming a terrifying mountain of corpses!

Is that human being? ! Everyone is asking themselves this.

Mo Linyuan was no less shocked than others. He knew that before Ye Li died, he passed on his own skills, as well as the skills he absorbed, to Ye Mu, but he never thought that Ye Mu would be so strong! With the power of one person, he destroyed all the masters of the three major families of the Mexican country, and was unscathed!

"Ye Mu?" Mo Linyuan just treated the wound a little, then got off the shelf and wanted to walk towards her.

"Your Majesty, don't go!" Zi Xu, who had already rushed back, grabbed Mo Linyuan eagerly, "Miss Ye attacked me before, she is obviously irrational now, you were too dangerous in the past!"

Others thought so too. They stopped Mo Linyuan from letting him pass, and stared into the distance vigilantly.

At this time, the sky turned white and the rain stopped, but the blood seeped into the ground. Even if it was washed by the heavy rain overnight, the tip of the nose would still smell of blood. Ye Mu stood on the pile of corpses and used his blood-stained clothes. , to wipe the blood from his fingers.

This behavior seems calm and normal, but against the backdrop of those dead corpses, there is a strangeness everywhere.

"It's okay," Mo Linyuan said with a grim expression, "She won't hurt me."

Mo Linyuan still remembered what Ye Mu said to him before. Obviously, she was still a little sensible, at least, she knew him.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing Mo Linyuan's insistence, everyone stopped in front of him and did not allow him to pass.

The voice here alarmed Ye Mu in the distance. She suddenly looked over like a small beast. It was so far away that everyone couldn't see her expression clearly, but she could feel that she had a real sight. , they are more nervous!

"It doesn't matter." Mo Linyuan's voice was extremely low, as if he was afraid of disturbing something. His deep phoenix eyes stared at Ye Mu's direction for a moment, and quietly ordered.

"You all stay here, I will go alone."

After speaking, Mo Linyuan ignored the disapproving eyes of everyone and walked towards Ye Mu.

What is it like to climb Corpse Mountain

Mo Linyuan felt that his hands and feet were cold, and the injured area seemed to hurt more than before.

The feeling of stepping on the corpse is not good. No matter how smart he is, he is only in his teens. Facing the terrible scene in front of him, he has a long-lost tension in his heart.

And Ye Mu looked down at him, wiping his fingers slowed down, but looking at his eyes, it was like looking at a dead person.

Mo Linyuan's throat rolled, and he approached her step by step, each step as if he was walking on the tip of a knife.

Finally, he walked to Ye Mu, and Ye Mu also stopped wiping his hands.

Before Mo Linyuan could speak, Ye Mu actually spoke first, and she stretched out her hand, which was getting more and more dirty, in front of him.

"A lot of blood, I can't wipe it clean."

It was obviously calm, but from her eager actions, Mo Linyuan could feel the deep sorrow in her heart. If she was awake, she would definitely not want to kill so many people.

Thinking of this, Mo Linyuan used his still wet clothes to wipe her hands.

The blood was wiped off a little bit, and he felt that Ye Mu's emotions seemed to have been calmed down a lot.

"Look, isn't this wiped off?"

Mo Linyuan asked her to look at his hand, Ye Mu looked over and over, only to see Mo Linyuan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Mu'er, can I hold you down?"