Our Second Master

Chapter 6


That night passed inexplicably.

A lot of people smiled respectfully at me, and there were many maids who served me.

I want to say that I am a maid just like you, so don't add food to me.

But I didn't dare to say, in this kind of occasion, I can't even eat food, how can I dare to speak.

The second master sat on the side from beginning to end, smiling and socializing with the people around him. Although the second master is smiling, he is not frivolous at all, on the contrary, he is very calm. The people around him speak respectfully to him, and he has no arrogance at all.

As for what they are talking about, I don't understand at all.

Later, after drinking for three rounds, someone suddenly came to another table, and he thumped and knelt down in front of the second master.

I took a closer look, oops! This is the boy brother who surrounded the second master and beat me.

He knelt on the ground, but his waist was not bent. He looked like he had drunk a lot of wine and his complexion was red. He looked at Second Master, panting heavily, and said: "Second Master Yang, I don't know what you mean by asking me today, but there is one thing I have to say!"

You just say chant, yell what.

The second master looked at him quietly and said, "Say."

The man was so excited that his nostrils were a little enlarged, and he said loudly: "When the second master suffered, my Wang family did not send charcoal in the snow, and my Wang Zhi did something about falling into trouble. The second master is now well-developed and he is in charge of half of the Jiangnan commercial road. It is reasonable to take care of my Wang family! But!!!"

Wang Zhi really drank too much. The people in the whole painting were watching him. He stared at the second master and said: "But! Wang Zhi doesn't regret it!" There was even a hint of crying in his voice, "I." No regrets! Back then, you made trouble after drinking in the Osmanthus House and cut off my wife's long hair. My wife did not dare to go out for half a year and never showed joy. Do you remember that!?"

I was silent, and glanced at the second master secretly, the second master had no expression.

Wang Zhi finally yelled: "So I don't regret it! Yang Yiqi, our Wang family has a small business, and we can live without your care!"

The second master finally spoke.

"Then why do you kneel on me now."

Everyone was quiet, and Wang Zhi was also quiet.

I really don't need to take care of it, what else to kneel down.

Wang Zhi bent down and cried, the whole ship was watching.

The second master pushed aside the stool and stood on the ground. He didn't hold a crutches, with one hand on the table and the other on Wang Zhi's shoulders.

"stand up."

Wang Zhi did not move.

The second master tried hard, "Prince Prince, get up."

Wang Zhi looked up at Er Ye and finally stood up.

At his stop, the second master became the shortest in the ship. Someone wanted to come and help him into the seat, the second master shook his head, poured himself a glass of wine, turned around, and whispered to everyone:

"Everyone, among the people invited today, some have recognized me before, and some have not recognized me. Some have paid gratitude, and some have been enmities. I respect this glass of wine to those who have paid gratitude."

After the second master drank a glass of wine and threw the glass, he moved a step back and raised his head again:

"This head, I knocked it to those who had been enemies."

As soon as the voice fell, no one reacted. The second master had already bowed his head and knocked his forehead on the wooden board of the painting boat with a thud. He has only half of his thigh, and this head is hard to knock.

Everyone was stunned, including me.

Who dares to bear the head of the second master, let alone me as a maid, the people here are all people who want to take the second master, and they don't dare to bear it, and they got up quickly. But no one expected such a situation, so no one dared to speak.

The second master stood up, his expression still unchanged, he poured another glass of wine, and said to everyone: "I, Yang Yiqi, come out to do business and rely on only three things!"

"Courage, mind, and credibility." The second master's voice was calm and his eyes were clear. "I have committed a gangster before, and God gave me punishment. If you are willing to give me a chance and believe me again, then in the future everyone will be blessed to enjoy and make money together, Yang Yiqi will never treat you badly."

The second master is the second master, and he knows how to say a few words, and several people in the seat are crying.

"As for you." The second master looked at Wang Zhi, pointed at me with the thumb of the jade finger, and whispered: "Do you remember her."

Wang Zhi looked at me and nodded.

The second master said indifferently: "Kow her three heads and beg her to be okay, even if it is revealed that day."

Wang Zhi walked in front of me, thumped and knelt down, knocked three times, I looked at Erye in a panic, Erye said nothing. I tried to say: "No, no, nothing."

Wang Zhi got up, and the second master nodded at him.

On the way back, the second master called me into the sedan chair and said, "I'm wronged you."

I was shocked. It was the first time I was kowtowed by the son, and I said I was not wronged. The second master smiled and said, "Sit down."

I leaned closer, not daring to look up at the second master, and kept my head down. The second master said: "You always look down, what do you look at." I said nonsense: "Look at the finger." The second master picked the finger off and put it in my hand, "You like this? Give it to you."

How dare I pick it up, shaking my head and saying: "I'll just take a look."

The second master took my hand and put his finger in my hand. The emerald green one still carries the heat from the second master. I held it in my hand, even less dare to speak.

This time the second master came back and stayed often. The second master bought another big house, which was similar to the previous Yang Mansion. The lady and the ladies also picked it up. The house suddenly became more lively.

The second master who used to be the most unwelcome to see is now the master of the house, except for the wife, everyone will respectfully call him a master when they meet.

After the house became lively, the butler recruited a few little servants. I knew at a glance that this was going to Erye's yard.

I sat in the yard for a long time that day, staring at the moon in a daze.

I figured it out in my heart, how many silver taels are in my hand now.

After a long time, I finally got a gratifying result. It turns out that in the past few years, my size has become a rich man.

No, it's a rich monkey.

In the next few days, I exchanged all the money in my hand into silver bills, and used all the clothes and jewelry that the second master gave me before, and replaced them with loose silver. Only the jade finger, so beautiful, I didn't want to take it properly, and kept it in the package.

My deed was still with my wife, so I went to my wife, explained the reason to her, and gave her the money again, wanting her to return me freely.

The wife looked at me and said softly: "Where is there any deed, when the accident happened that year, it was long gone."

I was stunned, and then said, "The slave and maid will be gone. Madam will take care of her health from now on."

The lady didn't say anything, sitting in the pavilion, bowed her head and wiped her tears.

How can I go? I went to help her and said, "Madam, don't cry."

The lady sobbed: "My poor stranger..."

Second master

I said, "What's wrong with the second master."

The lady shook her head and said to herself: "My poor Qier, poor Qier..."

I didn't know why she was crying. I told her, "Madam, don't cry. Our second master is amazing now."

The lady didn't care about me, she sat down and cried. I couldn't coax it anymore, sighed, and turned around to leave.

When I turned around, I saw Second Master standing not far away on a crutches, staring at the package in my hand. The old butler stood trembling and trembling.

I walked over and asked Ann, and said, "Second Lord, I am leaving."

The second master smiled at me and said, "Okay."

I was taken aback, and then a little unhappy. In other words, I can be regarded as having been with you for many years, although only a little maid, but you are not in this tone.

Of course, I still didn't dare to show dissatisfaction, and said to Er Ye: "Then, Er Ye take care."

After finishing speaking, I walked past him, walked far, far, secretly turned my head, the second master is still standing there, and the butler is already kneeling next to the second master, I don't know what I'm talking about.

I always feel that the second master's back is a little bend.

Then I immediately shook my head.

How can it be.

I hired an ox cart and prepared to go back to my hometown.

As a result, I was stopped by the butler within three days after I left.

When he saw me, he knelt and jumped over like his own mother. The whole inn looked over here. He said: "Girl, come back! Please come back!"

I said, "What's wrong with you?"

The butler spoke incoherently for a long time, and finally I summed it up—

The second master is sick.

I came out of the ox cart, and the cart went back. I told the housekeeper on the way, "It's only been three days, why is it sick?"

The butler looked sad, "Oh, I am troublesome, I am troublesome."

In response to the question, I said: "What the hell is it?"

The manager sighed long, and said to me earnestly:

"Girl, the second master feels bitter."

I didn't ask any more.

When I returned to the house, everyone stared at me. I buried my neck and entered the Erye’s yard. The butler sent it to the entrance of the yard.

The yard is large, but there is no one.

I feel a bit complaining about the housekeeper, because you have recruited so many little maids, so there is no one to serve you.

I knocked on the door of the second master's room and said, "Second master, are you there?"

There is no sound inside.

I was afraid that something would happen, so I opened the door directly.

In the room, the second master was wearing a nightgown and lying on the bed with his eyes closed. The first time I looked at him, I felt sad. I didn't pretend, I was really sick.

I walked over and whispered, "Second Lord, what do you think? The slave and maid will go and ask the doctor for you."

The second master slowly opened his eyes, looked at me, and said dumbly: "You still care about me."

I opened my mouth and didn't speak.

I don't know what to say.

The second master stretched out a hand, and I held it subconsciously. The second master's hands are very wide, and all of them are calluses. I don't know what the old master's hands were like before, or whether they are also exposed to wind and frost like the second master.

He covered his eyes with the other hand, his voice was low, and said:

"Little monkey, it's okay if you don't walk. You can't hold it anymore if you leave..."

This is the most uncomfortable thing Second Master said in my life. It hurts a lot more than when he hit me and kicked me.