Our Second Master

Chapter 7


But I told him: "Second Lord, I can't stay."

The second master kept covering his eyes with his hands. After listening to my words, he did not speak or let go.

I said: "Second Lord, you tell the housekeeper what you should order, or he is afraid of being improperly served."

The second master did not move.

I called the butler in arbitrarily, and the butler stood by with his hands down.

I told him, "Butler, remember what I said."

The butler nodded and said yes, "What is the girl going to say."

I said, "The second master’s leg is almost healed, but it often hurts during rainy days. You should prepare a warm towel and apply it in advance. There used to be a medicine store on the old street called Huichuntang, although it was a small shop. , But the doctor inside is good at craftsmanship and has been taking care of the second master’s legs for several years. If you have any problems, you can go to him."

"The bamboo tube inserted in the legs needs to be replaced in three months. The carpenters' workshops at the entrance of the city know that the cloth used to wrap the legs cannot be softened with silk. I need to add an extra layer under the armpit of the right sleeve of the clothes, and I will leave the size of the trousers to the lady."


"Second Lord is not taboo to eat, but his mouth is a bit heavy. The old man told me not to eat spicy food. You tell the kitchen to cook as much as possible not to put peppers."

"You pay more attention at night. Sometimes the second master can't sleep and likes to sit in the yard and drink. But he doesn't drink much. Don't disturb him, hide behind the house and watch. Don't let him hurt. Just... Butler?"

As soon as I said a few words, I saw the old butler crying and knelt down again.


I don't know what is going on with this butler. I never found him crying so much when the master was here.

I turned my head and wanted Erye to say a few words to comfort the housekeeper, but Erye kept a posture and didn't move. For a moment, I felt as if I was back a few years ago, when the second master was just injured and took home, that life is not life, and death is not the appearance of death.

I shook the second master and said, "Second master, what's the matter with you."

The second master did not move, his palms covered his eyes, leaving only a closed mouth.

The housekeeper said, "Since the girl left, the master hasn't eaten anything for three days."

I opened my eyes wide and said to the second master, "Why doesn't the second master eat?"

The butler knocked his head, then got up and said, "Girl, I'm old and can't remember these things. You should remember them yourself." He left after speaking.

I was stunned, but the housekeeper can do this

"Little monkey..." The second master opened his mouth, and I quickly focused my attention. I said, "Second Lord, if you want something to eat, I will ask someone to cook it."

The second master seemed to really think about it, and said, "Noodles."

"Okay! You wait."

I quickly went to the kitchen to make a bowl of noodles, and everyone was looking at me with eager eyes all the way out. I was infected by this enthusiasm, thinking that this bowl of noodles would be poured into Erye no matter what method was used.

I remembered that when the second master refused to eat, I was too active.

It doesn't work now, Erye's arm, I shattered with just a pinch.

But this time the second master cooperated very much. I brought the noodles over, and he pulled it twice and it was gone.

Watching him eat vigorously, I feel very comfortable.

The second master stopped eating as he ate, looked at the noodle bowl, and said in a low voice, "Do you remember when we used to eat noodles."

I said I remembered that when he came back late, we often sat in the kitchen to eat noodles together at night. Although I still eat noodles now, this bowl is already made of jade porcelain.

The second master said: "I have been thinking about this bowl of noodles for the past few days."

I said, "If the second master likes to eat noodles, tell the housekeeper." It's nothing to be hungry.

The second master smiled bitterly and said: "Sometimes, I don't know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid."

I didn't speak.

The second master leaned on the bed and whispered: "I ran to Jiangsu once the year before, and encountered a heavy rain. The caravan was trapped in the mountain and couldn't get out."

I don't know why the second master mentioned this to me suddenly, but he listened quietly.

The second master patted his leg, looked at me, and said:

"My master's bamboo tube was gone, so I just left. I hid in the cave at night and it was terribly cold. Everyone was afraid of dying here, so they chatted and encouraged each other. The person sitting next to me asked me ' You’re all like this, how come out.’ I told him that I had to make money. The man laughed and said, “That’s right, or for money, who wants to work hard to run out.” I told him again that I had to make money. Earn money, but not for money. He asked me what I meant..."

The second master recalled the past, and gently held his leg, his voice was very calm.

"I told him that after I lost my legs, thinking about my entire life, I felt boring. I didn't want to live. But one day I suddenly discovered that there is still a person in this world who is willing to work hard for a cripple like me. But that People are stupid to die, I was thinking, if I die like that, then what is she worth?"

"Things that are regarded as treasures by the useless are still useless. So I told myself that I have to go up and be a master. I only have this half left, but I have to lift her up."

"So I can eat any bitterness. I wear stars and moons outside, eat and sleep in the wind, drink the cold wind and swallow the sand, but as long as I think of her enjoying the good fortune in Hangzhou, I feel comfortable in my heart, and I can go on this road."

At some point, Erye's eyes were red again, so red that I didn't even dare to look at it.

"Little monkey..." He took my hand, bent down, and said beside my low cheek: "You know what I regret most in this life."

I shook my head vigorously, I don't know, I don't know anything.

The second master trembled: "I didn't remember you."

He took my hand and put it on his chest, with hot tears dripping on my wrist, and I felt so uncomfortable that I almost died.

"Master regrets not remembering you." He took my hand and slapped his chest. "You obviously stayed in my yard for two years, but I can't remember you. I can even remember how many rockery ponds there are in that yard, but I can't remember you. The only one in my life that hasn't left me behind People, I can’t remember her. Did you say you were lying to me? Have you really been in that yard?"

Suddenly I felt wronged to death, and cried: "I didn't lie to you, I've been here! I've been!"

The second master hugged me all of a sudden, and whispered: "You didn't lie to me, I know you didn't lie to me. Now the Lord’s retribution is coming. Once there was you, the Lord couldn’t see it, but now the Lord wants to see it, you have to Let’s go. Little monkey, do you still want to let your master live."

I was crying, the smell on Erye's body was very good, clean and warm. I cried for a long time, and fell asleep directly in the arms of the second master.

When I woke up, I found that the second master was also asleep, so he turned sideways and hugged me.

I just moved, the second master's hand tightened and opened his eyes.

I am a yellow-flowered monkey. This is the first time I woke up in the arms of a man. I struggled to stay innocent.

The second master's arm is like an iron hoop. I can't get rid of it. I said, second master, you let go. The second master looked at me with a blank face and said, "Let go and run again, let the master crawl and chase."

I won't move anymore.

After all, Erye's arms are so wide and warm.

After lying down for a while, I whispered: "I don't work as a maid."

The second master smiled low above my head and said, "Why?"

I said: "The maidservant will be trampled on..." I have seen this before.

The second master may not understand the esoteric part of my words. He thought for a while and said, "You mean, I will beat you?" After he finished speaking, he immediately said, "I haven't beaten other maidservants before. ."

I nodded, "Yes, the second master hit me."

The second master's arm stiffened, "What?"

I looked up at him and told him what I had done before. The second master gritted his teeth and said, "Impossible! I can't beat you!"

I don't think the second master believed me, so he explained all kinds of things in detail. What kicks, pushes, slaps? The second master's face became darker and darker, and finally sat up with a trembling, looking at me with some fear in his eyes.

"So... So you hate me, right? I hit you, did you hate me..." When I saw Erye so panicked for the first time, he turned around and I thought he was going to support crutches. He stepped straight forward.

I hurriedly called the second master, he had knocked to the ground.

I rushed out of the bed and saw that his leg was broken. I'm going out to find medicine for wounds, the second master took my hand.

"Don't go, little monkey, don't go." The second master lay on the ground, regardless of posture, clinging to my hand. "Can you call me back? You call me, call me back."

I finally know what happened to him.

I squatted down, held the second master on the shoulders, and hugged him onto the bed.

I said to him: "Second Lord, the past things are over, you can forget about it."

The second master lowered his head, his expression very painful.

Suddenly, my stupid monkey brain flashed, feeling that this was a good opportunity, and hurriedly said: "Second Lord, I don't want to be a maid."

The second master still lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "Will Mrs. Tongfang do it?"

I was stunned, what is Mrs. Tongfang.

I asked him carefully, "Second Lord, the madam... how many are there."

The second master suddenly raised his head, glared at me, and said fiercely: "How many ladies were there in the Yang Mansion before!?" I thought for a while and said, "There is only a lady and a lady."

I'm going to put myself in a daze.

Then I suddenly realized what the second master was doing.

The second master saw my monkey eyes brighten up, knowing that I might understand, he snorted himself and turned his head.

I looked at him and said, "Second Lord, your face is so red."

The second master turned around and sneered at me.

I knew right away that I was going to be happy and sad.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the second master gave me a light push, and I lay directly on the bed like a dead monkey.

I tremblingly asked him: "Second Lord, you, what smells on you." Why is it so good

The second master looked at me leaning on his body, and said lightly: "Manly."

I dare not speak anymore.

That day, I personally verified the "shuangshuangtian" that the maidservants used to say in the past.

It's really cool.

The sad thing is-I am no longer a yellow-flowered monkey.

I looked at the second master who was sleeping quietly next to me. He kept asking me when he first saw me, and I said I had forgotten.

Actually I lied.

How could I forget that day.

He was dressed in white, sitting in the hall with a pair of slender hands holding a tea cup, and said to me, "Raise your head."

I looked up and saw him frown first, and then laughed out with a chuckle, and said, "It's almost like a monkey." At that time, the maids all around laughed, but I didn't care.

I have been looking at him, looking at him aloft, just like looking at the fairy in my heart.

I used to think that a person like Erye, I am afraid that I will spend my entire life without touching a finger.

Later, the second master was injured. I was able to stay and take care of him. I felt that although he was a little bit tired, at least he got off the altar a bit, and I could touch him.

Who knows that the second master is so powerful, he crawled out of hell, I originally thought he was going back to the place he used to be, but who knew he did come back-holding my hand together.

Later, the second master often asked me to tell him about the past. He was unhappy if I didn't say it, and he felt uncomfortable on the side after I said it. At first I couldn't bear it, but then I thought it was fun again.

However, I only dare to talk about what happened when he was angry. When he was not angry, I never dared to speak when he quietly passed in front of me.

Because I'm afraid to say it, some things will not be hidden.

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