
Chapter 27


Since Ying Xize called and he was still filming on the set, Lu Zhiwei also cared about him and Sang Wanci's filming situation by the way.

Ying Xize said that everything is going well and everything is fine.

Compared with the meeting when he first joined the group, now Sang Wanci seems to be finally willing to let go of himself, no longer exerting too much energy, and forcing himself to break through.

It's just that after Lu Zhiwei and Lao Xigu finished filming, she always looked around the scene habitually after filming, as if she was looking for someone.

"I'm not looking for you, sister." Ying Xize joked on the phone.

But Lu Zhiwei knew it was no joke.

Sang Wanci was indeed looking for her.

Maybe it's because I'm used to seeing her standing on the sidelines every time the performance is over, casting encouraging and approving glances at her.

In Lu Zhiwei's heart, people like Sang Wanci just want to praise her more, affirm everything she does, every effort she puts in, only then will she realize that she is like a star in the eyes of others Kisaragi exists.

Perhaps in the future, with the addition of major film and television gold awards, she no longer needs weak words of encouragement at this time.

Just like a child growing up, his wings are getting fuller, and he will gradually realize that he can also fly high on his own.

"It's my honor to be remembered by such an excellent teacher Sang." Lu Zhi said with a smile.

Ying Xize: "Mr. Ying also misses you, isn't it your honor?"

Lu Zhiwei was ruthless: "No, you are no match for Teacher Sang."

Ying Xize: "...

"Lu Zhiwei, you hurt the heart of an innocent boy!

"But I will mercifully forgive you this time, since the hat you wove me is so pretty."

Lu Zhi smiled so that his eyes crooked: "All right, all right, thank you, Teacher Ying, for your kind hand. Just as long as you like the hat."

After thinking about it, I couldn't help asking one more thing: "When I'm not around, you have to stick to the 'male virtue', and you can't use two things at once. If you like it, you only like one person seriously, do you understand?"

Ying Xize nodded his head on the other end of the phone: "Got it, male and male, Wai Rui Goode."

Lu Zhiwei: "Yes, on the road."

After hanging up the phone, Ying Xize wanted to take a selfie and post it on Weibo.

Accompanying text: The little hat my sister knitted for me [rose][rose]

Fans left messages one after another.

@喵姜啦咕咕: Happy birthday treasure [love] [love]

@Broken Love Front Alliance: Good guy, where did you come from

@流客行 You can’t do it: this is a big hat [狗头]

@混罗的她起: This workmanship is really good, please don’t take the things you bought outside, and make a sister out of nothing [狗头]

Lu Zhiwei gave Ying Xize a thumbs up with a large number and then quit.

Anyway, she is still an unknown newcomer actor, no matter who gives her praise, she will not cause a splash.

Then she opened WeChat, looked at the words "Teacher Sang" in the note, and fell into deep thought.

After she finished filming and left the crew, the chat records between her and Sang Wanci also seemed to freeze, stopping before the filming process.

It's not that she doesn't want to chat with Sang Wanci, but after leaving the film crew, she doesn't know what topic to use to disturb Sang Wanci.

They are friends.

Ordinary friends.

It's still far from being able to disturb at will.

But thinking of what Ying Xize said, she couldn't help but want to disturb Sang Wanci.

Even if she is not on the set, even if she is not by her side, she still wants to praise her.

- You are very good, you are excellent, always be confident.

With this in mind, she poked the input field.

After thinking about it, I sent the emoji of the little cat poking her head again.

Hope it won't disturb her rest.

Lu Zhiwei thought carefully.

After the emoji was sent out, there was no immediate reply like last time.

After about ten minutes, Sang Wanci's reply popped up on the screen.

[Ms. Sang]: [Cute.JPG]

Copy her emoji again like last time.

This surprised her.

The tense mood calmed down instantly, and even the desire to chat became more relaxed and stronger.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Teacher Sang, are you resting

[Ms. Sang]: I just took a shower.

[Teacher Sang]: What's wrong

[Lu Zhiwei]: It’s fine, I just mentioned you when I was chatting with Xiao Ying, so I’ll take the liberty to bother you

[Deer Zhiwei]: [Cat Papa.JPG]

[Teacher Sang]: What did he say about me

[Ms. Sang]: Bad words

Seeing these two words, Lu Zhiwei couldn't help laughing.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Of course not

[Lu Zhiwei]: He said that you work hard, your acting is getting better and better, and he also said that he wants to learn from you

[Lu Zhiwei]: Our teacher Sang is really excellent and everyone praises him!

[Lu Zhiwei]: [Applause.JPG]

Sang Wanci looked at these four messages, her face felt as if she was being caressed by the warm sun, and she felt a comfortable warmth.

She could tell that Lu Zhiwei wanted to praise her.

Her dear fans, even if they are two places away, encourage her in their own way.

Lu Zhiwei waited several seconds for Sang Wanci's new reply.

Simple and clear words: [Thank you. ]

Lu Zhiwei couldn't help smiling at the screen.

Get back to her in the warm blanket.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Don't be polite to me

[Teacher Sang]: You gave Ying Xize the hat

[Lu Zhiwei]: Discovered by Teacher Sang

[Lu Zhiwei]: The craftsmanship is relatively poor, the weaving is ordinary, Mr. Sang, please don’t laugh at me

[Lu Zhiwei]: [Sorry.JPG]

[Teacher Sang]: Weaving is very good.

[Ms. Sang]: It is better than the ones bought outside.

Seeing Sang Wanci praise herself so much, Lu Zhiwei couldn't help feeling a little bit of pride in his heart, and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

—No, no, it's not that good.

[Lu Zhiwei]: If Teacher Sang likes it, I can also weave it for Teacher Sang.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Not only hats, but anything!

When Sang Wanci saw the latter sentence, he suddenly felt that Lu Zhiwei was very powerful.

She has mastered hand knitting so much that she can knit anything, isn't that amazing

Sang Wanci did not hesitate to praise her: [This is not an easy task, you are amazing. ]

Lu Zhiwei felt embarrassed.

[Teacher Sang]: You taught yourself

[Lu Zhiwei]: Hmm, self-taught

[Lu Zhiwei]: I have more time, so I can learn random things

Once a person is idle, he can even take a pair of tweezers to snap off the strawberry seeds one by one.

What's more, for a person like her who has nothing to do except go to work, eat, sleep, and the rest of her leisure time, if she doesn't find something to do for herself, it's really easy to be bored to death.

And it is good to learn handwork, you can sew things by yourself.

As a person who can only rely on herself, she spends extra money sparingly.

If the clothes are accidentally torn, not completely torn, but still wearable, she is reluctant to throw them away, and it will be a new pair of clothes after the seams are repaired.

Looking at the transformed clothes, she can also get a sense of accomplishment from it.

Feel like a designer.

An unknown little designer.

It doesn't matter whether the clothes are ugly or beautiful, as long as they conform to her aesthetics.

Anyway, if others feel ugly, they won't always remember how ugly they are.

Why should she care about other people's eyes

People live for themselves.

Other people's eyes are not important.

After all, others can't help her go to work and sleep, and they can't live her life for her, so what should others care about? No.

Even if she doesn't have this transparent physique, she will still stick to this attitude.

Sang Wanci knew what she meant by "more time".

Immediately fell silent, the light in his eyes was faint, like a faint candle that would be extinguished at any moment.

She wanted to comfort Lu Zhiwei.

But when his finger rested on the screen, he couldn't hold back any words in his mind.

Lu Zhiwei doesn't need her comfort.

Or she doesn't need anyone's comfort.

She is already a strong enough life form, so she has lived well to this day.

Then Sunshine appeared in front of her, Sang Wanci, optimistically and positively.

The turbulent emotions gradually calmed down.

The falling fingertips became calm.

[Sang Wanci]: Very powerful.

[Sang Wanci]: When I need it, you can knit another one for me, okay

[Lu Zhiwei]: No problem!

A quick and brisk answer.

Through the screen, Sang Wanci seemed to be able to see her harmless and bright smile.

Just thinking about it makes me feel empowered.

This time the new year is in February.

The crew of "Feng" can finish filming before then, so that everyone can go back and have a good year.

The first to come is naturally New Year's Day.

Meng Lianyu was invited to the New Year's Eve party in Ancheng this year.

Lu Zhiwei has been very free recently, and will not start work until after the New Year, so he has plenty of time to watch Meng Lianyu's show.

Meng Lianyu's program this year is also singing.

She is well maintained and energetic. Although she is forty years old, she still looks rosy and has an outstanding temperament.

Wearing a red dress and standing on the stage, all kinds of mature styles are fully displayed.

Lao Wu was in the operating room, eating a fruit platter while watching Lu Zhiwei chasing Meng Lianyu excitedly.

In fact, he doesn't understand very well.

Why does Lu Zhiwei like Meng Lianyu so much

What made her insist on putting Meng Lianyu first even if someone as extremely popular as Sang Wanci was put in front of her

Is this the unreasonable love fans have for idols

He expressed his doubts.

Lu Zhiwei took it for granted, "Of course it's because our Teacher Meng is good!"

Lao Wu: […]

I feel like you said it or didn't say it.

Lu Zhiwei lay on the bed and adjusted his posture, then picked up the leaf-patterned pillow he made.

His gaze still obediently followed the person on the screen.

"Because she's different."

She propped her cheeks, her eyes stopped on the TV, but it seemed that she was in the far past.

"She was the first one to respond to me."

She has liked Meng Lianyu since she was a child.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she grew up watching Meng Lianyu.

Meng Lianyu's star journey went smoothly from the very beginning.

He became popular as soon as he debuted, and has been popular until now. He is already an old-timer with an unshakable status in the entertainment industry.

It was normal for famous people to appear on TV, let alone Meng Lianyu, who was a household name at that time.

When Lu Zhiwei was young, he could see her when he turned on the TV.

Not surprisingly, I have heard her chic remarks in interviews several times.

"I'm too lazy to care what other people think of me, life is my own, and others have no right to intervene."

"If you care too much about other people's eyes, you will torture yourself."

"Even if you are alone, you have to live a wonderful life, so that you can live up to this life in the next life."

It was this unrestrained and open-minded attitude that pulled Lu Zhiwei out of the darkness of neglect.

Looking at the man with a sassy smile on TV, she had a new question in her mind.

—Can people still live like this

But she is still young, she doesn't know what to do, and she doesn't know how to enlighten herself.

So she imitated others and started writing letters to Meng Lianyu.

She clumsily expressed her liking for Meng Lianyu in the letter, wrote down her plight in simple words, and expressed that she wanted to be a free and easy person like her.

A letter was written and revised, revised and written again, and when encountering words that I did not know, I used pinyin to replace them. I worked hard to write this letter well.

Then, with the little pocket money that I had saved for a long time, I sent out more than a dozen letters back and forth.

Every letter has to be watched by the staff to put it in the mail bag before I can barely feel relieved.

She is afraid of losing.

I was afraid that the letter would not be delivered to Meng Lianyu smoothly.

I am afraid that Lian Xin will be like myself, and will be thrown in the dark corner of the world, no one cares about it.

That's why he chose to place this extravagant hope with quantity, hoping that a letter would be lucky enough to be delivered to Meng Lianyu.

After the letter was sent, she waited and waited.

As a result, I waited for a full month without waiting for a reply.

At that time, she was disappointed, at a loss, and at a loss.

She didn't know whether the letter was not delivered to Meng Lianyu, or Meng Lianyu also ignored her letter.

She still doesn't know at which link she will be forgotten, because no matter when and where, she is always the one who is most likely to be left behind.

Lu Zhiwei thought of himself when he was a child, and felt very bitter.

Bitter but do not want to cry, just smiled helplessly.

"I was really miserable at the time," she said.

Squeezed out by the world, forgotten by those around him, but unable to enlighten himself.

Like a bird trapped in a cage, no one cares when it struggles until it is dying.

If death comes, it must be silent.

Lao Wu pursed his lips, turned his eyes away, and didn't look at her again.

In the eyes hidden under the lens, there was a hint of unbearable.

[and then?]he asks.

Lu Zhiwei's tone suddenly turned brisk, like a child showing off a lollipop: "Then Teacher Meng replied to me, three letters at once!

"I still have those three letters. If I lose them, I can't lose them."

She is like a child who lives in the dark and suddenly sees the light.

When the three beams of light fell on her palm, she realized that the world outside the darkness was so warm and dazzling.

Lao Wu's tensed heart was suddenly soothed.

Even though a long time had passed, he, the audience, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for Xiaolu Zhiwei at that time.

— Just get it, just see it.

[What was written in the letter?]

Old Wu unconsciously raised a smile.

Lu Zhiwei is very familiar with the contents of the letter. When recalling it, it is like describing the treasure he encountered to others.

"She made me love myself, taught me how to be optimistic, and taught me that no one in the world is more important than ourselves.

"She also praised me for being a lovely child, and for my cute handwriting.

"God knows what I wrote at the time was really ugly, like a dog crawling.

"But I was really happy at that time. I was so happy that I hugged the letter and hid in the room and cried for a long time."

It's great that there are such gentle people in the world.

And such a gentle person, who can see her, is willing to reply to her letter patiently and gently.

Although no one treated her like Meng Lianyu since then, those three letters seemed to have spent all the luck in her life, but she was fearless.

Because she has learned to love herself and understands the truth that she can live well without others, and the eyes of others are no longer important to her.

This is today's Lu Zhiwei.

Lu Zhiwei is optimistic and always thinks of the best in everything.

In the operating room.

Lao Wu took off his glasses and rubbed the center of his brows, as if he wanted to rub away the soreness in his eyes.

It turns out that there are all kinds of bitterness and hardship hidden under the transparent body.

If she was still here, she would definitely feel sorry for Lu Zhiwei, and would try her best to treat her well...

Lu Zhiwei couldn't see Lao Wu, and didn't know what his expression was, so he said to himself: "So I must work hard. Only by working hard can I have the opportunity to cooperate with Teacher Meng."

Perhaps Meng Lianyu could no longer remember those three letters, nor the child who wrote like a dog back then.

But that's okay, as long as she remembers.

—Someone once sprinkled light carelessly into her world, lighting up her whole life.

[Ok.]Old Wu said, [You can do it.]

His daughter is so hard-working and motivated, she must be able to do it.

His daughter is so kind and lovely, she will have everything in the future.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Lu Zhiwei's mood change, and suddenly screamed at the TV with his pillow in his arms: "Ah, Teacher Meng is so beautiful——

"My sister doesn't use a knife to kill, it all depends on her face!

"Ah, I don't have this leg, please bury me richly, and the epitaph will say 'I love Teacher Meng for ten thousand years'.

"Woo, she is so beautiful, how can she be so beautiful..."

Lao Wu: […]

It seems that you usually pretend to be reserved in front of Sang Wanci.

Ancheng A University.

South Building 4, female dormitory.

It was half past six in the afternoon and the sky was dark.

In the dormitory of the four-person room, a young girl with a delicate face was sitting, her lively eyes were full of anxiety.

She has been feeling restless these days.

—Because I can't remember anything.

She vaguely remembered that from the time she could remember, she would become inexplicably irritable during these few days every year.

Because every month, she will forget something she wants to remember.

Never remember.

It is important to always remember.

So important that if you don't remember it, someone will be very sad.

But she didn't even remember who that person was.

It feels like there is a misty fog in my head.

I clock in for work every January.

Let her start not remembering things at a young age.

She poked the pen on the table irritably, making a clicking sound.

The short-haired girl Liu Mingming who was lying on the bed poked her head out and called out, "Lu Sijiao."

Lu Sijiao looked up, her eyes flickered, her mouth curled up: "What are you doing?"

Liu Mingming: "I know that reviewing is annoying, but please stay calm and don't drive yourself crazy."

Lu Sijiao: "Go, I'm thinking about something."

Seeing that she was irritable, Liu Mingming put away her mobile phone and looked at her with raised eyebrows: "What are you thinking about so annoying? Which suitor should I date?"

Lu Sijiao's small face is very popular in their department.

Being confessed was commonplace for her.

Lu Sijiao pointed at her with a pen: "You, Zawba."

Liu Mingming: "Hey, people care about you, you are so fierce."

Lu Sijiao looked left and right: "Where is my knife?"

Liu Mingming smiled at her, got out of bed and patted her: "Let's go, buy food, you can only study when you are full."

Lu Sijiao looked at the two vacant seats and asked, "Aren't you going to wait for her to come back?"

Liu Mingming: "What are you waiting for, you forgot? These two bastards are going to celebrate my hometown's birthday, and they won't be back until evening."

Lu Sijiao let out an "oh", nodded, and then froze.

Birthday... birthday!

She looked at the notes on the table in astonishment and surprise.

She remembered!

It was she who forgot her sister's birthday! !

Lu Zhiwei was sitting by the window, wearing light green animal pajamas and a coat, just lying on the window edge looking at the fine snow falling outside.

Today is January 9th.

Tomorrow is Laba Festival and her birthday.

She is thinking about how to celebrate her birthday tomorrow.

Mainly think about what to eat.

She just finished filming a movie and made a little money. Apart from the rent, daily expenses and what needs to be saved, there is enough left for her birthday.

This time she is always the most comfortable.

No need to think about what other people want to eat, no need to think about how many people will be there, no need to think about whether to reserve a seat in advance.

Just think about yourself.

only her.

She turned over and over the phone in her hand, but the screen never turned on.

Her parents did not message her.

I didn't ask her how she was doing recently, and whether she had eaten on time.

Even if she puts on the halo of the hero, in the hearts of her family, she seems to be a transparent child.

Today's world is extraordinarily quiet, like a tacit understanding before forgetting.

No one will remember this birthday.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't prevent her from being happy.

Her birthday this year is on the same day as the Laba Festival.

While everyone is celebrating the Laba Festival, she can also regard it as everyone is celebrating her birthday.

Thinking of this, she was suddenly very happy, with a leisurely smile on her face unconsciously.

She picked up her phone and saw that it was almost midnight.

The leisurely time really flies by the fastest.

When Lao Wu saw her laughing, he was suddenly puzzled, feeling that the child was stupid and didn't look very smart.

[Silly boy, what are you laughing at?]

Lu Zhiwei's face was blown for a long time, and it was cold, so he closed the window, took off his coat and got back under the covers.

Her voice was light: "Tomorrow is the Laba Festival~"

Old Wu suddenly felt amused: [What are you happy about Laba Festival

[Shouldn't I be happy for your birthday tomorrow?]

Lu Zhi's smile faltered for a second, and the next second a smile was rippling in her eyes, and her voice was full of satisfaction: "Wow, Lao Wu, you remember my birthday."

Lao Wu's voice was full of reason: [Isn't this what mother fans should do?]

Lu Zhi smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, Old Wu's mother!"

She is not greedy, just one person remembers it.

Even if this person and she are from two worlds.

Lao Wu laughed and said: [So what were you happy about just now? Just because tomorrow is Laba?]

Lu Zhiwei nodded his head: "Yes, it's rare that my birthday coincides with the Laba Festival."

"When others celebrate the Laba Festival, I can also secretly treat it as everyone celebrating my birthday.

"So many people from all over the country help me celebrate my birthday, why are you unhappy?"

Old Wu: [? ?

[Can you still count like that? ? ?]

Lu Zhiwei looked calm: "Of course, we must think of the best in everything."

Lao Wu: [What if you can’t meet Laba?]

Lu Zhiwei looked leisurely: "That is the generosity of God, making January 10th a holiday that belongs to me alone, which is also very happy!"


Old Wu couldn't help laughing.

She's pretty good at talking.

[Okay, you are a birthday star, you have the final say.]

Lu Zhiwei nodded.

Old Wu said again: [Let's guess who was the first to say happy birthday to you.]

"You." Lu Zhiwei replied without thinking.

[except for me.]

"Then I won't guess."


Lu Zhiwei shrank back under the quilt, obviously not interested in this game: "It's normal not to remember, I can't give myself hope.

"If you have hope, you can't help but look forward to it. Once you look forward to it, you will fail, and you will inevitably feel bad."

She never expected people around her to remember her birthday.

No expectation no harm.

No matter how optimistic she is, she is made of flesh. When she is hurt, she will feel uncomfortable and cry.

Besides, what was she to others

Even relatives whose blood is thicker than water don't remember her birthday, why should she ask outsiders to remember it

She is still very self-aware.

But thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel depressed for a moment.

So he buried his face in the bed, dejected and silent.

At this moment, time silently jumped to zero.

At that moment, the cell phone beside the pillow rang suddenly.

Startled the people in the bed.

—It was her birthday reminder.

She poked her head out and turned off the alarm in a bored manner.

This alarm clock is probably the only one who can remember her birthday so punctually.

She turned off the screen and was about to put down her phone to go to sleep when the phone screen turned on first.

A phone call comes in.

It was Sang Wanci.

Lu Zhiwei looked at the notes in disbelief, and rubbed his eyes again.

It was only then that I connected with the vain mood of "I'm not dreaming", and cautiously asked, "...Hello?"

Sang Wanci's voice came from the other end, inexplicably gentle: "Haven't slept yet?"

Lu Zhiwei felt itchy ears, as if a feather was scratching: "Didn't sleep..."

"It's good that you didn't disturb your rest." Her tone sounded like she was relieved.

"What's wrong?" Lu Zhiwei asked.

"There's something I want to tell you personally."


Then Lu Zhiwei heard her softly whispering in his ear: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for another year of safe growth. I hope you will be happy forever."

Lu Zhiwei couldn't help but startled.

"Happy birthday, Lu Zhiwei."

Sang Wanci's voice suddenly became very gentle.

Gentle as a dream.


Sudden soreness came from the tip of his nose, Lu Zhiwei lowered his head and wiped away the tears from his eyes vigorously, and repeated in a hoarse voice.

"thanks… "

Although there were only two simple words of congratulations...but she was really happy.