
Chapter 45


A teaser trailer is a small trailer that precedes the official trailer.

Through the pilot film, the audience can get a general understanding of the style and content of the film.

The lead film of "Phoenix" continues Director Li's usual style.

The film is quite textured, like a movie.

A simple small trailer, with the lines of "knowledge in the small time, and eventually turn against each other" and "the phoenix never lives under others" connect the whole trailer.

A wise and brave military adviser, a brave general who is good at fighting, a loyal minister who weeps, and a little maid lying in a pool of blood who has been following the heroine.

Climax after another, magnificent and magnificent.

Looking forward to seeing the comment area.

@This double is double the blackness: Awow, oh, oh, the scene where Sangsang stood on the hall and swung her sleeves was so handsome! Wife, throw me in the face! ! ! ! !

@九明: Not only do I want to watch the trailer, I also want to watch the feature film! You give me gkd! ! Book me now!

@玄晶快快来: @应羽泽, baby, don’t worry, mommy will always be with you! ! [Love][Love][Love]

Lu Sijiao sat cross-legged on the bed, watching the trailer.

She admits that what the lead film does is fascinating.

Just don't understand one thing.

—Beside the picture of her sister, why is the word "blood debt" so big and so conspicuous

Is it because the character played by Lu Zhiwei owes the protagonist a blood debt

Or is this character a blood debt to the protagonist

But no matter which one, Lu Sijiao didn't want to see it.

Because that would mean that the role of her sister would be gone! ! !

Whether it's from the perspective of a younger sister or a fan, she must have selfishly hoped that Lu Zhiwei's character will always be in harmony with each other.

If I tell her right away that Lu Zhiwei's role is gone, that would be a bit heartbreaking.

She wants to know the answer.

Thinking hard.

Subconsciously opened WeChat.

Lu Zhiwei's profile picture is lying quietly in her list.

Not a single red dot.

The lead film has already been released, it is impossible for Lu Zhiwei not to know about it.

But she still didn't take the initiative to tell her about being an actor.

Maybe I'm busy.

Maybe it’s feeling like you haven’t achieved enough, and you’re not proud enough to announce it to others.

Lu Sijiao can't figure out what Lu Zhiwei is thinking.

After pondering for a while, I turned off WeChat and went to the Weibo account.

Since her sister doesn't say anything, she will give her sister a face.

Until she voluntarily confesses, she just needs to be a good little fan.

On Weibo, click on the private message.

She boldly sent the screenshots from the pilot film.

Carefully continue with the next sentence: [This character, is it gone? ]

Since Lu Zhiwei only has her as an active follower, she often replies to her private messages.

After coming and going, Lu Sijiao developed the habit of finding her Weibo private message instead of WeChat.

In fact, for her, putting on a vest and being a Lu Zhiwei fan... is quite interesting.

"Ask the Immortal Gate" crew.

Lu Zhiwei glanced at Weibo when he was preparing.

After seeing Qiao Qiaoya's private message, she smiled slightly.

[Lu Zhiwei]: We will know when the feature film comes out

[Lu Zhiwei]: I can’t spoil it

Qiao Qiao did not reply immediately.

Lu Zhiwei casually enters her home page.

It shows that the latest one is reposting the leading film of "Feng".

Among the rainbow farts of other actors' fans, she is the only fan who came for her and had expectations for the film because of her.

@乔乔呀: The fried chicken is looking forward to the treasured actor Lu Zhiwei, everyone please come and see my baby, the acting skills have improved in every film, the investment is not a loss, the fragrance is so explosive! [play call][forward]

It seems that she can be seen waving the flag for her and selling Amway hard through the screen.

Lu Zhiwei couldn't help chuckling, and swiped down.

Qiao Qiao's Weibo account is very small and has no fans.

Each one is her Amway.

I draw pictures by myself, edit pictures by myself, and cut videos by myself.

Even if no one responded, Qiao Qiao persisted alone.

Looking at it, Lu Zhiwei suddenly felt very sad, and felt very sorry for this child's liking.

Qiao Qiao is so powerful, why does she like someone who is not famous like her...

I didn't even respond to my Weibo post, how lonely it is...

If Qiao Qiao likes Sang Wanci, he must have become a big boss in the town circle.

She was unconsciously depressed for a while, but soon cheered up again.

—Don’t think about Lu Zhiwei like this, someone treats you well because you are worth it. Cheer up, work hard, and don't let her like you down!

She patted her face to wake herself up a bit.

Then give Qiao Qiaoya a like, forward, comment and follow to respond to this precious like.

Then put away the phone, got up and continued to work hard.

You have to work hard to be worthy of fans' love.

She glanced at the plot to be filmed next.

In order to avoid being hunted down by the suzerain, Qiao Jing escaped from the sect first.

In order to prevent her from sabotaging her life-stealing plan, the suzerain declared to his disciples that she was a traitor of the sect, and that she was an undercover agent placed by the demon sect in the sect.

He ordered his disciples not to allow Qiao Jing to confuse the crowd when they saw him, and to kill him if they saw him.

The little junior sister is the core figure in stealing lives, and the suzerain can't let her meet Qiao Jing.

So she found a reason, found a good hiding place, and asked her to practice in closed doors.

Not daring to disobey his father's order, the junior sister did so.

Later, she accidentally discovered the book left by the previous person in the place of retreat.

Some of them are the same as those given to her by the suzerain, but the content is different.

In her book, all formulas are reversed.

At this time, she was still unwilling to think badly of her father, thinking that he just took it wrong.

But why is there a book with wrong formulas in his place

Could it be someone else put it there

Practicing the wrong formulas and exercises will not make progress, and some of them will in turn hurt themselves and suppress the aura in the body.

Thinking of this, she was worried that her father would be harmed, coupled with the coldness of the retreat, she couldn't bear it, so she had to leave the retreat early and return to the sect.

The background at this time has been two months since Qiao Jing escaped from the sect.

During these two months, the world was chaotic, demons were rampant, and the people could not live in peace.

At the same time, the suzerain has taken his own daughter back to the sect, but has not announced her identity.

And all of this, my junior sister knows nothing about it.

When she returned to the sect, she happened to meet the son of the Demon King, Young Master Mo, who came to ask for someone with a coffin on his back.

The turning point of the story of the little junior sister appears here.

Shooting will start from here in a while.

This scene is very important and requires her emotions to be in place and extremely abundant.

Because the demonization of the little junior sister is one of the abuse points in the play.

Guo Hui and the screenwriter don't allow the knife to be soft, if they want to make the audience cry freely.

Lu Zhiwei stood on the set, his heart pounding.

She was a little nervous, afraid of stretching her hips.

The emotional rhythm of the whole scene is on the shoulders of the junior sister alone, and the burden is not small.

Sang Wanci will have no part in this scene, knowing that this emotional scene is not easy to shoot, so she came here to accompany Lu Zhiwei.

Lu Zhiwei's face puffed up and deflated for a while, and he kept breathing.

Seeing this, Sang Wanci walked over to hold her hand.

My hands are full of sweat.

"take it easy."

She took out a piece of paper to help Lu Zhiwei wipe his sweaty hands.

"you can."

Lu Zhiwei took another breath, then smiled at her: "Yes, I can do it!"

Guo Hui called her over, talked for a while, and then squeezed her shoulder.

Filming officially begins—

The junior sister looked for the suzerain with those books with wrong formulas, but met the suzerain and his own daughter.

Seeing her father treating the girl in front of her as gentle as the wind, she suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

——She seems to be not the father's favorite child anymore.

She walked into the room with the book in her arms, and when she crossed the threshold, she tripped again and fell directly to the ground.

She heard the girl laugh and felt embarrassed.

Probably, the word "unlucky" was engraved in her fate, otherwise why is she always so unlucky

But this time, her suzerain father didn't come over to help her up.

She faintly felt that something was changing.

But he could only get up by himself, pick up the scattered books, and pat the ashes on his skirt.

She forced a smile and said, "Father, who is this?"

"Father?" The girl repeated her address in doubt, and looked at the suzerain next to her with a puzzled face.

The suzerain patted her on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "This is father's adopted daughter, who is the same age as you."

As soon as "adopted daughter" is mentioned, the girl knows what's going on.

Immediately, she bent her eyes and smiled, stepped forward to hold the little junior sister's hand: "Hello, I am also my father's daughter. My own."

As if to remind her of her own identity.


The little junior sister's heart felt like it had been pierced by a sword, and it hurt severely.

"Oh… "

After all, what you pick up is not as good as your own.

It seems that her father thinks so too, otherwise why didn't he help her just now

Do you think she is ashamed of being always unlucky

"What's the matter? Why did you come back suddenly?" the suzerain said.

The life-stealing has been completed, and her biological daughter has returned to her side.

He no longer has any affection for this adopted daughter.

That's how he is, he doesn't put too much affection on useless people.

"Oh!" The little junior sister came back to her senses, and quickly held the book in her hand in front of him, "Father, I found that the formulas in these books are all wrong! I suspect someone is trying to harm you, so be careful!"

She thought she would see the suzerain's surprised expression.


The suzerain didn't even move his brows, but took it indifferently, turned it over a few times, and said perfunctorily: "Well, it is indeed wrong."

It's like... he already knew.

The corners of Junior Sister's lips curved down slowly.

Lu Zhiwei played the character's demeanor very well.

Both doubt and dare not, do not want to doubt.

No matter what, that was the one who turned her from a little beggar into the daughter of the sect today.

At this moment, a disciple rushed in to report: "The suzerain is not well, the young master is carrying a coffin, and brought the evil general to kill him suddenly! Elder Taihe was also captured by them!"

The three turned to look at him.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Guo Hui was very satisfied with this and yelled "click".

The next one is to change the venue, the scene has been set up, just waiting for them to pass.

On the way to the place where the incident happened, the little junior sister grabbed the little disciple to make up a lesson.

The audience knew about her retreat, but she didn't.

After hurriedly finishing the lessons, I also knew six or seven.

During her retreat, demons appeared everywhere.

The devil's son, the young master Mo, is the most terrifying and arrogant, because he has five evil generals under his command.

I don't know what sorcery he used, the five demons will be trained by him to be the most powerful.

The most frightening thing is that although the demon general is in the flesh, he can't feel tired like a dead puppet.

Unless the young master Mo ordered, once they went out to fight, they would never die.

Currently, two of the five great elders in the sect and some of their disciples have gone on a long journey down the mountain to subdue demons and slay demons, and they will not be able to come back for a while.

Of the remaining three, one was captured alive, the other was besieged by a sneak attack by the demon generals, and now he was seriously injured and was being treated in the medical hut, leaving only Elder Qingxin struggling to support him.

Elder Qingxin doesn't have the evil skills of the evil generals, so he can't afford to waste them.

Even with the suzerain, there is no advantage in numbers, and the outcome between the two sides could not be more obvious.

Young Master Mo came suddenly, but also deliberately.

He deliberately killed them when the sect was missing two elders, and smashed the rest one by one, never giving them a chance to cooperate.

If the five elders were all there, they would be able to fight the five evil generals.

In today's situation, even if you ask for help, you may not be able to hold on.

After all, Young Master Mo is not an idiot.

The situation suddenly became very tense, which was not conducive to the sect.

The little junior sister stood behind the suzerain in a daze and watched all this.

That square was originally the place where they meditated.

She was still eating apples with the fifth senior brother and the others there.

Qiao Jing sat right in front of her, straightened up to cover her, but they were still discovered by Elder Qing Xin, and each of them lost their minds.

Now there were several white-clothed disciples lying there, all clutching their chests and spitting blood.

Going forward is the people of Demon Realm.

It's dark, like black clouds pressing down on the city.

Especially the coffin shrouded in black air behind Young Master Mo was so cold and oppressive that one could feel breathless just by looking at it.

The suzerain spoke calmly and asked what the young master wanted.

The handsome actor bent his lips and smiled, leaning on the coffin with his hands crossed.

"I want your daughter."

Everyone present was shocked.

The little junior sister and the girl retreated behind the suzerain without a trace.

Young Master Mo said: "If you give it to me, you will leave, if you don't... I will kill your sect."

Is the sect's daughter an ordinary person

Handing it over is tantamount to compromising with the monster, and losing face in the entire cultivation world.

But if they don't hand it over, the sect will suffer heavy losses, and they can't wait for rescue.

But he finally reunited with the child, so how could he be willing to hand it over

The little junior sister was very scared.

Although the elders all said that she has excellent spiritual roots, once enlightened, her future is boundless, but her kung fu practice is very poor, she doesn't make much progress, and she can't fight the monsters with all her strength.

She subconsciously hugged the Sovereign's arm, seeking shelter, just like before.


The suzerain looked displeased: "Arrogant thief, what do you want my daughter to do!"

How many daughters can he have

Could it be possible that Young Master Mo is here for his adopted daughter!

The young master Mo didn't care how he scolded himself, and even attached a thoughtful explanation: "Because your daughter is good.

"It's so yin and pure, it's such a good thing."

Those present were very uncomfortable hearing this.

A real person is nothing more than an object in his eyes.

The young master Mo said again: "Old man, don't waste your energy trying to fight me, you can't beat my demon general, and neither can he."

After finishing speaking, he drew a long sword up to Elder Taihe's neck.

"Pay, or not."

The situation is getting more and more oppressive.

The answer cannot be chosen at all.

The world suddenly fell silent, as if a needle could be heard.

After a while, everyone clearly heard the suzerain say: "Okay, I'll pay."

The junior sister and the girl looked at the suzerain together.

Elder Qingxin turned his head suddenly: "Sect Master!"

Even the fifth senior brother of the younger junior sister got up from the ground and shouted in pain: "Sect Master, I can't hand it in!"

Young Master Mo said with satisfaction: "That's right.

"Open the coffin! Prepare to welcome our new members."

With an order, the gloomy coffin was slowly opened.

The little junior sister couldn't see what was inside, she could only see the chaotic black and red intertwined, and the dense white bones, which looked like Shura's hell.

She looked at the suzerain in horror.

Is it the only way

There is no other way

In order to show his sincerity, Young Master Mo directly released the seriously injured Elder Taihe.

He doesn't care, anyway, this sect can't hurt him at all.

The little junior sister was speechless.

She didn't even know if she should really stand up and dedicate herself to the sect.

But she is also afraid, and she also wants to live.

Is there really no other way? Is Dad really unable to beat them...

At this moment, she heard the girl grab the sleeve of the suzerain and shout: "Sovereign."

She didn't call her father, she called her suzerain.

The little junior sister understood her intention almost instantly, and immediately looked at her with wide eyes, as if she didn't understand why there was such an operation.

But what made her even more desperate was that the suzerain turned to the girl gently and said, "Don't worry, I know."

Then when she was not prepared, he pushed her out.

"for you.

"my daughter."

The little junior sister staggered a few steps forward, turned around and looked at the suzerain in astonishment.

In the next scene, she was tied up around the waist by a strand of black air protruding from the coffin, dragged backwards, and then fell heavily on the bluestone slab.

The bloody breath rolled down her throat, she spat out a mouthful of blood, her ten fingers clasped the ground unwillingly, her eyes still rested on the Sovereign.

— unbelievable.

Guo Hui suddenly yelled Ka.

She thinks that Lu Zhiwei's emotions are not enough.

She walked up and simply sat beside Lu Zhiwei.

"Your feelings have to be progressive despair.

"You have to substitute yourself and regard the suzerain as your own father.

"Think about it, how kind your father is to you, let you live comfortably, give you a head when you are bullied, you are somewhat dependent on him, so when you are abandoned by him, you can't believe it and you still have feelings in your heart. Hope is normal.

"When he doesn't respond to you and avoids your eyes, it's the time for your despair to explode, understand

"You must show your eyes, so that it will be convenient for your next scene.

"You can grasp it harder with your fingers, and show your desire to live with all your heart."

Lu Zhiwei listened carefully, nodded, and lay down on the ground to brew his feelings.

It is actually difficult for her to substitute this feeling.

Because she didn't treat her like a father who stood out for her.

She ran her dirty hands through her hair.

Until her father was thrown out of her mind, Fang Sheng was reinstalled in her eyes.

Meng Lianyu said that in acting, fiction is effective.

She had to make Fang Shengxuan a good father to her, projecting the feelings of the little junior sister.

After brewing for a while, she said that it was ready to shoot.

After four or five, Guo Hui finally stopped yelling, but let her continue acting—

The little junior sister couldn't believe that the suzerain would push her out for his own daughter.

Obviously he used to be so good to her.

Make fire silkworm clothes for her, put her favorite apple in the sleeve, and carry her back...

She didn't believe that these good intentions were all fake, and she still looked at the Suzerain with hope.

Holding the ground tightly with ten fingers, he shouted expectantly and fearfully in his throat: "Father—help me—"

help me...

I am afraid…

Even if you just comfort me, don't be afraid...

The suzerain didn't avoid her gaze, but he didn't move either.

They looked at each other from a distance, and there seemed to be a vast ocean that was difficult to cross.

Lu Zhiwei assumed the identity of the junior junior sister, feeling extremely wronged, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Junior Sister is just a puppet being used.

The love she got was fake from beginning to end.

But she is also a person, so why throw it away after being used up

Why has she been used by the suzerain's daughter all her life

His ten fingers were ground with blood dripping from the ground.

The coffin behind him was still being pulled.

She is getting closer and closer to death.


Do you really dislike me

Then why did you bring me back in the first place, and why did you treat me so well...

"—Little Junior Sister!"

The fifth senior brother stood up forcefully.

In the end, he was kicked away by the young master Mo.

"Don't get in the way."

The young master Mo walked slowly to the little junior sister who was struggling to get into the coffin, squatted down, and suddenly grabbed her hair, forcing her to raise her head.

He whispered in her ear: "Haven't you ever wondered why you have been so unlucky?"

The little junior sister was stunned.

Young Master Mo said again: "Have you never thought about where your father's biological daughter has been all these years?"

The little junior sister's eyes then fell on the girl.

Young Master Mo said: "I never thought about why you were adopted?"

"My boy, I tell you, I tell you all.

"Because your fate is good and bright, so your father wants to steal your fate to save his daughter's fate.

"Do you know how bad his daughter's fate is? It's unlucky, it's a mess, it's a terrible death, it's just rotten."

"However, this fate is yours now." He smiled and poked his little junior sister on the shoulder, "For them, you are just a thing that can be used from the beginning to the end. This father and daughter are no different from me. .”

When the little junior sister heard this, she clenched her fists.

"It's... nonsense."

It's impossible for her father to treat her like this.


"Am I talking nonsense?"

Young Master Mo smiled happily.

"Don't you people of the righteous way pay attention to innocence? You let him swear that he didn't do it, and see if he dares."

After hearing this, the little junior sister turned her head to look at the suzerain as if asking for help.

She needs a vow.

The oath to prove that she is not a thing to be exploited but a living person.

Otherwise, why did she come all the way back

What is she living for so long

Her eyes were burning.

With tears and anticipation.

The suzerain was very surprised, the young master Mo actually knew that the junior sister was a fake...

But when the little junior sister cast her gaze over, he turned his face away.

Not a word.

—he dared not.

Unspeakable shock filled her eyes, and the tears in her eyes fell to the ground drop by drop.

In the end, he silently melted into despair.

The dripping blood on the ten fingers mixed with dust became a joke.

She closes her eyes.

Heart ashes, ten fingers gradually loosen.

In fact, at this moment, Lu Zhiwei thought of his parents.

They don't see her either, only another daughter.

It's as if it doesn't matter what she does, whether she lives or dies, it has nothing to do with them.

She used to think it was the fault of her transparent body.

It was only now that they realized that maybe they were indifferent to her.

Just like the suzerain to the junior junior sister.

No matter how good it was in the past, peeling off the skin will only reveal a chilling indifference.

She couldn't help feeling sad and sympathetic, and interpreted the little junior sister at this moment perfectly.

Even Guo Hui was so satisfied that she didn't stop.

Little Junior Sister never struggled again, she sank into hell with her flesh and blood and darkness.

Before being pulled into the coffin, she looked at the suzerain father and daughter with cold hatred.

The coffin was closed again.

The next moment, terrifying screams and cold laughter came from the coffin, lingering above everyone's heads and lingering for a long time.

Only there was no cry for help from the little junior sister.

She will never call for help again.

Young Master Mo watched all this with satisfaction.

That's it.

He just wants the little junior sister with excellent spiritual roots to be refined into a demon general with hatred and resentment.

Only such demonic generals can be lethal, stronger, and be used by their Demon Realm!

Young Master Mo put his hands behind his back, smiled and raised his eyebrows at the Sovereign who was comforting his daughter: "You will be punished."

Of course the Suzerain will be punished.

But before filming his retribution scene, Guo Hui yelled to stop, and then hurried over to see Lu Zhiwei.

Sang Wanci also followed.

Lu Zhiwei devoted himself to the emotions of the characters, and his ten fingers were really scratched on the ground, all covered in blood.

A person who is usually so afraid of pain actually finished the performance without saying a word.

Sang Wanci couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Little Lu," Guo Hui said with concern, "Is your hand okay? Can you continue filming? I just saw you put yourself into the show and didn't stop."

Lu Zhiwei didn't dare to use his hands at all, and was helped up by Sang Wanci, who nodded firmly to Guo Hui: "Don't worry, Director Guo, I can continue to shoot."

Although she is afraid of pain, but for the sake of effect, what's the point of scratching the skin

As long as the finished product is good, it's all worth it!

And the next one is the scene after her demonization, it's best to shoot it now, otherwise she will have to get some fake blood on her finger later, otherwise the filming will be fake.

So it's better to just finish shooting one piece and call it a day.

Seeing her insistence, Guo Hui had no choice but to agree and asked a stylist to modify her look, then turned around and asked someone to prepare the medicine, and finally returned to work.

"Come on, hurry up and finish this one, it's better to pass one. Get up!"

Lu Zhiwei tied Wia and lay in the coffin.

First, I took a few shots of flying up from the coffin.

From this moment on, Junior Martial Sister is no longer Junior Martial Sister, but the sixth Demon General of Young Master Mo.

She stood beside the young master Mo, her long hair was loose, her eyes were as red as blood, and there were cold stars in her eyes, like ice in her eyes.

Fifth Senior Brother looked at her in disbelief: "Little Junior Sister..."

The young master Mo said: "Hey, don't shout, what little sister, this is my sixth evil general.

"A reminder, thank you suzerain for your help, she is much stronger than my other five demon generals.

"Well, let me think about it. Anyway, killing your suzerain is definitely not a problem."

Everyone present was shocked.

No one thought that his demons would come this way.

No one thought that he would turn that innocent little girl into a demon general!

This is evil, inhumane!

The young master Mo smiled and cupped his hands to the suzerain: "Thank you, let's go."

When he said to go, the little junior sister took two steps forward, but it was in the opposite direction of the door.

In the blink of an eye, she had already flown out like a ghost.

—Go straight to the suzerain father and daughter.

The little junior sister who has become an evil general seems to have mastered the fighting style of the demon realm without a teacher, and her moves are fierce, straight to the gate of life.

Elder Qingxin flew forward to help the suzerain.

In a one-on-two match, the younger junior sister did not show any disadvantage.

His eyes were cold, and every move was full of unstoppable killing intent.

Elder Qingxin felt a pain in his heart.

Back then, she was obviously just a little girl who would hide behind her senior sister and eat apples with her classmates.

It still hurts when your head is knocked down, but now... alas.

When he was distracted for a moment, the little junior sister slapped him on the chest, and directly slapped him out of the battle circle.

The suzerain protected his daughter, and it was somewhat difficult to recruit.

But at this moment, he dared not let go of his daughter.

Junior Sister will not let him go.

He will not let his daughter go.

— She has lost her sanity and ability to think!

"Father!" the girl yelled in fear.

The suzerain hurriedly protected her: "Don't be afraid, dad is here."

But for some reason, after the little junior sister listened to it, her killing intent became stronger.

The suzerain gradually felt weak in accepting the move, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

With Young Master Mo around, no one else dared to step forward to help.

The little junior sister seized the opportunity to slap the Sovereign on the wrist, directly knocking the two of them back.

Five fingers pointing at the girl, curled into claws.

The girl instantly felt a suction force pushing herself towards the little junior sister.

In an instant, her neck was already in the man's palm.

"Crack", the vitality was cut off, and it was too late to even call for help.

In order to show that he used his strength, Lu Zhiwei did pinch the girl's actor a little.

The worn wound was suddenly painful.

She could only grit her teeth and endure, her cheeks moved slightly.

But when this scene fell into the camera, there was a sense of gnashing teeth at the enemy.

The last is the suzerain.

The death of his daughter was obviously a big thrill to him.

But he still couldn't beat Junior Sister.

In other words, he was no match for the monstrous hatred that his junior sister had towards him.

The love between father and daughter for more than ten years was all for taking advantage of.

In the end, he ruthlessly abandoned her.

No one can stand this.

He lost.

As expected.

The moment his body fell heavily, he looked at the sky and suddenly understood.

His retribution is not some thunder.

Instead, he died at the hands of his junior sister, together with his daughter.

Everything is empty, but make a wedding dress for others.

He closed his eyes reluctantly.

ridiculous, sad...

"Ka—very good, very good, three passes, very good."

As soon as Guo Hui made a sound, Lu Zhiwei immediately pulled out of the state of a ruthless killer, and hurried to help Fang Sheng and the girl's actor.

"The two teachers have worked hard."

Sang Wanci had already brought the medicine over, took her to sit aside, disinfected and applied the medicine, and bandaged her.

Lu Zhiwei was in so much pain that he gasped wildly the whole time.

Sang Wanci raised her eyelids and glanced at her, then lowered her eyes, making her movements as light as possible: "Jen Ren, it will be fine soon."

Lu Zhiwei was so painful that he didn't dare to use his fingers, so he rubbed his face with the back of his hand: "Thank you for your hard work."

Guo Hui also came over to see her condition, and finally decided to let her recuperate for a few days, and then continue to shoot after her fingers are healthy.

This decision is one for the actors, and the other is for the plot.

Little Junior Sister, the demon, basically uses her hands to fight, so there will be shots of her hands and face, and she can't be allowed to wear a ten-finger Band-Aid on stage.

"I'll make a phone call with your agent later to see how to adjust your roles and extend your stay in the group." Guo Hui said.

Lu Zhiwei said he knew.

Guo Hui patted her on the shoulder again: "You did a good job, keep up the good work."

Lu Zhiwei received the praise, and his smile suddenly became bright: "Thank you Director Guo, I will!"

After Guo Hui left, Fang Sheng also came to care for her and left her medicine.

"Look at you, all ten fingers are neatly wounded, and none of them will fall off.

"Be careful these few days. Let your agent send an assistant to help you. If you don't have an assistant, call a friend who is free to take care of you. Otherwise, you can find a family member. It's too inconvenient for you."

Lu Zhiwei smiled embarrassedly: "I know, I know, thank you teacher."

Fang Sheng nodded: "Be good, apply the medicine well."

Then go away.

Lu Zhiwei is actually embarrassed to tell them that no matter what he is, he can only rely on himself.

Wen Yao has something to do, she is too embarrassed to call her over.

Lu Sijiao wanted to go to class, and it was even more impossible for her to find her.

Friends... She doesn't have any friends who are free.

Sang Wanci didn't say a word the whole time, and she didn't speak until everyone had left.

"You have an assistant?"


"But you have friends."

Lu Zhiwei raised his somewhat dirty face to look at her, suddenly confused: "What do you mean?"

"it means… "

Sang Wanci gently blew on her wound, and raised a pair of crystal clear eyes to look at her.

"You live with me, and I will take care of you."