
Chapter 59


As a person who has debuted for two years, Sang Wanci has never been short of CP, both male and female.

It's not that she hasn't read fanfiction. In the past, she glanced at it calmly before quitting, without nostalgia.

Never before have I blushed like this time.

Because the other side of the protagonist is Lu Zhiwei.

It was Lu Zhiwei whom she was thinking of.

She sat silently for a while, not even blowing her hair.

After the hotness on his face dissipated, he unconsciously picked up the phone again.

— read it again.

Although they are not together yet, at least they are together in fanfiction.

I've done everything except kiss and hug.

Looking at it, she raised her eyes and thought, and suddenly had an idea in her heart.

She wants to show Lu Zhiwei this fanart, so as to observe her reaction.

His eyes fell on the screen again.

It must also be given in person, so that it is convenient for close observation to see if she will reject her pairing.

Well, I'll do that the next time I'm at her house.

But I don't know when they will meet next time.

Speaking of which, she really missed her Zhiwei a little bit.

I hope her Zhiwei will miss her too.

I hope that her Zhiwei has no other sisters, and no one she likes yet.

With the broadcast of "Feng", Lu Zhiwei's fan ranks are also increasing day by day.

Although the increase is very slow and very little, but at least there are new fans.

People who follow her come from different sources.

Some were brought by Jojo Amway.

Some came because of her acting skills.

There were even people who paid attention to her out of curiosity because Ying Xize and Sang Wanci always robbed her.

In this way, it also brought her many energetic fans.

Seeing the increasing number of comment sections, Lu Zhiwei was also happy.

Although not as good as Sang Wanci and the others, she is already content.

Her die-hard fan, Qiao Qiao, will no longer stand alone and cheer for her.

She did it, and proved to Jojo step by step that she didn't like the wrong idol.

But she was not used to being on the trending search for the first time.

Holding the mobile phone, just looking at the "master-servant CP" makes me feel nervous.

She asked Wen Yao if the company bought it.

Wen Yao replied: [Natural hot search, no money spent]

Lu Zhiwei touched the back of his neck.

Didn't spend any money...

She thinks that this popularity will overwhelm the hero and heroine CP of "Feng".

Could this be the power of the protagonist's halo

Just as she was thinking, Wen Yao sent another sentence: [Miss Zhiwei, don't you have a good relationship with Sang Wanci? Since you're so curious, why don't you ask if they bought it from there? ]

Lu Zhiwei: "?"

[Lu Zhiwei]: Wake up, do you see that people seem to need me, a little transparent, to make people popular

[Lu Zhiwei]: It’s better to buy Ying Xize’s than mine

Anyway, she didn't believe that Sang Wanci would spend money on her.

If it were her, she wouldn't do this either.

A mediocre old cute old actor, where is the popularity coming from? You can't even hear the money when you throw it in.

She guessed that the main character's halo had joined forces.

Yes, it must be so!

[Wen Yao]: Hey, no matter what, it’s good to be hot

[Wen Yao]: Sister Zhiwei, maybe you're going to be popular!

[Wen Yao]: I will soon be the manager of a famous artist! [Hey hey.JPG]

Lu Zhiwei couldn't laugh or cry.

Well-known artist, how can it be so easy

Oh yes, she has the aura of a protagonist...

She couldn't help thinking.

So is it easy to do anything with the protagonist's halo

The time required and spent can be twice as small as others, and may even be more than that.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem fair.

Then she thought of Sang Wanci.

Thinking of Sang Wanci's desperate efforts when they first met, and her sense of responsibility of caring for every detail.

The injustice that had just arisen was smoothed away in an instant.

Nothing unfair.

Sang Wanci's contribution is only a little more, her hard work and her excellence can afford the halo above her head.

—Our Wanci is the best baby in the world!

Lao Wu suddenly said: [Oh, isn't your Teacher Meng the best baby in the world?]

Lu Zhiwei said calmly, "We, Mr. Meng, will not participate in this round of competition."

Lao Wu raised his eyebrows and drank his tea calmly.

Lu Zhiwei suddenly felt strange.

"Why are you free to talk to me?"

[You child, I'm not too busy to even talk, am I?]

"... Feeling almost done?"

[Not so. The program has been done almost in the past few days, so I can take a breath.]

"Oh, thank you for your hard work."

[Same suffering, same suffering, you have also worked hard filming, mom is waiting for the day when you become top-notch.]

top flow...

Lu Zhi smiled lightly and fell on the bed: "It's early..."

[Gold will not be buried," Lao Wu said calmly, [You, absolutely not.]

When Lu Zhiwei heard the words, he got up and made a joke: "I don't believe it, unless my acting skills are listed on the trending searches."

As a result, she was on the third day.

Because of Xiao He's crying scene.

The astonishment of receiving a birthday gift for the first time, the surprise and uneasiness of being cared about for the first time, are all vividly interpreted by her.

Lu Zhiwei looked at the trending topic and was dumbfounded: "...?"

Isn't it true

She stumbled into the topic of #小起哭剧# to watch the real time.

@help,I can't think of an ID: Director Li is really good at casting roles, the crying scene of a small character is so annoying to me

@今天的转头also very hot: woo woo woo, stop crying, daughter, don’t cry, mom remembers your birthday, mom will give you a gift, every year!

@你不要来了:Nine lives, she is really good at acting. Not to mention crying scenes, so far, she has never pulled her crotch in a scene, and she has a super sense of substitution

@滴廷哔响: It's too strong. The acting skills of both the lead actors and supporting actors are too strong. Seeing now, if I have to say something, Xiao Ying's acting skills are a little green, you have to work hard for your sister [狗头]

Because of this trending search, Lu Zhiwei gained another wave of fans.

The originally deserted comment area gradually became lively, and many new fans came to leave messages to cheer her up.

@今日风食好:Sister, come on, I hope my sister will get better and better!

@啊嘿嘤: Your performance is really superb, and you will definitely be seen by more people in the future! I'll take up an iron powder pit first [call][call]

@That so what it: Woohoo, good at acting, good at handwork, and cooking, so many skills, can I share one of them...

@I don't care what I want: sister wall +1

Lu Zhiwei rubbed his eyes, glanced at the screen, and rubbed his eyes again.

I couldn't believe it.

She is used to other people's hot searches.

Sang Wanci, Qiu Luo, Ying Xize...everyone has them.

It's just that I haven't gotten used to being on the trending search by myself.

Hot search, into the public eye.

It used to be so out of reach for Xiao Transparent.

But today it all came true.

It took her five minutes to digest the fact that she really rushed to the top searches with her acting skills.

Joy immediately overflowed her eyes, and she was overjoyed holding her mobile phone.

"Old Wu, I'm really praised!!!"

Lao Wu looked at her as if he was his own daughter, his eyes were extremely loving.

He sighed softly: [Silly boy...]

Lu Sijiao threw the tissue into the trash can.

She rubbed her eyes that were red from crying, stretched out her hand and clicked to exit the video app, and then opened Weibo.

Lu Zhiwei's crying scene almost made her cry too.

She didn't know what Lu Zhiwei was thinking when he was filming that scene, whether he would put it into himself, and the sadness would come from it

Anyway, after she watched it, she really wanted to be like the heroine played by Sang Wanci, hugging Lu Zhiwei and telling her: "I will remember you from now on."

She will remember her sister's birthday.

I will remember every year.

She sniffed, ready to start blowing rainbow farts on her Amway.

Although Xiao He is a small character, she has a full-bodied character, is loyal and has a pleasing personality.

Moreover, Lu Zhiwei has good acting skills, and a crying scene can make people empathize.

If you don't praise this immediately, when will you have to wait

Then she saw the hot search.

I also saw that her sister had a bunch of younger brothers and sisters.

Lu Zhiwei's current comment section is basically imitating Xize and calling her sister.


She's not angry, she's okay.

It doesn't matter if the fans call her sister, it's just through the screen, and they won't really become Lu Zhiwei's younger siblings.

But Ying Xize is different, he is really going to be a younger brother!

I don't know which weight is more important between her and Ying Xize in Lu Zhiwei's heart.

Next time she has a chance, she will have to ask.

She adjusted her mood, ready to blow a wave of rainbow farts with reason and evidence on Lu Zhiwei's crying scene.

At this moment, Liu Mingming suddenly called her: "Jiaojiao."

Her thoughts were interrupted, she turned to look at the person lying on the bed: "What are you doing?"

Liu Mingming raised her eyebrows: "The school will have an art festival for a few days, do you know who is invited?"

Lu Sijiao: "Who?"

Liu Mingming: "Ying Xize."

Lu Sijiao didn't care: "So?"

Liu Mingming: "Don't you like him? Let's go see him together then."

Lu Sijiao: "

"Don't spread rumors, who likes him!"

That is obviously her enemy to win her sister!

After spending three or four weeks, Lu Zhiwei finally settled a series of things such as the house down payment and moving.

The new home is also far from the urban area, just a little closer than the original one, but the advantage is that the transportation is convenient, the community has security and is much safer, and there is a small park nearby.

Lu Zhiwei has been looking at this place for a long time.

But before she bought two rooms, she planned to use one of them as a handicraft room, and never thought of using it as a guest room.

Wen Yao was free these two days, so she came to help her clean the new house together.

"Miss Zhiwei, you will definitely be able to live in a bigger and more spacious house!" Wen Yao was full of confidence, and then asked, "Where do you put this?"


Lu Zhiwei pointed to the table, then chuckled.

"I just moved, why are you thinking of changing me to a new home?"

Wen Yao: "This is called a reasonable assumption, free to imagine the future."

She was sitting by the tea table, holding her face: "I didn't expect you to be noticed by so many people for playing Xiao He. I believe that many invitations will fly to you soon.

"I think that the actress who gave up playing Xiao He will definitely regret it."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhiwei was very curious.

She put down the things in her hands, sat next to Wen Yao and asked, her eyes full of curiosity: "Why doesn't that actor act?"

She remembered that it would be said that the actor suddenly became arrogant and stopped acting temporarily, and Wen Yao had the opportunity to hand over her resume to the director.

But why she suddenly became arrogant, she didn't understand.

Wen Yao scratched her head, thought about it, and said, "Oh, I remembered."

"At that time, the heroine and heroine hadn't been announced yet, and no one knew it was Sang Wanci. They only found out a day or two before joining the group. It happened that her boyfriend liked Sang Wanci, so she didn't want to match Sang Wanci. So it's over.

"There is another reason, that is, she is actually using this trick to force Director Li to add her role, and she is very dissatisfied that Xiao He has less roles.

"Director Li said that the role of this character is good but not too many, and if there are too many scenes, it will be ruined, she doesn't listen.

"In the end, she probably didn't expect that Director Li would directly replace him."

Lu Zhiwei suddenly realized, and felt a little emotional: "This can also have something to do with our teacher Sang..."

Wen Yao smiled and said: "That's no way, she is so beautiful, who wouldn't like it

"With her face, when you hook your fingers, steel can bend."


Lu Zhiwei touched his nose embarrassingly.

I'm really sorry, your artist has also quietly bent...

Wen Yao turned her head and took out something from the box, muttering as she took it: "I don't know who she will fall in love with in the future..."

She who is gossip, is really curious.

Lu Zhiwei looked at the sofa with his face in his hands, his expression fell instantly.

She is also curious.

What kind of person does Wan Ci like

Can she announce her ideal type to me sooner

If I work towards her ideal type, is there any chance she'll like me... even a little

She didn't know, even if she had the halo of the male lead, she couldn't be sure.

After all, Sang Wanci is a super-class heroine, there is nothing she can't do, only others can't think of.

"Miss Zhiwei, what are you thinking?" Wen Yao asked puzzled, "Is there something on your mind?"

Lu Zhiwei quickly regained his senses: "No, come, come, continue to clean up, I will treat you to dinner later!"

As Wen Yao guessed, because the role of Xiaohe has attracted much attention, originally only the leading actors were invited to variety shows, but after paying attention to the trend of the Internet, Second Speed invited her to be a guest on the show.

On the other side, Guo Hui also granted Sang Wanci's leave, allowing her to film her part in advance, and then leave the group to make an announcement.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for a month.

Lu Zhiwei couldn't bear it, and told her the good news early.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Wan Ci, I have also received an invitation from the program group, and I will be on the program with you guys then!

[Lu Zhiwei]: [Shy.JPG]

Sang Wanci returned quickly.

[Sang Wanci]: That's great.

[Sang Wanci]: I also asked Director Guo for leave.

[Sang Wanci]: See you then.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Hmm, see you then!

Lu Zhiwei glanced up at the living room, and finally remembered something, bowed his head and hurriedly typed, and sent his new address.

[Lu Zhiwei]: That’s right, I’ve moved, I don’t live in the previous place, this is the new address

If Sang Wanci suddenly came to her for something and found her old address again, which would lead to an accident of being recognized...

Then she would be a sinner.

[Lu Zhiwei]: If you want to come over next time, you can call me to pick you up

Sang Wanci decisively copied and pasted her new address and saved it in the memo.

Then I opened the map and searched.

... still far from her home.

If I knew she should have directly suggested that Lu Zhiwei move in with her.

Living together, there should always be more opportunities to fall in love with each other than others.

Even if she can't have sex, seeing Lu Zhiwei at home will make her happy.

Just like their cohabitation some time ago.

[Sang Wanci]: Okay, I will remember.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Hmm [Dog nods.JPG]


Lu Zhiwei is completely used to living in the new home.

She has no scenes to film recently, and she doesn't need to leave early and return late every day, so she is in a much more relaxed state.

Apart from chasing the "Phoenix" girl every day, she knits hats for Lu Sijiao and prepares birthday presents.

Although the little girl's birthday is still very early, it doesn't matter if she makes preparations in advance, after all, she doesn't know if she will have time later.

Besides, she didn't forget to let Lu Sijiao come to play at home.

Picking a time, she opened WeChat and found Lu Sijiao.

[Lu Zhiwei]: Sijiao, are you free this week

[Lu Zhiwei]: My sister has finished moving, do you want to come over to play

She remembered that Lu Sijiao attended a local university in Anshi.

That's just right, and it won't be too much trouble to come over on the weekend.

Lu Sijiao is still in class.

The teacher left the last homework, and then closed the book and said: "I will give the students the final key points in the next class."

Sitting among them, Liu Mingming muttered softly, "Students, be careful, that must be the focus of the universe."

Lu Sijiao smiled and poked her with his elbow.

The get out of class bell rang on time.

Everyone packed up their things one after another, making appointments for meals, and appointments for libraries.

Immediately, the classroom was bustling with activity.

Lu Sijiao helped her roommates get all the phones back and gave them to them.

The roommates discussed whether to go out of school to play on weekends.

Lu Sijiao's answer was decisive: "I won't go, I have to read a book."

The end of the term was approaching, and the key points of other subjects had been drawn down. In order to get a scholarship for the next semester, she had to study hard.

Liu Mingming let out a "huh" and said, "What are you afraid of? It's just our Lu Xueba with his small head, who can pass the exam with his eyes closed and get into the top five in the department!"

Lu Sijiao made a "cross" in front of her chest: "Refused to flatter and kill, start with you and me."

He said again: "I'm not smart, my sister is much smarter than me."

Her sister can do so many complicated handicrafts, and she can also act, how smart she is!

Liu Mingming took her arm: "You always say your sister is amazing, how is your sister amazing?"

Lu Sijiao raised her eyebrows: "Well... you will know in the future!"

Liu Mingming: "Tsk tsk, it's tempting again. Go and go."

She pushed Lu Sijiao away, and turned to hold another roommate's hand: "We ignore her, we go out to play on weekends by ourselves, don't take her with us, let her stay in the empty bed alone!"

Lu Sijiao smiled and turned on the phone, only to find the message from Lu Zhiwei.

Looking at the address, she stopped.

The next moment the smile was bright.

"I don't stay alone, I'm going to my sister's house for the weekend."

In the blink of an eye, it's Friday.

Lu Sijiao packed her clothes, packed her books, and stepped out of the school gate full of expectations.

She hasn't met Lu Zhiwei for a long, long time.

Before, I could only talk to her through the screen, but now I can finally chat with her face to face.

I don't know what Lu Zhiwei looks like outside the lens.

In her impression, Lu Zhiwei basically received costume dramas, and Lu Zhiwei didn't have resources such as variety shows and live broadcasts, so she didn't even know what her sister looked like in modern clothes.

So curious.

Sitting on the bus, she thought a little excitedly.

I don't know what my sister looks like when she's not filming.

Is this... a fan meeting

Forget it, she thought, a one-sided fan meeting.

The phone buzzed.

She looked down and saw that it was Lu Zhiwei who had sent a message.

[Sister]: Tell me when you’re almost there, I’ll go out to pick you up

Lu Sijiao subconsciously wanted to type "good".

After a second thought, he retracted his fingers again.

No, her sister is an actress now, and the drama she is starring in is still on the air. What if she is recognized next time

Wouldn't that cause trouble for her sister's future life

Her sister just moved home...

She hesitated for a while, but forgot it.

[Lu Sijiao]: No need, I can go up by myself

[Sister]: Let me pick you up

[Sister]: Weren’t you a little road-crazy when you were young, I’m afraid you’ll lose it

Lu Sijiao was a little surprised.

[Lu Sijiao]: Do you still remember

[Sister]: Of course I remember, you are my sister

She remembered that Lu Sijiao would play with her, and she also remembered that Lu Sijiao would grab her by the hem of her clothes whenever she went out with her.

Because Lu Sijiao really "let go".

As soon as he let go, he didn't know the way, and then disappeared.

She also didn't know if the little girl's ability to recognize the way was better when she grew up.

Lu Sijiao was a little touched.

She is a bit of a road idiot, and it's not that serious, but it takes a little more time to find the way.

But after such a long time, Lu Zhiwei can still remember it, which means that she really puts her little sister in her heart.

Lu Zhiwei insisted on going down to pick her up.

Lu Sijiao didn't say anything more.

Her sister is an adult, since she insists, she must have her own considerations, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Lu Sijiao stood on the bus platform with her backpack on her back.

After about five minutes, she saw a person who looked like Lu Zhiwei appear.

The man was wearing a black hat, long hair, and casually dressed.

He was stepping on the orange light and running towards her in a hurry.

Getting closer, getting closer.

Lu Sijiao finally saw her face clearly.

A very refreshing and comfortable face, no different from that on TV.

If I had to say it was different, it would be that my face was cleaner and fairer.

This is her sister.

I haven't seen my sister in years...

Lu Zhiwei stopped, panting heavily: "Sorry, I'm late, did you wait a long time?"

Lu Sijiao said: "No, I just arrived not long ago."

She laughed: "Sister, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful."

The tense string in Lu Zhiwei's heart suddenly loosened.

When she came here, she imagined countless scenes of reunion of sisters and sisters, all of which were embarrassing.

In her vision, they would face each other and have nothing to say.

For this reason, she was troubled for a while, and she could only think about trying her best to get rid of this embarrassment at that time.

But Lu Sijiao's unhesitating "sister" just now dispelled her doubts instantly.

Just like she did when she was a child.

No matter how many times Lu Sijiao forgets her, she will always think of her the next time they meet, and call her sister innocently.

She may not be important at home, but she is Lu Sijiao's only sister, which is an undeniable fact.

She heaved a sigh of relief, and also bent her eyes: "Jiaojiao has grown up."

Grow up, grow taller, and become more beautiful.

With a ponytail tied, when she smiles, she is even cuter than in the photo.

Lu Sijiao smiled brightly and said: "Yes, when I grow up, I will find the bus stop and wait for my sister."

Lu Zhi smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to her: "Well, yes, our Jiaojiao is awesome. Are you hungry? Let's go home, sister will make you dinner."

Lu Sijiao held her hand without hesitation, stepped up to follow, and walked side by side with her.

Just like when she was a child, she acted like a baby to Lu Zhiwei without barriers.

"Can I order food? I want to eat shrimp, and I want to drink seaweed egg drop soup."

"Yes, it's all prepared for you, and I'm just waiting to go back and cook."

"Hey, how do you know?"

"Your circle of friends said, 'Ah, today's shrimp is delicious', 'Tomorrow I also want to eat shrimp and seaweed egg drop soup', 'I didn't eat it today, damn it!', not from our Miss Lu ?"

"Hey, it's me, it's me."

Unexpectedly, all the things she posted in Moments were remembered by Lu Zhiwei.

Lu Sijiao's mood at this moment has already soared to the clouds.

My sister is so nice.

I love my sister so much!

Lu Sijiao came to Lu Zhiwei's house for the first time.

She stood in the living room looking around.

The house is definitely not comparable to the mansions of those stars.

She had seen photos of Sang Wan Ci's family posted by her roommate in the group, which seemed to be less than half the size of Sang Wan Ci's family.

But this room was furnished by Lu Zhiwei very comfortably and warmly, the overall tone is warmer, the furniture is very cute, and there are small ornaments made by myself on the wall.

This makes people feel that even if they are paralyzed here for a day, doing nothing is a kind of enjoyment.

Lu Zhiwei put down her bag: "Are you going to end the semester?"

Lu Sijiao's eyes turned to her: "Yes."

Lu Zhiwei frowned: "Then did I tell you to come at an untimely time, and I should let you study hard at school?"

Sure enough, he was the leader of the study inspection team.

Lu Sijiao walked over and took her arm to act like a spoiled child.

"No, I can read books here. And my roommate said, I can get in the top five in the exam with my eyes closed!"

Lu Zhiwei was pleasantly surprised: "Wow, our Jiaojiao is so powerful?"

Lu Sijiao had no shame: "That's for sure, I'm super powerful!"

Lu Zhiwei smiled slightly and rubbed her head.

That's right, the little girl with a pleasing personality.

"Oh, by the way, sister, I will only stay for two nights. I have to go back to school on Sunday and have classes on Monday morning."


It just so happened that she was going to film a variety show on Sunday night, so she would save time explaining to Lu Sijiao.

She gently took off her apron: "Sit down, read a book and watch TV. I'll cook for you. You don't have to follow me. If you're hungry, eat some fruit first."

Seeing her insistence, Lu Sijiao had no choice but to obediently take out the book, and then shouted at her: "Then sister, remember to call me if you need it."

"Know it."

Night fell.

Sang Wanci was sitting in the car with a mobile phone in his hand.

The driver was heading for her home, that lonely, lifeless home.

After a while, she turned to look at Zhang Xianrui.

"Sister Zhang, I want to go to Zhiwei's house."

Zhang Xianrui paused slightly with the hand holding the phone: "?"

Sang Wanci's expression remained unchanged: "She has moved to a new house, and she took such good care of me before, I should go over and congratulate her."

Then he continued: "She also wants to go to film a variety show with me on Sunday, and no one talks to me at home, so it's just right to live with her."

Zhang Xianrui raised her eyebrows slowly: "... that's fine, you give the address to Master Wu. I'll go buy some fruit later, I can't be empty-handed to wish people a happy housewarming."

"Okay," Sang Wanci smiled sincerely, "Thank you, Miss Zhang."

She didn't tell Lu Zhiwei, nor let Xiao Qiu tell.

—She wanted to give Lu Zhiwei a surprise.

Thirty minutes later.

Sang Wanci stood alone in front of Lu Zhiwei's house, holding the fruit basket prepared by Zhang Xianrui in his hand.

The packaging is very beautiful, and the sweetest and best fruits of the season are selected.

She didn't let Zhang Xianrui and the others follow, and sent them back early.

Zhang Xianrui has seen the security here.

Although not as good as theirs, it is indeed much better than where Lu Zhiwei lived before.

In this way, she can barely go back with peace of mind.

Sang Wanci wore a peaked cap and a mask, and looked up at the closed door.

I hope Lu Zhiwei will be very happy to see her.

With this expectation in mind, she reached out and rang the doorbell.

Lu Zhiwei couldn't get away from the kitchen, so he had to ask Lu Sijiao to open the door.

Lu Sijiao immediately put down the pen and got up.

She glanced at the cat's eye, opened the door, and asked cautiously, "Who are you looking for?"

Sang Wanci: "...?"

Strange woman

Is she in the wrong place

"I'm looking for Lu Zhiwei." She said tentatively.

Lu Sijiao said "Oh", then turned her head and shouted crisply inside: "Sister, someone is looking for you."

… elder sister

Sang Wanci widened her eyes in surprise.

She has a new sister behind her back? ?