
Chapter 97


Lu Zhiwei stood there in a daze.

The gray character label stayed on the girl's head for ten seconds.

It was a light and faint color, as if it could blend into the wind if you didn't pay attention, making it hard to catch.

This is also a color Lu Zhiwei has never seen before.

No, she has seen it before, but she didn't notice it at the time, let alone present it so clearly and intuitively before her eyes now.

Dazzling gold is the protagonist.

Deep yellow with shimmer around the edges is a supporting cast.

Soft pale yellow is an irrelevant passerby.

What about this lifeless gray, what does it represent

Lu Zhiwei suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

She wasn't sure what the color represented, but she was sure the meaning behind it must be very uncomfortable.

Is it dying

Or... the sadness that no one cares about

The girl didn't notice her gaze, she still looked up at the huge poster.

She was looking at Sang Wanci, as if she was looking at the unreachable moon in the sky.

Suddenly, Lu Zhiwei thought of himself standing alone in the shopping mall with a cone and looking at Meng Lianyu's poster.

At that time, she seemed to be the same, lonely and unknown, but full of infinite yearning for a glamorous life, and finally defeated by her own self-knowledge.

She stood where she was, forgetting to leave for a moment.

Seeing the girl's appearance, she couldn't help pursing her lips.

[Old Wu...]

Lao Wu seemed to have been there all the time, and immediately responded when he heard the voice: [Huh?]

She subconsciously moved her fingers in her pocket.

He wanted to point at the girl, but it seemed impolite and weird, so he gave up, and his five fingers slowly clenched into a fist.

She fixed her eyes on the girl.

She knew that Lao Wu must also be able to see this girl.

[You tell me what the gray label means.]

As soon as the words were finished, before Lao Wu could answer, the girl suddenly turned to look at her.

Eyes meet at this moment.

Surrounded by people passing by, they remained silent in the noisy environment.

Soon, the girl looked away as if nothing had happened, turned and left.

Lao Wu didn't speak, he knew that she could find the answer by herself, soon.

Lu Zhiwei's eyes stopped on her involuntarily, as if there was an inexplicable attraction somewhere.

She was full of doubts in her heart, and she couldn't help but care about this gray character label.

The girl grabbed the shoulder bag strap and walked forward alone.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and turned back.

Lu Zhiwei still didn't move.

The two looked at each other from a distance.

Lu Zhiwei knew that she shouldn't stare at others so directly, but she couldn't help it.

Because the other party felt too familiar to her, as if... her past.

The next second, the girl frowned in confusion.

She turned her body left and right, as if to confirm where Lu Zhiwei's gaze fell.

When she found that Lu Zhiwei was looking at her, she immediately covered her mouth in surprise, her face full of disbelief.

Seeing her reaction, Lu Zhiwei suddenly had an answer in his heart.

So he took the initiative to walk over and greeted the other party in a gentle tone: "Hello."

The girls couldn't believe it even more.

"You...you've been looking at me?"

Lu Zhiwei nodded.

The girl asked uncertainly, "Aren't you looking at others?"

Lu Zhiwei: "Well, I'm not looking at other people."

The hostess suddenly opened her eyes wide, and exclaimed in surprise: "You can actually see me?!"

Didn't forget her right away

How could she not be as transparent as air

Unexpectedly... She can actually be seen one day? ?

Lu Zhiwei suddenly felt sad.

Sure enough, as she thought, he was the same person as she used to be.

It turned out that she was not the only one suffering from this suffering in this world.

But only her fate has been rewritten, and the rest are still struggling in the transparent days...

No, not right.

She suddenly didn't dare to confirm.

There are accidents in the world, and the aura may change at any time, so Jin Manwen has become a supporting role.

Whether the person in front of her was born like this, or because of accidental misfortune, she could not confirm.

Now she just has a sense of intimacy that suddenly finds the same kind, and her tone of voice is still gentle: "Why can't I see you?"

She didn't reveal everything outright.

When the time came and it was appropriate to speak, she would naturally confess.

The girl's hands were fumbling back and forth with the straps of her backpack, her head lowered.

"Because I'm just like a transparent person, people can't always notice me. Oh no, I'm a transparent person..."

She has been transparent enough to dare to say these things directly to others.

It doesn't matter, anyway, everyone will forget about her together with her people.

She can live to such a great age, it all depends on being strong, and she doesn't know when she will lose her strength...

Lu Zhiwei was stunned when he heard this, and his heart became more and more sad.

Turns out they are the same person...

Seeing that she was stunned, the girl thought that she didn't believe it either, so she said, "Oh, this thing is very complicated to explain, I guess you don't believe it either. It doesn't matter, anyway, you will forget about me after a while."

A transparent physique is a transparent physique, and there will be absolutely no accidents.

She felt that she could only live like this in this life, and there would be no miracles.

Lu Zhiwei bent his eyes: "No, I will remember you."

She turned around and pointed at the huge poster of Sang Wanci: "The girl who just watched the poster with me."

The girl looked at her suspiciously.

Can you remember

Probably not...

Lu Zhiwei suddenly asked, "Do you also like Teacher Sang?"

The girl nodded, and she started to praise: "She is really beautiful, hardworking, and super outstanding. My dream is to become someone like her!"

Lu Zhiwei smiled when he heard this.

This yearning look is exactly the same as when she hoped to become an actress like Meng Lianyu.

Because the world is gloomy, we can't help yearning for the light, yearning for the light.

"I think so too. I also like her very much. It seems that we are still friends."

Lu Zhiwei is trying his best to get closer.

She just wanted to make the other person less lonely.

The girl's brows were filled with joy, but the smile only lasted for a few seconds.

So what about fellow friends

When everyone turned their heads and left, they were strangers again.

Other people's likes will gather together into a flame, and only she is excluded from the beginning to the end.

Seeing this, Lu Zhiwei offered to add friends on WeChat.

She couldn't turn a blind eye to her, seeing her was like seeing her past self.

It is precisely because I understand this suffering that I stretch out my hand.

Someone warmed her, now it's her turn to warm others.

Lu Zhiwei took out his mobile phone and said, "WeChat and QQ are both fine, whatever you want, I use both."

As a result, at this moment, Sang Wanci suddenly called her.

She was about to drop her hands.

Lu Zhiwei: "...?"

This was the first time she hung up on Sang Wanci's phone call.

She immediately rushed to WeChat to appease her girlfriend: [It's not convenient to answer the phone now, I'll call you later, be good]

[Sang Baobao]: Good.

The girl blinked in confusion: "What are you doing as a friend?"

Lu Zhiwei said: "It's rare to meet someone like me when I'm shopping, so I want to add a friend and talk about my favorite teacher Sang together.

"If you find it inconvenient, it doesn't matter if you don't add it. I'm too offended."

She used to hope that someone would take the initiative to make friends with her, otherwise she wouldn't have been released so many times when she went to school...

The heroine is obviously a little moved, but she is particularly hesitant.

She has a transparent physique, not to mention adding friends, if the other party can forget about herself by turning around, then this friend is actually not added.

"But adding me will only take up your friend position..."

"You'll soon forget about me." She clutched at the strap in embarrassment.

"What if I can't?" Lu Zhiwei said.

The girl lowered her head silently and did not speak.

"Then try it, if I don't remember you, it means there are more people on the list. If I still remember you," Lu Zhi said with a smile, "then you have one more friend.

"It doesn't hurt anyway, don't you think?"

Her voice is very gentle, her eyes are curved when she laughs, and she is very friendly, so people can't help but get close to her.

The girl suddenly felt that what she said was right, took out her phone decisively, and added a WeChat friend.

The girl suddenly became in a good mood, smiling all over her face: "Just call me Xiaoying."

Lu Zhiwei nodded, and said while typing a note: "Okay, just call me Xiaolu."

Fang Xiaoying nodded her head obediently.

The two separated.

After Fang Xiaoying went back, she was still recalling this unexpected meeting.

For her, this was an adventure.

that is…

She was suddenly confused.

Why does she always feel that Xiao Lu seems to have seen this person somewhere

Lu Zhiwei lay on the bed.

The pale orange light of the bedside lamp fell on her face softly and silently.

The screen of the mobile phone was still on, and the interface stopped at the chat box of "Xiaoying".

It turns out that there is really more than just her little transparency in the world.

It turned out that people with the same bleak fate as her happened to live in the same place as her.

She suddenly remembered the gray character label that she vaguely saw before.

Character tags only appear on first encounter.

Then Xiaoying couldn't be the gray label before.

That is to say, Anshi is more than just their two little transparent...

And she can see Fang Xiaoying because of the system, the influence of character labels does not work on the system, so in her eyes, the world is normal.

If it were someone else, even the protagonist, Fang Xiaoying would still be ignored, just like her before.

Sang Wanci first saw her after she had the halo of the hero...

She put down her phone and closed her eyes, suddenly feeling a little heavy.

In the next second, a vibration came from beside him.

Picking up the phone, it was Sang Wanci's call.

She suddenly remembered that she forgot to call her girlfriend back, and hurriedly connected: "Hello?"

"Zhiwei," Sang Wanci's voice was a bit worried, "Is the matter still unresolved? You haven't come home yet?"

Lu Zhiwei said embarrassedly: "I went home and was thinking about something, so I forgot to call you. I'm sorry Wanci, I made you worry..."

On the phone, Sang Wanci suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine. What are you thinking?"

Lu Zhiwei was silent for a moment, then raised her hand to cover her eyes, her voice was soft: "Wan Ci, I met someone like me before..."

The same transparency, the same loneliness, the same daring not to place hope on anyone who can remember me.

This kind of life is really too hard, too uncomfortable...

Sang Wanci knew her past existence, and knew that she had lived very hard.

It was precisely because of this that Sang Wanci became friends with her and warmed her like a ray of light.

So she couldn't help but tell Sang Wanci about it, believing that Sang Wanci could understand her feelings.


Sang Wanci fell into a short silence.

She knows all too well what her girlfriend is thinking.

Lu Zhiwei has always been a person with a strong empathy ability, but also suffered from a low sense of existence, so he must be feeling sorry for the other party at this time.

She wanted to comfort her, tried to comfort her.

"At least you saw her." Sang Wanci said.

Lu Zhiwei suddenly chuckled.

Yeah, at least she saw her.

At least someone can remember...

Lu Zhiwei put down his hands and suddenly became curious.

"Wan Ci, have you never considered that I am lying and deceiving people?"

Sang Wanci was puzzled: "Huh? What?"

Lu Zhiwei said: "That's what I said about the low presence. Doesn't this matter sound too outrageous? But you didn't doubt what I said at the time..."

In his memory, Sang Wanci never seemed to doubt what she said.

Even if she said outrageous things such as low sense of existence, Sang Wanci never expressed doubts, and even took the initiative to care about her, asked her birthday, and became friends with her.

She suddenly began to worry that someone would use Sang Wanci's kindness to deceive Sang Wanci in the future.

Sang Wanci said, "Zhiwei is different."

Lu Zhiwei paused: "What's different?"

Sang Wanci was serious: "You have the charm to make people believe you, so I am willing to believe every word you say."

Lu Zhiwei blinked in a daze, then suddenly smiled and said, "Really? Then if I tell you that there are little monsters in this world, will you believe it?"

Sang Wanci said firmly but calmly, "I'll believe what Zhiwei says."

"You will never lie to me, and you will never lie to me."

Lu Zhiwei suddenly felt very moved by the appearance of entrusting his whole heart and soul to trust.

"Of course, I won't lie to my Wanci, there are no little monsters in this world."

The one who hurried over to take pictures as souvenirs doesn't count.

Sang Wanci smiled calmly on the other end of the phone.

Lu Zhiwei suddenly said: "By the way, she is still your fan!"

Sang Wanci: "Really?"

Lu Zhiwei: "I feel like I can always meet a lot of people who like you. My teacher Sang is really top-notch!"

Sang Wanci said, "It's because Zhiwei likes me, so he cares more about things related to me."

Sang Wanci said softly, "I will do the same."

Because I like it, I always feel that you are always by my side.

The clouds in the sky are like you, and the sound of the wind blowing by your ears is like you.

There is no place in the world where I miss you.

Lu Zhiwei's heart was touched again.

Love words from the heart are always the most touching.

"Thank you Wanci, being with you is the luckiest thing in my life."

Lu Zhiwei was suddenly full of energy.

For such a gentle and good girlfriend, she will definitely work hard, fulfill her promise as soon as possible, and give Sang Wanci the life she wants!

"Sister, if you want to thank me," Sang Wanci laughed in a low voice, her voice full of seductive and depraved charm, "then move in and live with me as soon as possible."

Lu Zhiwei immediately hugged the pillow, and touched the tips of his ears unconsciously.

She felt as if her ears had been kissed by her sweetheart in the phone, they were so red and hot.

"You little friend is really good at seductive."

Sang Wanci immediately said innocently: "I only flirt with my sister."

Lu Zhiwei couldn't take it anymore, buried his whole face in the pillow, and said in a muffled voice, "Oh, well, well, if you keep shouting, everyone will die!

"It's getting late, you go to bed quickly and have a good rest, do you understand?"

"I know, sister also goes to bed early, good night."

"Good night, sweet dreams."

Call terminated.

Lu Zhiwei began to review her itinerary, to see which day would be free enough for her to pack her luggage and move.

After confirming, he opened WeChat again and looked at Fang Xiaoying's WeChat.


She clicked into Fang Xiaoying's circle of friends.

Fang Xiaoying was invisible in her circle of friends, but Fang Xiaoying didn't block her.

Wen Yao urged her to add strangers as WeChat friends, she must first block the friend circle from the other party, so she habitually clicked the block, and then opened it when she became familiar with it in the future.

Fang Xiaoying's circle of friends only has a few here and there.

It can be seen that I don't like to post on Moments.

Because no one responded.

It's not like she used to be.

She used to love blind hair, thinking that she would record it for herself, regardless of whether others could see it or respond.

She has always been quite experienced in entertaining herself.

Fang Xiaoying doesn't have many friends circle, but it can be seen that she is a college student, a freshman this year.

This morning, she was still sad that she had no friends in her circle of friends, and questioned whether she had done something wrong.

It's just that no one replied to even such a desperate message.

Lu Zhiwei looked at the screen, decisively gave her a like, and left four words: [now there is]

When Fang Xiaoying woke up, she was the only one left in the dormitory.

There is no class today, and all the roommates have gone out to play, but no one still remembers her.

In the dormitory of four people, life has suddenly become the appearance of three people.

Fortunately, she is used to it.

I got up and brushed my teeth, too lazy to go downstairs to buy food, so I started making instant noodles.

When she closed the lid and waited for the noodle to finish, she picked up the phone because she was too bored, thinking about swiping something casually.

She always turns on her phone only when she is bored.

Unlike others, she never needs to worry about missing any messages, because no one will message her, and no one will remember her.

Even her parents were like that.

But today is different, someone sent her a message.

[Xiaolu]: Good morning Xiaoying




Fang Xiaoying was dumbfounded, the question marks on her forehead followed one after another.

Someone actually texted me...

She actually remembers me...

Fang Xiaoying held the phone, and tears suddenly welled up in her eyes.

She looked at the message repeatedly.

It is obviously a simple greeting, and it is obviously something that others can get at their fingertips...

Then she finally found out that little red dots appeared in her circle of friends.

She went in in a daze, and saw Xiaolu's message under her circle of friends where she was troubled by not having any friends.

—Now there is.

In an instant, reason was defeated in front of these four words.

Fang Xiaoying couldn't control it anymore, she lay down on the table and burst into tears.

Lu Zhiwei was on his way to work when he finally received a reply from his new friend.

[Xiaoying]: Thank you!

[Xiaoying]: I am really very happy today! ! !

[Xiaoying]: I don't know how to describe my mood to you, it may sound a little hypocritical, but I just want to cry...

Lu Zhiwei looked at her happy and cautious message, just like seeing her past self, suddenly sad.

How can I not know your mood

We are the same people...

[Lu Zhiwei]: Just be happy

[Lu Zhiwei]: I'm glad I can help you

[Lu Zhiwei]: Cry if you want to cry, crying is also a way of venting, it’s better than holding back

[Xiaoying]: Thank you very much!

[Xiaoying]: I feel that the world is a little better again!

For this new friend, she finally has the motivation to live again.

Lu Zhiwei replied: [Study hard, live well, everything will be fine, we have to watch Teacher Sang get better and better together! ]

Then put down the phone, looked up at the white snow outside the window.

I hope she can help her when she is late.

But seeing the other party so happy, her appearance should have brought some comfort to the other party.

Fortunately, not to the point of irreparable.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Wen Yao and said, "Xiao Yao, I'm going to move in a few days."

Even Wenwen in the front seat looked back at her.

Wen Yao asked curiously: "Where did you move to? Why don't I remember that you bought a new house?"

Lu Zhi smiled slightly: "Because it's not a new house."

It's my dear girlfriend's house.

Wen Yao: "?"

Wenwen: "?"

This charade is really difficult to guess.

The day Lu Zhiwei moved to Sang Wanci's house, Sang Wanci happened to be working and didn't have time to drive to pick her up in person.

She troubled Wen Yao to drive her to Sang Wanci's community, and then sent away the surprised Wen Yao with "You two are friends so deeply like the Pacific Ocean" all over her face.

"I'll explain it to you next time." That's what she said to Wen Yao.

"Okay, then I'll wait for the next time." Wen Yao obediently left.

Lu Zhiwei took the elevator upstairs, and suddenly felt that it was time to expand the range of coming out.

Now it seems that the agent also needs to know.

She was going to wait for Sang Wanci to come back to discuss it.

As long as Sang Wanci nodded, she would immediately confess to Wen Yao!

Sang Wanci told her on WeChat that she would be home at eight o'clock, and she hadn't eaten yet.

She simply moved the dinner time to eight o'clock to eat with Sang Wanci, and started cooking early.

From one to eight o'clock, the sound of Didi's buttons sounded on time at the door.

Lu Zhiwei immediately took the spoon in his hand, washed his hands and went to meet his girlfriend.

As a result, Zhang Xianrui was following behind his girlfriend.

"Oh, Zhiwei, are you here too?" Zhang Xianrui took the initiative to say hello.

Lu Zhiwei was stunned for a moment before saying, "Hello, Miss Zhang."

She was suddenly glad that she didn't rush up to hug Sang Wanci just now.

Otherwise, that scene... immigration is scheduled!

At this moment, Sang Wanci walked up to her and said to Zhang Xianrui, "My new roommate."

Zhang Xianrui thought: Sure enough.

Looking at the distance and eye contact between the two, no matter how you look at it, it feels wrong.

She used to suspect that her entertainer had a crush on each other, but now it seems like both of them have a little...

Thinking about the past, they were indeed very close, even if they were a couple, but they could not be refuted if they were extremely good friends.

So is this true, or is she thinking too much

— No, she has to ask!

As a manager, of course, you must keep abreast of the artist's situation, otherwise there will be no time to do public relations if something happens!

"Wan Ci," Zhang Xianrui moved her long legs, "Come with me to the study, I have something to ask you."

Sang Wanci greeted her, and followed her inside.

Zhang Xianrui closed the door, turned around and cut straight to the point: "Wan Ci, tell me the truth, what is the relationship between you two?"

Sang Wanci raised her eyes upon hearing this.

Outside the study.

Lu Zhiwei watched Zhang Xianrui close the door, and turned to look at the soup that was still cooking.

Waiting was a little boring, so I took out my mobile phone to browse Weibo and Moments.

Then I swiped to Fang Xiaoying's latest circle of friends—

[It's not too late szd! ! ! ]

Lu Zhiwei: "...?"

Why are you still a CP fan? ?