Outside the Law

Chapter 1


Private banquets in Heiichi are always full of style.

No matter how sluggish the economy is in Pingcheng today, the only thing that changes is the faces of the guests, the location of the lobby where the banquet is held, the layout of the orchestra, and the style of the women's handbags.

Luo Yu was a frequent visitor to the party. He was wearing a tactful iron-gray three-piece suit and holding a beautiful female companion.

"—Mr. Luo!"

An abrupt shout came out of nowhere, attracting many guests to look at the door.

Luo Yu turned around when he heard the sound, it was his personal assistant Lu Yi. Lu Yi's face was pale and his forehead was sweating, and he trotted over, chasing two security guards behind him.

The person who should not appear on this occasion tonight is Lu Yi.

Luo Yu's brows wrinkled slightly, he raised his hand to look at his watch, politely said sorry to the gentleman across from him, and walked quickly towards Lu Yi.

Lu Yi should have made a deal for him.

A batch of arms arrived at a small cargo terminal on the outlying island north of Ping City at 8 o'clock tonight. Lu Yi was the person designated by Luo Yu to receive the goods.

"Mr. Luo." Cold sweat dripped down Lu Yi's forehead, and his voice trembled involuntarily. Lu Yi is a very calm person.

Luo Yu took him behind a hidden Roman column and told him to put away his sweat before speaking.

"Our cargo ship," Lu Yi swallowed, said, "it's empty."

He handed the phone to Luo Yu, which contained several photos he took.

The environment in the photo is dirty and messy. The crew members are tied up and thrown into the cargo hold, their mouths are sealed with tape, and their backs are against a container. The goods on the surface of the cargo ship are cotton and children's toys. In the interlayer of five containers, a batch of Barrett M82A1 sniper rifles and tens of thousands of Browning machine guns are installed.

This batch of arms is just a pass, he negotiated a buyer from the Middle East, M82A1 and their bullets only need to stay in Pingshi for 10 hours, and transport them to the buyer's cabin, Luo Yu can have eight number of profits.

This is not a big business for Luo Yu, so he will send Lu Yi to pick up the goods. But if this single business is not done, problems will follow.

At the back of the photo is a short video, which Lu Yi accidentally cut to the camera interface. The video swayed and slapped the faces of several crew members. Lu Yi asked someone to tear off the tape of one crew member, but the other party only screamed for help.

Holding a mobile phone in one hand and a high-power flashlight in the other, Lu Yi moved from the crew's face to the rusted wall of the cabin. He saw a piece of A4 paper slanted diagonally on the top, and the top was bolded with the largest number in Song Dynasty. One word: Ruan.

"Ruan Zheng."

Luo Yu spit out a name softly, and Lu Yi lowered his head even lower.

After thinking for a few seconds, Luo Yu deleted the video and photos, walked back to the swaying scene of Shengge, and told his girlfriend a sad news: he had to go first. He asked his girlfriend again if he was going to go out with him or stay here.

The female companion looked at Luo Yu's unsightly face and said, "I, I can go by myself."

Luo Yu nodded to her, took Lu Yi out, and his car was waiting for him downstairs in the hotel.

Standing beside the car door was Luo Yu's true confidant, Xun Licheng. Xing Li was obsessed with Luo Yu coming over, he opened the car door for him without saying a word, Luo Yu leaned over slightly and sat in with his legs crossed.

Pingshi is a hub linking the mainland and overseas. The sea, land and air transportation are very developed, and it has golden waterways to all continents.

On the surface, the economy is prosperous, the public security is good, and the citizens live a happy and healthy life. Under the calm, there are turbulent undercurrents.

Huan'an Technology - Luo Yu, Zhenting Investment - Ruan Zheng, and He Yonggui, the boss of the old aristocratic Western Gang, can be said to be three-legged in Ping City. Underneath it, let's be safe. Ruan Zheng and Luo Yu were at odds. He Yonggui tried his best to make a profit from it, but he couldn't get any benefit. Ever since the news of Luo Yu's new moves came out, the already crumbling triangular relationship in Pingshi became more unstable. The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

He Yonggui is a veteran. He has been working in Ping City for decades. From the anti-knife younger brother to the Western Gang boss, he is cautious. Ruan Zheng is fresh blood, no one knows where he came from, no one knows where he came from. I haven't seen his real face, but one day, everyone knew that Ruan Zheng of Zhenting was a tough guy. Ruan Zheng didn't fight many battles, but once he fought, he would win.

Luo Yu was the latest to arrive in Ping City, but he has a special status, with inland forces behind him, strong funds, and strong connections. In just a few years, he alone occupies half of the black market in Ping City.

In the few years when Luo Yu first came to Ping City, in line with the principle of non-interference, although the three parties had constant friction in private, they were generally considered to coexist harmoniously.

But I don't know since when, Ruan Zheng began to fight against Luo Yu. He wanted to intervene in the seller Luo Yu talked about, and he wanted to touch Luo Yu's goods. The name announces to Luo Yu: Lao Tzu did it.

After going back and forth, the two changed from a small fight to a real fight, and both sides wished that they could smash each other's bones and ashes, eating meat and sleeping skin.

Ruan Zheng seems to have calmed down a bit recently. Luo Yu almost forgot that there was such a person. This time, he wanted to exercise Lu Yi, so he asked him to pick up the goods alone. Who knew it was this Ruan Zheng...

Luo Yu glanced at Lu Yi, who was sitting in front, and said, "It's not all your fault."

Lu Yi's shoulders seemed to loosen up.

"Punishment still has to be punished," Luo Yu leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, crossed his hands on his lap, and added after a while, "I'll go to Song Lao to pick it up by myself."

"Yes." Lu Yi replied in a low voice.

Luo Yu turned his head and instructed Xing Licheng next to him: "Tell me what Zhenting is doing recently."

Luo Yu spent a lot of time and urgently dispatched a batch of goods with his friends in the inland, only to be regarded as a half-truth to cover up the past. The Middle East guest's boat was delayed for more than three hours and almost got stuck. The other party criticized Luo Yu for the delay. Luo Yu sent a lot of good things and put it off.

Ruan Zheng was haunted, Xing Licheng searched for a long time, but still couldn't find anything specific, but there was news that Ruan Zheng had gone out to a flat market some time ago, and he didn't know what to do - this kind of specious news, there is no.

Maybe someone went on vacation to an island.

However, Luo Yu didn't have the energy to focus on Ruan Zheng anymore. He was about to meet AL, the only son of an arms giant from country A, to discuss a new transportation line.

A.L came alone, and Luo Yu took the driver personally to pick him up as a sign of importance.

As soon as he got in the car, A.L couldn't wait to tell Luo Yu that he likes Asian women. Luo Yu smiled clearly, ordered the driver to change direction, and took Mr. Lawrence to the private club, Baichao, that a friend of his in the capital had asked him to help manage.

No matter how obscure the name of the private club is, it is still a business of flesh and blood, but it is cleaner than the place where you privately solicit guests in a dilapidated residential building.

Baichao was built on the edge of a forest green area not far from the airport. There are also horse farms and golf courses nearby. A small white western-style building is hidden in the shadows of the trees, which is a difficult place to find.

Luo Yu also frequented here. The driver found the entrance of the underground garage with familiarity, swiped his card to drive down, parked at the entrance of the regular customer, got out of the car and opened the door for the boss, and left consciously.

Neal, the manager of Baichao, has been waiting at the door for a long time. He took Luo Yu and A.L by elevator to the guest room on the third floor. There were several Asian girls standing in the room, of various types.

A.L picked a girl with good English, Neal asked her to entertain the distinguished guests, and then withdrew from the room with Luo Yu.

Neal asked Luo Yu, "Mr. Luo, would you like to take a look at our new young masters, they are all clean."

Luo Yu shook his head: "No need this time."

He walked along the corridor and asked Neal about the operation of Baichao recently. Neal thought about Luo Yu's erratic personality, and answered his question nervously, for fear of making a mistake. what.

At this time, there was a sudden noise from the next room, a boy rushed out, and a vicious man twisted his hand behind him to drag him back.

When the boy saw Luo Yu, he was stunned for a moment, then stared at Luo Yu with a pair of pitiful big eyes, desperately asking for help: "Sir! Help me!"

That boy was born very pure, with red lips and white teeth, the style that Luo Yu liked very much.

Luo Yu stopped and glanced at the big man. Although the big man didn't know Luo Yu, he didn't dare to make trouble when he saw the manager standing beside Luo Yu, so he had to let go of the boy.

As soon as he let go, the boy lost his focus, his feet softened, he fell down in front of Luo Yu, looked up at Luo Yu, saw a fresh whip mark on the boy's neck, Luo Yu frowned and asked Neal: "Bai Chao Are you short of people lately?"

Neal had never seen the boy, he frowned and asked the big man, "Aliang, what's going on?"

"This kid was fine when he brought him here," Ah Liang said in a gruff voice, "Who would have thought that he would pretend to be virtuous for me as soon as he came in!"

"I, I didn't know when I came..." the boy retorted in a low voice.

A-Liang was also instructed to act, and he snorted for no reason. Just as he was about to defend something, Neal interrupted him: "Okay."

"Mr. Luo, let's go in and talk?" Neal suggested that someone passing by in the corridor would make Luo Yu even more unhappy.

Luo Yu nodded, and Neal pushed open the door. Inside was an ordinary guest room with a sofa and a bedroom.

Luo Yu looked down at the boy and asked him, "Can you stand up?"

The boy nodded, stood up with his hands on the door, and whispered, "Thank you."

Then he staggered into the room.

After closing the door, Neal asked, "What's going on?"

A Liang glanced at Luo Yu who was expressionless, and he and the boy who shrank aside, hesitantly explained the general situation.

The boy's name is Su Jiawen, a sophomore student of the Chinese Department. His mother owed gambling debts, and he was tricked into coming to Baichao to pay for his mother's debts.

Neal had an impression when he heard this. Su Jiawen was much prettier than the profile photo. He didn't recognize it for a while. He asked Su Jiawen, "Didn't you read the treaty?"

This kind of business contract is naturally without legal benefits, but it is specious, but it is enough to understand the content of Baichao's services.

"I haven't seen it," Su Jiawen said. "My mother said, it's just, to be a waiter in a private club."

Su Jiawen believed his mother's words, and foolishly followed Ah Liang and went into the white nest. After hearing Ah Liang say a few words, he realized that something was wrong, so he was unwilling to do it, and said he wanted to go out.

There is no reason for the people who came in to let them go. A Liang thought that he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to teach him a lesson. Who would have thought that when he rushed out, he happened to meet the big boss.

"Su Jiawen?" Luo Yu called his name, Su Jiawen raised his head and looked at him, his chin was pointed, and there was some baby fat on his face. Luo Yu was reliant in his heart, and there was some trust in his eyes when he looked at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu asked him, "Have you ever been in love?"

When Su Jiawen heard the question, he was stunned for a while before shaking his head: "No."

"Then..." Luo Yu approached him, the smell of cigarette smoke mixed with the smell of cologne surrounded Su Jiawen, he whispered in Su Jiawen's ear, "Have you ever had sex?"

When Su Jiawen heard the word "make love", his shoulders stiffened and he looked at Luo Yu in confusion. After a while, he lightly opened his lips and said softly, "No."

Luo Yu smiled and patted Su Jiawen on the shoulder: "Jiawen, let's do it, you can choose."

Su Jiawen looked at him and listened to him.

Although Luo Yu was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes. He said, "One is to follow me, and the other is to follow him."

Su Jiawen blinked, as if he didn't understand, and asked in a low voice, "Following you... is there any difference?"

Luo Yu felt that Su Jiawen was shy and funny, so he got close to him, and whispered to him in a voice similar to Su Jiawen's volume: "Follow me, only do it for me. Follow him, I don't know how many people you will do it for."

Su Jiawen was taken aback by Luo Yu's undisguised words, he shrank his face white, his lips moved, but he still didn't speak, and finally, when Luo Yu finally lost interest, he said: "I follow you."

Luo Yu glanced at Neal, and Neal hurriedly smiled: "What is Mr. Luo saying?"

He was about to call Su Jiawen to thank the Lord Long En.

Luo Yu didn't bring Su Jiawen home, he took him to his room in Baichao.

Su Jiawen sat by the bed, and Luo Yu asked him, "Do you know what to do?"

Su Jiawen nodded hesitantly.

"Then go wash it yourself," Luo Yu instructed, "I have done everything that needs to be done."

Seeing Su Jiawen's eyes wide open, Luo Yu leaned over to scare him: "I'm not satisfied, so I'll return you to Neal."

Su Jiawen was frightened by him, so he ran to the bathroom immediately, and only came out after a quarter of an hour.

He was wearing a bathrobe, the ends of his hair were wet with water, and a few strands of wetness hung down. He pushed open the door, but didn't come out, looked at Luo Yu, his eyes widened: "Mr. Luo, I've washed it. "

Luo Yu was amused by Su Jiawen like this, and beckoned to him: "Come here."

Su Jiawen walked over slowly. He had water vapor and a refreshing smell on his body. Ikea and Yishi were very pleasant.

Luo Yu made him kneel in front of him, stretched out his hand and stroked the collarbone and thin chest under Su Jiawen's bathrobe, and scratched and kneaded maliciously with his fingertips on the small spot on his chest. Su Jiawen blushed and looked up. With Luo Yu.

"Go to the bed," Luo Yu pointed to the big bed not far away and asked him, "Did you make it yourself later?"

Su Jiawen's lips trembled and nodded.

Luo Yu raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Do you like men?"

Su Jiawen didn't answer any more, he went to the bed with a blushing face, sat there and looked at Luo Yu. Luo Yu liked such cute little things, so he didn't ask any more questions, and walked over and pressed Su Jiawen on the bed.

Luo Yu never kissed anyone, but this time he kissed Su Jiawen on the cheek for the first time and pulled the strap of his bathrobe. Su Jiawen was wearing nothing inside, and the little thing between his legs hung softly between the sparse pubic hair. , The expansion was done later, but it was not done well, and the crystal clear lubricant was wiped by Su Jiawen all over the stock.

Luo Yu was eating this set, and his lower body was a little bit eager to move. He stood by the bed, untied the belt, and said to Su Jiawen, "Lick."

Su Jiawen was very good, he climbed over and knelt in front of Luo Yu, pulled down Luo Yu's pants, and licked from the root to the top like a lollipop, Luo Yu looked down at Su Jiawen's long and dense eyelashes, And the slightly closed eyes will harden after a while.

He asked Su Jiawen to put a condom on him with his mouth, but Su Jiawen couldn't, he bit the condom with his teeth in embarrassment, not knowing what to do, his lower lip touched the top of Luo Yu.

Luo Yu felt a little uncomfortable, sighed, put on the condom himself, and patted Su Jiawen's face: "Let's lie down."

Su Jiawen lay naked on the bed, Luo Yu did not go to bed, he stood beside the bed, pulled Su Jiawen's legs and pulled him in front of him, stretched out his hand to stir Su Jiawen's back hole, then pinched Su Jiawen's crotch and rubbed himself one by one. Push it in.

Su Jiawen's entire back stiffened from the pain. He was extremely hot inside. Luo Yu moved unsympathetically and pinned Su Jiawen to the ground. Su Jiawen was so soft that he knelt down in front of him, his tender red back hole. He was being pushed in and out by Luo Yu's big things, as if the pain was so painful that he had no strength at all, and let Luo Yu manipulate it.

This intercourse, Luo Yu originally thought it would be his simple vent, because he really has no patience with his bed partner, he only needs sex, not love. Who would have guessed that after a while, he turned Su Jiawen over, and the thing between Su Jiawen's legs was half-hard. With Luo Yu's regular movements, he slapped on his fair abdomen, and some liquid dripped from the top, and it was all over the place. .

Unlike those bedmates that Luo Yu used to slept with, Su Jiawen looked very real, with a taste of indulging in sex. The giant inside his body was rubbing against his sensitive place because he rolled over, and he let out a very soft sound. The moan made Luo Yu a little harder.

When any man is affirmed in a certain area of ability, his vanity will be met with extraordinary satisfaction.

The blush on Su Jiawen's face was dyed from the corners of his eyes to the roots of his ears. Because the climax was approaching, his bright red lips were slightly open, and even his breath was a little addicted. When Luo Yu himself didn't respond, he kissed Su Jiawen's lips.

Su Jiawen's smell was also very clean, soft and moist. Luo Yu kept twitching his lower body while kissing him. Su Jiawen's voice was pressed into his throat by Luo Yu, and he could only make a thin nasal sound.

Hearing Su Jiawen's suppressed cry, Luo Yu felt a little hot on his body, and his head became dizzy. He unbuttoned a few shirts and pinned Su Jiawen to the bed as if he was ruthless. He had to force Su Jiawen's most lewd voice out. .

In the end, Su Jiawen was about to faint before Luo Yu came out. He withdrew from Su Jiawen's body and wanted to go directly to the bathroom as usual, but Su Jiawen was a little pitiful like that. Luo Yu paused and pressed down on Su Jiawen.

Su Jiawen didn't have the strength to resist, frowned and didn't dare to speak. Luo Yu suppressed him for a few seconds and bullied him enough, so he lay beside Su Jiawen and asked Su Jiawen to lean on his shoulder.

Su Jiawen clings to Luo Yu, gasping for breath with his eyes closed.

Luo Yu rarely had such a warm moment with his bedmate. He leaned on him, thinking that this little thing was not bad and could be raised for a while.

After resting for a while, Luo Yu asked Su Jiawen, "Can I still go?"

Only then did Su Jiawen open his eyes, looked up at Luo Yu, and said, "It should be possible."

Luo Yu asked him to pick up a set of clothes from the cupboard and put them on, and went to the bathroom by himself.

When he came out around the bath towel, Luo Yu saw Su Jiawen getting off the bed with two feet, and just as he was about to stand, he "thumped" and fell to the ground.

He knelt on the floor and looked at Luo Yu, and said embarrassedly, "Mr. Luo, I don't seem to be able to walk anymore."

Luo Yu walked over and grabbed Su Jiawen by the wrist to pull him up. Su Jiawen struggled to remember, so he stretched out his other hand and pulled Luo Yu as well.

Unexpectedly, when he mixed in, Luo Yu didn't pull him up, but he was pulled to the ground together.

The towel on Luo Yu's waist was almost scattered, and he was unhappy, but seeing Su Jiawen's scared and apologetic face, he didn't get angry in the end, and directly hugged Su Jiawen to the bed: "Just stay there."

Su Jiawen agreed first. Seeing Luo Yu standing in the dressing room changing clothes, he asked, "Mr. Luo is going out?"

Luo Yu didn't close the door of the locker room. He was wearing a tie and glanced at Su Jiawen: "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

"What about me?" Su Jiawen asked anxiously, as if he was afraid that Luo Yu would oversleep and abandon him in the White Nest, he wanted to ask him for a result despite Luo Yu's cold eyes.

Luo Yu put on his coat, walked over neatly, looked down at him for a few seconds, and said, "I'll have someone pick you up later."

Su Jiawen breathed a sigh of relief and stared blankly at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu reached out and touched Su Jiawen's tender cheeks and walked out.

Luo Yu looked at his watch. He had a dinner in the evening for the newly appointed dignitaries in the city last month. Luo Yu is inextricably linked with the inland political circles. The new officials in Pingshi have to have a meal with him when they take office.

Such a dinner party is very laborious, Luo Yu got into the car, and Xing Licheng handed him two documents. The first one was thicker, which he had read before. There was a simple survey about several characters in the dinner party. The thin ones belonged to Su Jiawen.

Luo Yu flipped through it hastily. Su Jiawenping was studying in the Chinese Department of the University, and he was a good student. There was nothing special except that he looked good. The father died early, and the mother became addicted to gambling in recent years. Luo Yu knew what happened next.

Luo Yu threw his things aside. Su Jiawen had no background, which made him feel more at ease, so when Xing Licheng asked him where the person in the white nest was going, he hardly hesitated and said, "Home."

He has a ferocious large dog at home, and three thoroughbred horses run in the backyard. The only thing missing is the little thing that warms the bed in winter.

Xing Licheng responded and reported A.L's movements to Luo Yu. A.L was still intoxicated in his gentle Asian hometown, and has not woken up yet.

Luo Yu felt that this A·L was like a smoke bomb. He didn't show anything on his face. He asked Xing Licheng a few more questions, and the place to eat was almost there.

At night, as usual, you came and went, and Luo Yu was slightly drunk, and was a little tired during the day, and fell asleep on the way home.

When he got out of the car and was blown by the cold wind, Xing Licheng led him into the house, Su Jiawen sat on the sofa and looked at him with a stern voice.

Luo Yu didn't take these matters on the bed to heart, and he almost forgot about this person after seeing him for a few hours. Now that he saw Su Jiawen, he couldn't say whether he was happy or not, so he glanced at him and walked upstairs.

When Xing Licheng brought Su Jiawen back to Luo Yu's house, he felt that Luo Yu was not very normal to people this time, so he said a few more words to Su Jiawen, arranged a guest room downstairs for Su Jiawen, and told him that when the husband does not need you to accompany him , you don't disturb him.

Su Jiawen listened to Xing Licheng's words, and stood downstairs and looked at Luo Yu. Luo Yu had walked halfway before he stopped and said to the following: "What are you doing, you can't walk?"

Su Jiawen and Xing Licheng looked at each other, Xing Licheng gave him a slight nod, and Su Jiawen limped to Luo Yu's side.

That night, Luo Yu didn't want Su Jiawen, but he also exhausted Su Jiawen.

As soon as Luo Yu was drunk, he asked a lot. He asked Su Jiawen to give him a bath, and then asked Su Jiawen to step on his back and push oil.

Su Jiawen was a serious Chinese student, how could he do these tricks, and his mobile phone was confiscated by Xing Licheng, so he had to ask Luo Yu: "Can you lend me Mr. Luo's mobile phone, I will search for tutorials."

Luo Yu lay naked on the bed, the muscles on his back knotted, turned his head to look at Su Jiawen, paused for a while as if examining him, and said, "Search whatever you want, just press it."

Su Jiawen had no choice. He rode on Luo Yu's body and pressed his hand left and right on Luo Yu's back. Whenever he thought Luo Yu was asleep and wanted to rest for a while, Luo Yu's voice would ring out and ask he died?"

Su Jiawen felt sleepy even when he pressed him, and the movements of his hands slowed down. After a while, Luo Yu felt that the strength on his back was getting lighter and lighter, and finally Su Jiawen fell on top of him and pushed him down with his elbow.

Luo Yu sat up and looked at Su Jiawen, but Su Jiawen had already fallen asleep. He slept soundly, with his fist clenched in his hand, as if he wanted to beat him on the shoulder.

Luo Yufu thought it was funny again, he never shared a bed with others, but Su Jiawen had no power to tie the chicken, and he could not pose a threat, so Luo Yu directly pushed the person to the ground.

Su Jiawen was frightened during the day, and was tossed by Luo Yu again. He fell on the carpet and didn't wake up. Luo Yu rewarded him with a quilt and fell asleep.

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