Outside the Law

Chapter 13


Luo Yu is very busy. He has been doing a lot of serious business recently, so he can't avoid flying everywhere.

Ruan Zheng didn't look for him very much. Luo Yu thought for a long time before inferring that Xu's "breakup gift" stabbed Ruan Zheng.

He stayed in South America for half a month and negotiated a big deal. When the dust settled and returned to the hotel, Xing Licheng reported to him that He Yonggui was admitted to the ICU.

The Western Gang has been having a hard time recently. The business of the Western Gang was originally considered the most unclean in the industry. Last month, Pingshi changed a new officer. I don’t know if it was someone’s instigation, or it was because of the three fires that he took office, just to make a fuss about the Western Gang.

Many of the most profitable places in the Western Gang were closed down by the police. Several of He Yonggui's right-hand men were arrested. He Yonggui was also summoned for questioning. At the gate of the police station, he was taken to the hospital.

Xing Licheng briefly talked about the situation in the city, and then said, "If He Yonggui left the ICU alive, he might still act."

"Let's talk about it when you come out alive." Luo Yu concluded.

After listening to Xing Licheng's report, he subconsciously glanced at the mobile phone on the armrest. Ruan Zheng hadn't contacted him for several days.

Luo Yu doesn't expect Ruan Zheng to stay at home obediently every day like when he was Su Jiawen, so he doesn't have to come and go without a trace. He turned the ring on his hand and asked Xing Licheng casually, "Did you find out what you asked you to investigate last time?"

Xing Licheng really didn't react this time, and asked tentatively, "Which one?"

"Three years ago." Luo Yu gave a hint angrily.

"Zhen Ting's invitation was indeed a private date." Xing Licheng remembered and replied immediately.

Xing Licheng never talks much, but he sees the matter of Ruan Zheng and Luo Yu, and he finds it extremely difficult, and doubts whether it is because of his omissions that Ruan Zheng got in.

But Su Jiawen's resume is really pure and perfect, and again, he may not be able to see the problem.

Xing Licheng glanced at Luo Yu's face, and then said, "It's true that I waited all night upstairs in Jiandao."

He also found that someone had bought fireworks and put them on a man-made island on the other side of the island, but they didn't put them on in the end.

Xing Licheng felt that it would be cruel to tell Luo Yu directly, so he didn't say it at the moment, and only sent the information to Luo Yu after he arrived at the hotel.

Luo Yu was silent for a long time after he finished flipping through the information. Finally, he twitched the corners of his mouth and closed the computer.

Ruan Zheng's way of chasing people is old-fashioned and nothing new, as if he is coaxing a high school girl, not as good as Luo Yu's parachute and tens of thousands of water lanterns.

But these missed things no longer make Luo Yu look down on them, and they are gone.

There was no Ruan Zheng waiting for him in the dark, and no fireworks.

Luo Yu and Ruan Zheng seemed to be the two people on the dance floor who couldn't match the rhythm the most. They always stepped on each other, and the toes of their leather shoes were full of dust on the soles of their shoes, so they had to dance together.

On the day I returned to Pingshi, Pingshi happened to be in the plum season, and it rained all day long.

Luo Yu was exhausted by jet lag, and went downstairs in the middle of the night. Looking at the dark kitchen, he always felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a while, he realized that he was missing a Su Jiawen nest to cook milk in the kitchen.

Half an hour later, Luo Yu boiled a pot of milk, threw the milk pot into the pool, took the car, and drove to Jiandao alone.

His home was a bit far from the island, and when he passed through the underwater tunnel, it was already early morning, and there were only dim lights in the tunnel and white lines on the ground in front of him.

From the tunnel to the ground, it took another ten minutes to drive to the hotel. Luo Yu stopped where he could see the restaurant on the top floor. He opened the sunshade of the skylight and lowered the back of the chair to look at the restaurant on the roof. went out.

The tall buildings are huge shadows in the night.

His memories of the last time he was here were not good. Su Jiawen's tears made him feel heavy. Looking back, he didn't know whether Ruan Zheng was really crying or fake crying.

Crying is kind of like that.

The stopped rain started falling again, making the car window blurry, Luo Yu let it go for a while, and suddenly someone knocked on his car window.

The man was not tall, holding a black umbrella and standing outside.

Luo Yu pressed down the car window, Ruan Zhengzheng looked at him with a smile, and said, "It's raining so hard, can I come in to avoid the rain?"

Luo Yu looked at him, and after a few seconds, he said, "Come in."

Ruan Zheng went around the front of the car, put away his umbrella, opened the door and sat in. He was wearing a shirt and trousers, and the trouser legs were already wet.

Luo Yu glanced at Ruan Zheng's trousers, and asked him, "How long have you been waiting?"

Ruan Zheng took off his trousers indifferently, revealing his snow-white slender legs, his shirt was also half wet, and his whole body felt cool.

"I didn't wait," Ruan Zheng said, "I just walked to you from the lobby."

Luo Yu touched his leg, which was also cold, and turned on the air conditioner.

"Mr. Luo, what are you doing here?" Ruan Zheng crossed his legs, leaned over to hold Luo Yu's hand, tilted his head and asked him, Ruan Zheng, who had been hit by the rain, looked even more red-lipped and white-teeth, like the person running out of the painting, asking Luo Yu not to move Open your eyes.

"I heard that someone waited for me here all night, and wanted to see what the night scene of the island looked like in the early morning." Luo Yu also looked at Ruan Zheng, temporarily letting go of the anger when he found out that he was cheated, and chatted with Ruan Zheng peacefully.

Ruan Zheng laughed twice: "Not so good. Ah Qi's mouth is so big."

"What are you doing here?" Luo Yu suddenly remembered that he didn't take off the ring on his left hand, and Ruan Zheng found out that he must be very embarrassed. in the groove.

"I'm talking about an acquisition," Ruan Zheng didn't notice Luo Yu's actions, "I live here. I happened to see your car, so I'll come and have a look."

Luo Yu's car is very conspicuous, there is only one in Quanping City, and Ruan Zheng recognized it at a glance.

After a few seconds of silence, Ruan Zheng said again: "On the top floor there is a night view, there are only green plants here."

"Really?" Luo Yu was noncommittal.

"Didn't you see it?" Ruan Zheng said, "When you brought me here last time."

Luo Yu's heart tightened, but before he could speak, Ruan Zheng suddenly pushed the back of the chair and sat on top of him, with his fair body clinging to Luo Yu, he lowered his head and asked Luo Yu, "Do you like Su Jiawen very much?"

Luo Yu didn't speak, he pushed Ruan Zheng's head towards him and kissed Ruan Zheng's lips.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, but the kiss was not so intense, more like a tragic farewell.

"What about you? Why do you like me?" Luo Yu asked Ruan Zheng's lips.

Ruan Zheng raised his body on Luo Yu's shoulder and said, "Many years ago, Mr. Luo and I had a relationship."

"Oh?" Luo Yu grabbed Ruan Zheng's forearm and tried to pull him back, "Then what?"

Ruan Zheng shrugged: "No more."

He didn't want to say it, and Luo Yu didn't force him, there would be time to figure it out in the future.

Ruan Zheng only felt that Luo Yu relaxed a lot, and he raised his head and bit his neck, trying to unbutton his shirt.

The moment Luo Yu touched the button of his shirt, Ruan Zheng held Luo Yu's hand and looked pitiful at him: "Mr. Luo, don't you take off your clothes?"

Luo Yu's hand went down Ruan Zheng's chest and said, "You can do it without taking it off, just do it in this position."

Ruan Zheng was choked by him, but he just didn't want to take off his shirt, so he nodded and said yes. He never liked the riding position on the bed. He went too deep, and his internal organs would be stabbed and displaced by Luo Yu. Ruan Zheng was almost unable to control himself and could only be pushed up by Luo Yu's waist. He felt that he was about to lose control, and he would listen if he had to cry and beg Luo Yu to change his posture.

But this reason cannot be told to Luo Yu, otherwise Luo Yu will definitely press him to the point of incontinence.

Luo Yu found a tube of body lotion from the holding box and squeezed some on Ruan Zheng's hand. Ruan Zheng obediently took off his underwear, knelt on both sides of Luo Yu's legs with his legs apart, and supported the back of the chair with his left hand. The right hand was expanding for himself. Although Luo Yu couldn't see it, he could hear the faint sound of water flowing in and out of Ruan Zheng's fingers and Ruan Zheng's rapid breathing.

Luo Yu swelled hard, unbuttoned his trousers, and pressed his hard and thick genitals against Ruan Zheng's lower abdomen. Luo Yu waited a little impatiently, grabbed Ruan Zheng's waist, stretched his hands behind his back and stuffed two fingers in, Ruan Zheng was already wet and soft inside, reminding Luo Yu of the feeling of being tightly wrapped by Ruan Zheng .

He pulled Ruan Zheng's hand away and asked him, "Are you addicted? You won't let me in even if you're so wet."

Ruan Zheng was clinging to his shoulders with one hand and Luo Yu's genitals with the other. Luo Yu felt Ruan Zheng's wet pussy swallow him bit by bit in the dark.

When he sat down to the end, Ruan Zheng couldn't move. He was in a lot of pain and numbness. Luo Yu seemed to have reached the deepest part of him.

But Luo Yu still pushed him up hard, and asked him in a low voice, "Isn't Mr. Ruan's physical strength very good?"

Ruan Zheng's body was in great pain, but his genitals were still upright. Luo Yu circled his dripping genitals, and rubbed them one by one while pushing them.

The genitals in his body were buried too deep, and Ruan Zheng's consciousness was about to lose consciousness. He wrapped himself around Luo Yu and begged him for a kiss. After a while, he was fucked and ejaculated by Luo Yu. The semen soaked his white shirt and dripped on Luo Yu's body. Yu's lower abdomen.

Luo Yu dipped a little, put his finger in Ruan Zheng's mouth and stirred it. Ruan Zheng didn't know where he was pushed by him, so he leaned on top of him and begged him in a low voice and hurriedly: "Can I do it below?"

"No." Luo Yu said, pressing Ruan Zheng's crotch, working faster, deliberately pushing in that direction.

Ruan Zheng couldn't hold back his voice any longer, he opened his mouth slightly and panted deeply, and from his throat made a voice that sounded like a cry and a voice that was too comfortable to suppress.

Luo Yu watched Ruan Zheng get out of control, and he was about to lose control. He pressed Ruan Zheng to make a ruthless effort, and he worked deep and fast. Ruan Zheng's hole was muddy by him, and everyone was lost, and Luo Yu only came out.

The car was full of the rich taste of after love, and Luo Yu was still buried in Ruan Zheng's body. Ruan Zheng's legs were kneeling weakly, his head buried between Luo Yu's neck, and his breath was full of lewdness.

Luo Yu touched Ruan Zheng's slightly bulging spine, touched his waist, and finally patted his buttocks: "Can you get up?"

"Yeah." Ruan Zheng replied sullenly, pushing his knees against the seat, slowly raising his hips, Luo Yu's genital that had just ejaculated slipped out of his body, and brought out some cloudy semen.

"Why didn't you talk about it this time?" Luo Yu looked at the scene in front of him, and he was a little bit eager to move, and asked Ruan Zheng without blinking.

Ruan Zheng rested for a while before whispering in his ear: "I can't taste the taste below."

Luo Yu pushed him away a little: "Don't be mad."

Ruan Zheng leaned over and kissed Luo Yu, then stepped back to the co-pilot to put on his pants, and said, "I'm going upstairs to sleep."

Luo Yu was stunned, wondering what the hell Ruan Zheng was doing.

Ruan Zheng opened the car door, then turned around and asked, "Mr. Luo come up and take a seat?"

Luo Yu naturally followed Ruan Zheng to the room, Ruan Zheng really made him tea, and the two chatted for a while, Ruan Zheng saw that Luo Yu's clothes were a little wet, and asked him if he wanted to take a bath and sleep here.

Luo Yu agreed, patted Ruan Zheng's head and walked to the bathroom.

"Mr. Luo," Ruan Zheng suddenly stopped Luo Yu, "Is this also a parting gift?"

Luo Yu paused while holding the bathroom door handle, then turned around and stared at Ruan Zheng without saying a word.

"Really?" Ruan Zheng asked calmly.

"What do you think?" Luo Yu took two steps towards him, but not very close to him, keeping a polite social distance and watching Ruan Zheng.

Ruan Zheng's shirt was rubbed very wrinkled by Luo Yu, the water in his eyes was still light, and his lips were red from the kiss of Luo Yu. At first glance, he had just been tossed well. He sat on the bed and looked at Luo Yu, without any aggression. Still like the little pet that Luo Yu kept at home.

Ruan Zheng said, "I don't know."

He waited for Luo Yu to answer him.

Luo Yu looked at him for a while, and said thoughtfully and fearlessly, "Let's start with the gun buddies first."

Ruan Zheng was stunned for a while, his lips moved, he got out of bed, walked to the safe, took out the Glock 17 that Luo Yu had given him, and removed the gun in a hurry. The speed at which he dismantled the gun was the fastest and most stable. Before he realized what Ruan Zheng was doing, Ruan Zheng had already emptied the magazine of the gun and put all the parts into a hotel to provide customers with in the transparent plastic bag, then raised his head and said to Luo Yu, "That's fine."

Ruan Zheng put himself very low, without pursuit, naturally he would not be disappointed again. During the more than ten hours he waited for Jiandao, and in the next three years, he once thought that Luo Yu would not love anyone. It turns out that Luo Yu just doesn't love Ruan Zheng.

"Mr. Luo and I are not familiar, so I don't know. I don't like unclear relationships." Ruan Zheng untied the collar of his shirt. He hung a thin chain and wore a ring. He untied the chain, The room was extremely quiet, and Luo Yu could hear the sound of the chain rubbing against the ring.

Ruan Zheng threw the necklace on the table, threw the ring into the bag containing the parts, sealed it, and handed it to Luo Yu: "It's getting late, Mr. Luo, please come back."

Luo Yu's face immediately became ugly. He took the bag after a while, and his head fell on the table. He found the ring that Ruan Zheng threw in, grabbed Ruan Zheng's hand, and put the ring on him again. : "Okay?"

Ruan Zheng looked at the ring on his ring finger and said nothing.

Luo Yu still grabbed his hand, looked down at Ruan Zheng, and said to him, "Keep the gun away, don't lie to me in the future."