Outside the Law

Chapter 5


Luo Yu almost laughed when he heard that Jiang Qi wanted to buy Su Jiawen from him.

It was still Zhou Zihao who acted as a middleman.

Zhou Zihao's father cooperated with Zhen Ting, and Jiang Qi asked him to be a lobbyist.

Zhou Zihao first asked Luo Yu if he wanted to go to sea together again. He almost lost his underwear last time, so he had to give him a chance to win back.

Luo Yu put a thousand pounds in four or two: "Wait until Shen Qixuan comes to Pingshi."

Zhou Zihao said a few more words, and when he noticed Luo Yu's impatience, he cut to the point: "Mr. Luo, is the boy you brought out last time still with you?"

Luo Yu didn't answer and asked him what was going on. Zhou Zihao twisted again and then said what he meant.

Jiang Qi's offer was five million. Luo Yu listened to Zhou Zihao's offer and laughed on the spot: "Jiang Qi sends beggars?"

Zhou Zihao felt that although five million won't get into Luo Yu's eyes, it was always more than enough to buy a Su Jiawen. He also persuaded Jiang Qi that Luo Yu was immature, and Su Jiawen might be released soon after that. It doesn't have to be so roundabout.

And someone was fighting with Luo Yu, and Luo Yu might not let him go.

Jiang Qi said no, saying that Su Jiawen was his teacher's child, and the teacher was kind to him, so he must rescue Su Jiawen from the fire pit.

Zhou Zihao was asked by his father three times, so he dared to call Luo Yu.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yu called Lu Yi in and asked him, "Is Jiang Qi going to give Su Jiawen a vase in front of you?"

Lu Yi paused before saying yes.

Luo Yu asked, "Do you think Su Jiawen doesn't know Jiang Qi?"

Lu Yi recounted what happened that night, and emphasized: "Mr. Su doesn't seem to know Jiang Qi."

Jiang Qi's origin is clearer than Ruan Zheng's. He is a native of Pingshi. He was a thug in the Western Gang when he was fifteen or sixteen years old. One winter, he suddenly disappeared from Pingshi, and it has been three years since he reappeared. Jiang Qi changed his body and became Zhen Ting's deputy, acting on Ruan Zheng's behalf.

When Xing Licheng heard Lu Yi's words, he started to check. Jiang Qi and Su Jiawen did have some relationship. Su Jiawen's deceased father was Jiang Qi's middle school head teacher. Su Jiawen's father had a good reputation when he was alive, and Xu Shi was kind to Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi is much older than Su Jiawen. It is not necessarily that he has seen Su Jiawen when he was a child, and Su Jiawen's appearance is not much different from when he was a child. He is good-looking and it is not difficult to recognize him.

It was just that all the "coincidences" came together, which made people suspicious, and he immediately told Luo Yu. Luo Yu didn't take it to heart, but Zhou Zihao's appearance today reminded him.

Luo Yu called home and asked the housekeeper what Su Jiawen was doing. The housekeeper looked over and said, "Mr. Su is reading."

Luo Yu closed his eyes and thought about how Su Jiawen was staying at his house, but he still didn't want to ask any more questions. Su Jiawen is simple, alone, and is so weak that he can't kill a chicken. Besides walking the dog every day, he reads books. He has been lying in his bed for so long.

Suspicion of Su Jiawen is in the end, but it is also useless.

In the evening, Luo Yu pushed a wine and meat bureau and asked the driver to go home directly. The road was being repaired in the city center recently. The driver detoured and drove past a flower shop that he had never seen before. Luo Yu just looked up and saw it.

He asked the driver to stop, the driver pulled over and stopped, Luo Yu got out of the car and walked into the flower shop.

The florist girl in an apron greeted him: "Sir, what do you need?"

Luo Yu asked her politely, "Can you tie a bunch of tulips for me?"

"Of course," the little girl put down the kettle in her hand and said, "Which colors do you want?"

Luo Yu pointed to a bunch of white ones: "Just this color."

When he got home, Luo Yu stuffed the flowers with Su Jiawen. He didn't do such things as buying gifts in person, and it was a bit awkward to do.

Su Jiawen was very happy to receive it, hugged the flower and said, "I just don't know where to put it."

Luo Yu remembered the silver vase, and just as he was about to speak, Su Jiawen said again, "I don't know if there is aspirin in the medicine cabinet."

"What do you want aspirin for?" Luo Yu asked him.

"Aspirin soaked in water can prolong the flowering period," said Su Jiawen, holding a large bunch of flowers at home to find a vase. After a few minutes, I finally found three vases of different colors in the storage room.

The nanny helped him lay out the vase on the coffee table, and he squatted in front of the coffee table and gestured.

"Mr. Luo," he turned to call Luo Yu, "Which one do you think looks good?"

"You come to eat first." Luo Yu regretted buying flowers for him and came back.

Su Jiawen hesitated for a while, probably because he wanted to pick a vase with Luo Yu, and finally put down the flowers and sat down to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Luo Yu casually mentioned: "Why didn't you accept the vase Jiang Qi gave you that day?"

Su Jiawen looked up at Luo Yu for a moment before saying, "I don't think so."

"Why is it bad?" Luo Yu asked again.

Su Jiawen shook his head and said, "I can't tell, he looks so scary."

Jiang Qi was like a gangster, but Luo Yu smiled and reassured him: "Next time there is such a thing, you can accept it boldly."

Su Jiawen nodded hesitantly.

"He's looking for someone to buy you five million with me today." Luo Yu observed Su Jiawen's expression and said slowly.

It took a few seconds for Su Jiawen to understand the meaning of Luo Yu's words. When he thought about it, his face turned white in an instant, and Nuonuo said, "Really?"

Su Jiawen looked straight at Luo Yu, as if waiting for his judgment.

Luo Yu couldn't bear to get up when he looked at him like this. He said, "Ruan Zheng is probably not very good to him, he is poor."

Su Jiawen still looked at him, holding chopsticks in his hand, and didn't eat, he was nervous and scared. He wanted to ask Luo Yu if he sold him, but he didn't dare to ask.

"I didn't agree," Luo Yu let out a sigh of relief. He stretched out a piece of spareribs for Su Jiawen. "After eating, I'll accompany you to choose a vase."

Su Jiawen lowered his head and said "um", but his emotions were no longer as high as when Luo Yu handed him flowers.

Luo Yu teased Su Jiawen for a few words, but he didn't laugh, and felt boring. He pointed at Su Jiawen a vase and went upstairs. When he returned to the room, Su Jiawen was sitting by the bed in pajamas and looking through the medicine box.

"Looking for aspirin?" Luo Yu pulled down his tie and threw it aside, unbuttoning his shirt.

Su Jiawen moved the vase with the tulips to his feet, found a plate of aspirin, put a piece in the vase, raised his head and asked Luo Yu, "Mr. Luo, where should I put the vase?"

"As you like." Luo Yu said.

Su Jiawen's condition is not very good, maybe he was frightened by Luo Yu during dinner and felt a little depressed, he forced himself to tell Luo Yu calmly: "I want to put him in the restaurant, but the white color is the same as the tablecloth, and it doesn't match well. , and bring it up first."

He talked about seven or eight places where he wanted to put flowers, and also carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of where to put them.

Luo Yu was amusing to hear it, and wanted to ask Su Jiawen why he talked so much today, but he was actually clear and was in a compensatory mentality.

"So the bedroom is still the best," Su Jiawen summed up his statement when Luo Yu was almost sleepy, "Can you put it here?"

Luo Yu saw that he was struggling to move the vase, went over to help him lift it, and put it on the low shelf beside the sofa: "Here?"

"Well, does it look good?" Su Jiawen smiled at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu took a few steps to watch it, and it was really good, so he passed Su Jiawen's application and went to the bathroom.

He came out after taking a shower, Su Jiawen ran downstairs to steal milk again, Luo Yu walked downstairs to see him, Su Jiawen held a cup and drank happily.

The scene was harmonious, but there was a burnt smell in the kitchen.

"What's the smell?" Luo Yu asked him, frowning.

Su Jiawen said with a guilty conscience: "What smell, I didn't smell it?"

Luo Yu walked over and took a look. There were two milk pots in the pool, and one of them was dark on the bottom. He asked Su Jiawen, "Is your milk scorched?"

"No." Su Jiawen looked left and right, not admitting it.

Luo Yu bent his fingers, tapped Su Jiawen's forehead, walked out of the wine cellar, picked a bottle of wine and brought it up: "What milk to drink."

Luo Yu opened the lid, poured two glasses, and handed one to Su Jiawen: "Adults still need to drink some alcohol."

Su Jiawen put down the milk, took the wine and took a sip. Seeing that Luo Yu was also drinking, he took another gulp.

Su Jiawen's alcohol intake is not good. After two sips, his face is on his face, and his cheeks are flushed. He speaks with alcohol smell, and walks lightly.

When he looked at Luo Yu at this time, he couldn't hide it anymore. He liked Luo Yu, he really liked it.

Luo Yu also has vanity, and naturally enjoys the pursuit of Su Jiawen's eyes. He knows Su Jiawen and asks: "Jiawen, are you willing to follow Jiang Qi?"

Su Jiawen sat on the single sofa with his legs curled up. Hearing this, he raised his head and said cautiously, "No."

"Why don't you?" Luo Yu coaxed softly, "Didn't you still accept Shen Qixi's business card?"

Su Jiawen said, "Don't follow Shen Qi."

"Why?" Luo Yu lowered his face.

Su Jiawen put the wine glass aside and leaned his body to Luo Yu. He and Luo Yu were sitting on the two sofas. :"because I like you."

His confession came without any premise and without a lot of tricks, and he told Luo Yu plainly.

"What do you like about me?" Luo Yu asked him.

Su Jiawen couldn't tell, he boldly put his hand on Luo Yu's shoulder, got closer and closer to him, and finally touched his lips.

Su Jiawen's breath smelled of alcohol, his soft lips pressed against Luo Yu, he rubbed it twice and then moved away, his beautiful and wet eyes stared at Luo Yu, and said, "I like you."

Luo Yu looked at Su Jiawen's serious expression, his heart beat faster for some reason, and he involuntarily asked Su Jiawen, "How much do you like it?"

It took a while for Su Jiawen to describe, "You can do anything."

"What if I let you sleep with Jiang Qi?" Luo Yu squeezed Su Jiawen's chin and asked him to look up.

Su Jiawen's eyes had become confused, Luo Yu was not careful, Su Jiawen fell asleep as soon as he tilted his head. Luo Yu looked at him with a very complicated mood.

Because he found that he was actually relieved, Su Jiawen fell asleep and did not answer, which meant that he did not need to listen to Su Jiawen's answer.

The question he asked himself, but he didn't want to hear the answer.

Su Jiawen fell asleep on the sofa, his posture was very uncomfortable.

If it were the previous Luo Yu, he might have thrown Su Jiawen or anyone who had slept with him on the sofa and went upstairs to sleep by himself.

But this time, Luo Yu didn't.

He hugged Su Jiawen horizontally, carried him back to his room, put him on the bed, and fell asleep with him.

In the morning, Su Jiawen woke up earlier than Luo Yu, squatting at the low table to look at his tulips.

Hearing Luo Yu getting up, he looked back and said nervously, "One of the petals seems to be withered, I'm thinking about what to do."

"When it's dry, it's dry, what does it seem like." Luo Yu walked over to look and didn't see any difference.

Su Jiawen fiddled with melancholy, and said like a tongue twister: "Aspirin is not very effective."

Luo Yu smiled and rubbed Su Jiawen's head: "I'll buy you another bunch when it's dry."

Su Jiawen still studied his flowers reluctantly, and turned to discuss with Luo Yu: "Mr. Luo, if I leave in the future, can the vase be placed here?"

The questions he asked were sober and realistic, but Luo Yu didn't like to hear them. Luo Yu looked down at Su Jiawen expressionlessly, and deliberately misinterpreted his meaning: "Is this going to go to Jiang Qi?"

Su Jiawen was blocked by him and was speechless. With his head down, Luo Yu asked him, "Which flower has withered?"

"This one," Su Jiawen pinched one of the flower branches, pulled out some of it, and showed it to Luo Yu, "this one."

Luo Yu stretched out his hand and pulled out the flower, threw it into the trash can, and walked into the dressing room.

Su Jiawen was so angry that he jumped behind him: "Why are you throwing flowers at random!"

Luo Yu stopped, turned around and looked down at him, Su Jiawen shrank again and did not speak, but his expression was still resentful.

"You still have a temper?" Luo Yu asked him.

"Don't dare." Su Jiawen kicked the trash can with his toes and ran downstairs for breakfast.

While eating breakfast, a new dish made by the cook caught Su Jiawen's attention.

"Aunt Liu, how did you do this?" Su Jiawen stopped the passing cook and asked her, "My father made it for me when I was a child, and I haven't eaten it since."

The cook looked at it and said, "This is a pickle from our hometown, which is rare in Pingshi."

Su Jiawen said that he wanted to learn, and Luo Yu poured cold water on him: "A person who has to cook his milk should learn to cook."

But Su Jiawen was still eager to try, and Luo Yu went with him.