Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 137: Mingzhi by death


"Lao Qi, what's going on?" The old ancestor had a gloomy face, and was helped up by Ye Tiankuang.

After all, I am getting old, and after kneeling for about a stick of incense, my legs are already a little numb.

At this time, the weight of the whole person was supported by Ye Tiankuang.

Thinking that he had knelt down to a junior for so long in front of many people, the face of the old ancestor became more and more gloomy.

"I would like to ask you, what's going on." Ye Qingluo glanced around, pretending to be puzzled, "Why are the ancestors and Father kneeling at the door?"

Suddenly, she nodded as if in a daze, and scratched her head with embarrassment: "Did the ancestors and my father come here to welcome me to celebrate my admission to Shangxuan Academy?"

The old ancestor had stood firm at first, but when he heard Ye Qingluo's words, his body trembled violently, his thin eyes narrowed, leaving only a gap.

Welcome to the night

Can Ye Qingluo bear her such a generous reception

"Of course I can afford it." Ye Qingluo smiled sweetly as if he had seen through what the old ancestor was thinking.

The innocent eyes shined brightly, and the eyebrows were curved, "The ancestors have been kneeling for such a long time, and the thunder has never sounded. Why can't I bear it?"

"You...! Lao Qi, after all, is the young suzerain of the Sanquan sect, who speaks his mind!" The hostility in the ancestor's eyes flashed away, and his eyes were deep and treacherous.

This little bitch is indeed different from the past.

How could it be possible for Ye Qingluo to have such a pair of... such soul-stirring eyes

What is the reason that led to such a big change in Lao Qi, who has been weak for fifteen years

"If the ancestors really think that I am the young suzerain, when the elder sister provoked me just now, the ancestors should speak up to defend."

Ye Qingluo smiled sarcastically, "I don't have a mother to discipline me, could it be that... Eldest sister doesn't know how to teach?"

The voice fell suddenly, and she took up the conversation on her own; "It's true, if the eldest sister has a tutor and is a daughter of a boudoir, she won't hide her sister's back and hang out with her future brother-in-law."

The last sentence, although whispered softly.

But who can't hear the people around? Who can't hear

Seeing the people pointing and discussing lively, Ye Qingqian bit her lower lip tightly in shame and anger, how could she keep her usual gentleness on her face.

Yeqing has a shallow face, and she only feels that the eyes around her make her face burn like fire.

She tightly clutched the large sleeve robe with her small hands, suppressing the anger surging in her chest.

He tried his best to restrain himself to make his voice sound more gentle: "Seventh Sister, if... If you try to misunderstand Eldest Sister, slander Eldest Sister, the only way Eldest Sister can die is to show her will!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her sleeves and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes softly.

Immediately, the whole person ran towards the wall of the Sanquan Zongfu.



The ancestors and Ye Tiankuang exclaimed in unison.

Just when Ye Qingqian's head was about to hit the wall, a burst of profound energy rushed towards him.

That strong air wave violently turned Ye Qingqian's body over.

Ye Qingqian fell heavily to the ground.

The delicate makeup on the face has been covered by dust, and the hair that was carefully rolled up is also scattered into a ball.

"Qian'er, I'm sorry, my highness wanted to save you, but I couldn't control my strength in a hurry..."

Leng Fenghua, who was standing in the distance and blew out the mysterious energy, immediately withdrew his hand, stepped to Ye Qingqian's side in a few short steps, and wrapped her in his arms.

Seeing Ye Qingqian seeking death, Leng Fenghua's reflexive behavior was to stop her with profound energy.

But he didn't expect that Ye Qingqian would become so embarrassed.