Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 156: Dormitory disturbance (1)


Ye Qingluo touched the badge, she still didn't know what class she was in.

Probably... in the Gaoxuan class.

Although her Xuan rank is not enough to qualify to enter the high Xuan class, but...

Gao Xuanban, there should be no doubt about it.

Gao Xuanban...

There are many acquaintances.

In Shangxuan Academy, I'm afraid I can't feel at ease, I just go to school.

Ye Qingluo collected his thoughts, put away the academy manual, and injected profound energy into the wooden sign according to the method in the manual.

With a slight flash of the wooden sign, a row of golden handwriting appeared on the wooden sign.

Name: Ye Qingluo.

Gender: Female

Age: fifteen.

Xuan rank: Huang Xuan ninth grade.

Identity; the young master of the Sanquan Sect, the seventh lady of the Ye family.

Ye Qingluo rubbed the top with her fingertips, a light flashed, and the location of her dormitory soon appeared.

Then it was shown that Yeqing had landed in the dormitory, and there was no one there.

As expected of the best college, the environment of the dormitory is excellent, even better than her yard in Ye's house.

Ye Qingluo looked at the rooms one by one. There were four rooms in total, and the layout and decoration of each room were exactly the same.

Xu is the women's room. On the wall of each room, several strings of shell-shaped wind chimes are hung.

Each room also has a window, and a mahogany square table is placed beside the window, with a bouquet of gorgeous blue flowers in bloom.


Qiqi's fluffy white body sprang out from Ye Qingluo's shoulders, groaning in a low voice.

"Qiqi." Ye Qingluo smiled happily and rubbed Qiqi's little head, "Have you rested yet?"

Qi Qi let out an "ow", and rubbed her head against Ye Qingluo's palm, with a pair of tiger eyes, her smile formed a crooked line.

Ye Qingluo chuckled, his eyes filled with tenderness.

The four rooms are empty except for the things prepared by the academy.

Obviously, the other roommates haven't been to the dormitory yet.

Ye Qingluo chose a room at random and walked in.

Her salutes are all at Ye Fengyu's place, and she can only meet tonight when the master holds a freshman meeting tonight, and take them back to salute.

The room is cleaned by a special person, clean and free from dust.

Ye Qingluo lay directly on the bed, hugged Qiqi in her abdomen, and stroked its head with her fingers: "In the next few days, we will be very busy, and we will have to work hard for you."

Qiqi nodded.

For Qiqi, Ye Qingluo felt somewhat guilty in his heart.

From the old man Cang, Ye Qingluo learned that Qiqi made a contract with her in blood, which meant that Qiqi would forever become her favorite in battle.

The blood contract is enough to show Qi Qi's loyalty.

But the biggest drawback is...

Qiqi's strength will also be suppressed because Ye Qingluo's profound rank is too low.

Since the contract with Qiqi, Qiqi spends most of the day sleeping in the animal pet space.

For pets, sleep is about promoting growth and evolution.

Qi Qi was one of the four ancient holy beasts, her power was suppressed to zero in an instant, and it also caused great damage to the beast body.

Knowing the consequences, Qiqi chose to make a contract with her without hesitation.

This moved Ye Qingluo even more.

She vowed secretly in her heart that she would find her Xuanxin Jade as soon as possible, work hard to improve her strength, and raise the Xuan rank up!

"Aww~ow~" As if sensing the master's thoughts, Qi Qi moved her little paws towards Ye Qingluo's body, rubbing her little head against it.

At this moment, the door of the dormitory room was opened.

Then I heard a savage woman say: "My lady lives in the same dormitory as a piece of trash like you? It really lowers my class! Mo Yingyue, you don't even think about stepping in the door of this dormitory!"