Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 161: Freshman Conference


Liu Xiaoyu gnawed on the pastry, and did not forget to hand the wooden box to Ye Qingluo.

Ye Qingluo was indeed hungry, so he was not polite.

He took out a piece and took a bite.

A strong red bean flavor diffuses in the mouth, leaving a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

"It's delicious!" Liu Xiaoyu raised her eyebrows proudly, "Our cook is the best cook, and I like eating these pastries the most."

Ye Qingluo nodded with a smile, the taste is indeed good.

"Who are our other two roommates, do you know?"

Ye Qingluo finished eating the pastries and wiped her hands: "Mo Yingyue, Shangguan Liuli."

Liu Xiaoyu put the wooden box on the bed and stood up suddenly: "Shangguan Liuli is also in this dormitory?"

Ye Qingluo nodded lightly.

"Then...then she was crying outside just now, someone in the dormitory bullied her...you?" Liu Xiaoyu's eyes widened in disbelief.



Ye Qingluo's eyes twitched, did Shangguan Liuli really lose any face

I ran outside and cried, because I was afraid that others would not know that the dignified fifth lady of Shangguan was bullied on the first day of entering the academy

"If you're right, what should be said... is me."

"Wow—" Liu Xiaoyu held Ye Qingluo's hand with both hands, her dark eyes sparkled brightly, "Qingluo, you are too good! Shangguan Liuli is in the second grade of Xuanxuan, and it is said that he has been assigned to the Gaoxuan class ! You... you actually beat her!"

After shouting excitedly, Liu Xiaoyu's face darkened: "But...you have to be careful, Shangguan Liuli's third brother is in Gaoxuan class, and a group of his own forces have gathered in Shangxuan Academy, you offended Shangguan Liuli, her third brother will definitely trouble you!"

"My principle of life is not to cause trouble, but I am not afraid of trouble."

Ye Qingluo smiled, and let go of Liu Xiaoyu's hand, "Okay, I will take care of Shangguan Liuli's matter, you can clean up the room first, the freshman meeting will be held soon."

As soon as Xu hour arrived, the academy rang the bell.

Then I heard a burst of orderly and loud voices spreading from the academy.

Listening to the voice, about a dozen people used their profound energy to disperse the voice in every corner of the college: "Freshmen pay attention, freshmen pay attention, hurry up and report to the college square! After a stick of incense, all freshmen must arrive Square, otherwise it will be a major demerit."

The voice rang a dozen times before stopping.

Just outside the door, there were noisy voices from the students, one by one swarming towards the square.

Ye Qingluo remembered the fault punishment she had seen in the manual before.

For a student, there are only three opportunities for major failures and five minor failures.

Once the fault exceeds the record, it will be dismissed.

Ye Qingluo and Liu Xiaoyu packed up and arrived at the square together.

The two women, one glamorous and enchanting, the other beautiful and charming, immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Although there are many beauties in the academy, there are not many beauties as stunning as Ye Qingluo.

What's more, who would think there are too many beauties

Ye Qingluo found a place, and pulled Liu Xiaoyu to stand in the corner.

The college occupies a very large area, with a total of more than 50 schools.

There is also a huge square, which is a bit larger than the assessment square, and it is divided into three areas: the high class, the middle class, and the earth class.

A wide variety of learning equipment, weapons, and more are available.

This is the place for students to train and exercise.

It is in this square that they have a meeting for freshmen.

The time for a stick of incense will come soon.

The masters used barriers to trap the arriving freshmen, lest those who did not arrive within the specified time be mixed in.