Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 178: This freshman class is amazing


"These three people are crazy, do they have to put their lives on it before they are willing?"

"They don't want to die, we want to die!"

"My comprehensive score in the ability assessment is not bad. Even if I fail this running, at least I can get into the middle school class."

"Even if you get into the Gaoxuan class, you still have to be lucky."

The freshmen who fell on the ground spoke sour words one by one.

People are like this, once they can't stick to something, they keep saying sour words, thinking that their persistence is simply stupid.

To put it bluntly, it was just an excuse for my own cowardice.

It's just to make myself feel more at ease.

Liu Xiaoyu's body was already crumbling, she was at the front, her legs were like plumb weights, stepping forward step by step.

Fortunately, Ye Qingluo reminded them that they were wearing black clothes today, even if they were sweating profusely, they would not reveal the color of their underwear.

But other female students are miserable.

Sweating like rain, the thin gauze clothes were sticking to the bumpy figure one by one.

Of course, everyone is tired at this time, and they don't have the mind to take care of these things.

"Xiaoyu, come on, we're only a few steps away."

Ye Qingluo stopped pressing her legs and trot slowly towards the square.

Although I was still a little tired because of stretching the muscles that had been relaxed, I was not as tired as I was when I ran five laps before.

When she came to Liu Xiaoyu's side, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly: "If you successfully run five laps, I will invite you to the cafeteria to eat roast chicken tonight!"

Xu is the word roast chicken, which made the eyes of Liu Xiaoyu, a foodie, brighten.

Perhaps it was because Ye Qingluo ran to her side after running five laps, and continued to run half a lap with her, Liu Xiaoyu's exhausted and sweaty face also showed a trace of determination.

One person cheered in his ear, and the other ran hard.

Finally, they reached the end of the fifth lap at the same time.

Liu Xiaoyu could hardly stand still.

Ye Qingluo supported her to stand for about half a stick of incense, then let go of Liu Xiaoyu and asked her to do stretching exercises for muscle relaxation.

the second!

The second freshman who successfully ran five laps!

This year's freshmen are really eye-catching!

The hearts of the two instructors swelled, and the hearts of the students around them boiled.

Immediately, thunderous applause resounded throughout the square.

These two freshmen definitely deserve the applause!

Among the freshmen who fell to the ground in a mess, Shangguan Liuli's brows and eyes were full of fierce hatred.

Surrounding her, there were a few sisters who had good friends outside the academy, each of them was exhausted, but still had to serve Shangguan Liuli: "Miss Fifth, don't be angry, these two people are not easy to mess with!"

"Heh... Miss Ben's breath, I can't swallow it!" Shangguan Liuli's eyes were fierce, like sharp knives, cutting Ye Qingluo.

Why could Ye Qingluo finish five laps, but she couldn't

If it wasn't for Ye Qingluo's provocation, forcing her to use all her strength first, she would definitely be able to run five laps!

The glory of the applause now also belongs to her!

The more I thought about it, the more the darkness in my heart spread.

"My roast chicken... the roast chicken is still counting." Liu Xiaoyu took a rest and then walked towards Ye Qingluo.

As expected of a foodie, the first question asked was food.

Ye Qingluo smiled: "Do the math, do the math, I invite you tonight!"

"I suddenly felt... all the hard work today is worth it!" Liu Xiaoyu made a greedy look and licked her lips.

But at this time, the other two freshmen in the arena, both of them fell to the ground ten steps away from the finish line, closed their eyes, and passed out at the same time.