Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 189: President of the Faculty


Liu Xiaoyu stomped her feet anxiously, her face full of anxiety.

She twisted her fingers and looked at the figures of Ye Qingluo and the others as they drifted away. With a fist clenched, she turned and ran in another direction.

Ye Qingluo was caught in the middle, the two beauties seemed friendly, but in fact their palms were stuck to Ye Qingluo's back.

It seemed that as long as she resisted a little, they would mercilessly drop a palm on her.

A group of people walked for an unknown amount of time and stopped in a luxuriously decorated courtyard.

To be able to build a personal independent courtyard in the college, this place is definitely not an ordinary place.

Sure enough, Ye Qingluo saw a few large characters written in flying and phoenix dancing on the top of the courtyard: Academy Affairs Council.

Ye Qingluo sneered, she guessed right, these people were members of the Academy Affairs Council.

The seven male students from Gaoxuan class who followed behind stopped at the gate of the Academy Affairs Council.

After the two beauties led Ye Qingluo into the hospital affairs meeting, occasionally a few people from the hospital affairs meeting would pass by.

When everyone saw these two beauties, they greeted respectfully: "Vice President, Hello, Miss Liu Si."

It can be seen how high the status of these two beauties is in the Academy Council.

Ye Qingluo narrowed her eyes slightly, shouldn't she be proud, the dignified vice president, to pick her up in person

The two beauties led Ye Qingluo around the courtyard several times.

Probably because he wanted to make Ye Qingluo so confused that he couldn't remember the way.

However, they did not expect that Ye Qingluo had the ability to never forget.

Suddenly, the vice president paused, and looked coldly at somewhere behind him: "Someone is following you."

Miss Liu Si's expression changed, she didn't expect someone to follow them for so long without a sound.

"Second sister, can you sense who it is?"

The vice president had a sullen face, and suddenly pinched Ye Qingluo's face with his five fingers: "Sure enough, he is not an ordinary waste material, and there is such a powerful guard by his side."


Ye Qingluo immediately understood that Afeng, who was arranged by Di Moxuan to protect her, followed her.

From the bottom of her heart, she reassessed the strength of the vice president.

Her perception ability has surpassed that of ordinary people many times, but she still cannot perceive the existence of Ah Feng.

The vice president unexpectedly discovered the existence of Ah Feng.

"Avoid." The vice president quickly made a judgment, picked up Ye Qingluo by the waist, and slammed his body against the wall.

And that Miss Liu Si leaped forward and ran towards the direction indicated by the vice president.

Ye Qingluo originally thought that she would be treated as a meatloaf and hit the wall.

But as soon as her body touched the wall, she was sucked in by a suction force.

Inside the wall, there is a dark passage.

Ye Qingluo was carried on her shoulders, dangling all the way.

Ye Qingluo half-closed his eyes until a light appeared in front of his eyes.

Inside the secret passage, there are actually one after another criss-crossed secret passages.

Every secret passage is guarded by guards in black.

The vice president walked the middle one, walked for a while, and arrived at a room at the end.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, Ye Qingluo saw Shangguan Liuli who was sitting beside him, complacent.

"President, I have invited classmate Ye." The vice president put down Ye Qingluo, his voice became gentle.

The room is very simple, with two bookshelves, a wooden table, and a few wooden chairs.

And in front of the wooden table, the person who was leaning over the desk to review the official documents of the court raised his head slightly when he heard the voice.

It was a young man with an extremely refined and elegant appearance.

He was wearing a blue and white courtyard uniform, with a blue belt tied around his waist, and his temple hair was only fixed by a jade crown studded with jade beads.

Those eyes seemed to be coated with a layer of moisture, which seemed to be able to immerse people in his gentleness, unable to extricate themselves.

This person...is the president of the Academy Council