Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 195: Be cowardly when you should be cowardly


Shangguan Liuli was also shot while lying down.

Being pressed down so hard by Si Yanmu, he almost didn't squeeze out his internal organs.

Before he had time to get up, he was slapped by Liu Xueyue again.

Shangguan Liuli wanted to cry but had no tears, lying on the ground, she had no strength to get up.

Ye Qingluo let out a low laugh: "Mr. Yougui, you're really playing tricks like this."

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Liu Xueyue fell in love with Si Yanmu to the point of being pathological.

Just like before, Si Yanmu just praised her, and Liu Xueyue just wanted to kill her with his eyes.

not to mention…

You Gui threw Si Yanmu directly at Shangguan Liuli.

Skin to skin touched, Si Yanmu was still pressing on Shangguan Liuli.

Liu Xueyue hated Shangguan Liuli to the bone.

Shangguan Liuli probably never dreamed that she would ask her elder brother to find the president of the academy affairs association to avenge her.

Instead of reporting revenge, he made himself a powerful enemy in the academy.

"What kind of disaster or whatever, I just throw it away casually." You Gui's sharp eyes glanced at Shangguan Liuli who was lying on the ground screaming, with a look of disdain.

"..." Well, she overestimated wandering ghosts.

Liu Xueyue wanted to help Si Yanmu back to sit on the wooden chair, but Si Yanmu waved her hand to stop her.

Si Yanmu held Liu Xueyue's wrist tightly, and with her strength, walked slowly in front of You Gui.

"Master Yougui, the students have been busy with college affairs these days, so they don't know much about the outside world, and they don't know that Xiao Ye is a student of Master Yougui."

Si Yanmu spoke word by word, while speaking, the skin of his mouth moved, pulling the muscles on his face, and throbbing with pain.

Filled with anger and trampled on by his pride, Si Yanmu still had to speak up.

"Today, the third young master Shangguan talked about how Miss Shangguan fifth was bullied and bullied by the college in the dormitory. As the president of the college affairs committee, the responsibility of the students is to maintain the peace of the college. Therefore... I asked classmate Ye to come over to check the situation. .”

The pot was thrown directly at Shangguan Yi.

Shangguan Yi dared not speak out, clutching his painful abdomen, bared his teeth and did not dare to speak.

"If the student knows that classmate Ye is your student, he will definitely not dare to make a mistake. Please forgive the recklessness of the student for causing this misunderstanding."

In Shangxuan Academy, the status of the master is higher than that of the students.

I have always believed in the principle of respecting teachers.

Because of this, no matter how strong the students are, even the students in the Gaoxuan class have to respectfully greet a teacher with a horizontal bar.

Especially when facing moody wandering ghosts with strange positions.

Si Yanmu is not an idiot to be able to hold the position of president of the Academy Affairs Council.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and they must be counseled when they should be counseled.

You Gui snorted coldly: "If you don't know how to be the chairman, you will give the chairman to my family's girl."

One word, startled thousands of waves.

The whole room fell into dead silence.

Ye Qingluo was also taken aback.

Let her be the president

Are you sure it's not a joke

"You, Mr. Yougui, the position of president must be voted by the students and masters of the whole college... The student has served as the president of the academy for four years, and he is dedicated to the affairs of the academy. try your best..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!" You Gui picked out his ears impatiently, and dozed off after listening to Si Yanmu's long speech, "If you can be the president, then let me do it well, if you can't, get out as soon as possible !"

Ye Qingluo coughed lightly, and tugged at You Gui's arm: "Teacher, I'm not interested in the position of president. I'm so bored to squat in this place where no shit happens all day long."