Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 209: Classification (8)


A group of students were dirty and sweaty.

And the master is in a white robe, with a bone-like fairy style.

In sharp contrast.

Ye Qingluo dragged Liu Xiaoyu into the team, and the two of them were refreshed, forming a stark contrast with the group of freshmen.

The eyes of the masters all fell on Ye Qingluo and Liu Xiaoyu, and they immediately raised a wooden sign the size of a palm in their palms.

This wooden sign has the same shape as the wooden sign that the students hold to represent their identities.

This is the wooden sign representing the identity of the master.

It records the identity of each new student and the information about their mysterious abilities.

As well as the two days of training and the evaluation given by the instructors.

If the master wants to know who's information, he only needs to face the wooden sign and read the other person's name silently, and it will be displayed.

The masters looked at the wooden sign for a while, and immediately started talking about it.

When the bell of Shenshi rang, Instructor He and Instructor Chu called the remaining sixty or so students who had not finished training, and stood back in the team.

"From now on, Elder Yunxiang will assign classes for you."

Instructor Chu stood beside the team with a loud voice.

"This time, you will be divided into classes based on your admission assessment, ability assessment, and these two days of freshman training as the overall results to arrange the classes."

"No matter which class you are assigned to, you are all students of Shangxuan Academy. If you feel dissatisfied, you should improve your strength and stand up in a year."

Shangxuan Academy has a rule.

Every year there is a competition between three classes in the college.

For example, the students in the lower class can challenge the students in the middle class after passing the assessment of the lower class.

The objects of the challenge are randomly arranged by the Shangxuan Pagoda.

If the students in the lower class win, they can become the students in the middle class.

The student in the middle class will be demoted to the lower class.

If the students in the lower class fail the challenge, they will stay in the lower class and wait for the opportunity next year.

And the students of the middle class who are challenged can get the prizes presented by the Shangxuan Pagoda.

This rule, a seemingly cruel elimination system, is actually a very good method of competition.

Only pressure can drive people to stimulate their potential.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest.

"Are you ready?" Instructor He shouted again.

Although all the students were exhausted, their answer at this time was like Hong Zhong: "Ready!"

The two instructors stood up and said to the master in the row in front of them: "Elder Yun Xiang, you can start to distribute the classes."

Among the masters, an old man stood up slowly.

Only then did Ye Qingluo realize that the old man's white robe was different from other masters.

The old man's cuffs and neckline were embroidered with gold thread, his girdle was also decorated with golden tiger patterns, and on the badge were five red stripes.

"Cough..." the old man coughed lightly, with a kind smile on his face, "I am Elder Yunxiang from the academy, welcome all students to enter Shangxuan Academy, and pass all the assessments smoothly, the students have worked hard."

The freshmen immediately shook their heads: "No hard work, no hard work!"

Elder Yun Xiang's smile was softer.

When his gaze collided with Ye Qingluo, Ye Qingluo keenly noticed that Elder Yun Xiang seemed to pause on her for a moment.

With just one glance, Ye Qingluo could see the fleeting chill in his eyes.

Elder Yun Xiang seems to... hate her

Before Ye Qing could take a closer look, Elder Yun Xiang had already looked away, still smiling kindly.

"Students, wait a moment. After discussing with other masters, I will start dividing classes for everyone."

The freshmen responded loudly: "Yes!"