Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 214: Demon Class (3)


"Xiao Yu." Ye Qingluo's calm voice seemed to have a magical power that could soothe the anxiety in people's hearts.

She raised her pink lips and put her hand on Liu Xiaoyu's body.

A coquettish ray of light bloomed from the charming eyes: "It doesn't matter which class is the same to me. A person's growth is not only because of the environment, but also because of the class you are in, which will limit your own strength."

She smiled, and her charming eyes became firm; "My talent, my ability, and my determination to become stronger will not be changed by anything."

Liu Xiaoyu was stunned, and under Ye Qingluo's infection, her whole body seemed to be ignited by a raging fire.


A person's growth depends on himself, not on others.

As long as you strengthen your determination, even if the environment is limited, even if there are many obstacles, you can solve them easily.

It's just being assigned to the Devil's Class. The big deal is that in the Devil's Class, I train by myself, work hard on my own, work a little harder than others, and struggle a little harder than others.

What is better than others

A smile appeared on Liu Xiaoyu's face, and she shook Ye Qingluo's hand: "Qingluo, I understand, I will write down everything my master taught me in my notebook, and then give it to you!"

Seeing that the girl was determined to help her, Ye Qingluo could only smile: "Then I will trouble you."

Liu Xiaoyu just gave up.

The two left the training ground hand in hand.

Behind them, the two instructors looked surprised, and their eyes were fixed on Ye Qingluo's leaving back.

"The academy has the rules of survival of the academy. This is the fate of classmate Ye. You don't need to blame yourself." Instructor He, who rarely spoke, spoke lightly.

He stretched out his hand and put it on Instructor Chu's shoulder.

Instructor Chu glanced slightly sideways: "I just feel that it's a pity. This girl will definitely become a great weapon in the future. She is born to be strong, and she is born to stand on top of the peak."

"So, what are you regretting? Trusting her is enough."

Ye Qingluo and Liu Xiaoyu were on their way back to the dormitory, and the students around were pointing and discussing.

At first, the two thought it was students discussing about Ye Qingluo being assigned to the Demon Class.

But listen carefully, but this is not the case.

Ye Qingluo vaguely heard You Gui's name.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in my heart.

She grabbed a student casually, and asked calmly, "What are you talking about? What's wrong with Teacher Yougui?"

The student was from the lower class, frightened by Ye Qingluo's aura, he stammered, "You, Mr. Yougui went to the Elder's Department, and I heard that it was for your business, and there was a big disturbance, and no one could stop it live… "

Before he finished speaking, the student's collar was thrown off.

He only felt a gust of cool wind blowing by the front door, how could there be Ye Qingluo in front of him

A few brothers behind him gathered around to tease him.

The students in the lower class just answered two words in a daze: "beautiful, cool!"

Ye Qing felt like the wind was blowing under his feet, following the memory of the map he had read in the college pamphlet, he found the location of the elders' ministry.

Dozens of students surrounded the elders' ministry.

Standing outside the courtyard, Ye Qingluo could hear the bloody rain inside and the sound of things falling to the ground.

There was a burst of noise, which shocked the surrounding students to exclaim.

Ye Qingluo had just arrived at the entrance of the elders' department and was about to enter, but was stopped by two gatekeepers: "The elders' department is dealing with matters, students are not allowed to enter."

The courtyard door was closed tightly, and Ye Qingluo couldn't see what was going on inside.

But from the noisy voice inside, it can be heard that the battle is very fierce!