Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 259: There is hope in her


Human potential is unlimited.

As long as you strengthen your belief and will, no difficulty will be difficult.

In the previous life, Ye Qingluo had experienced more tiring and harder training than now.

In this alien world, if she wants to become stronger, she has no right to say no.

As long as she perseveres, what awaits her will be bright.

"I'm going to the training ground first."

After speaking, Ye Qingluo lifted his heavy steps and walked towards the freshman training ground.

Liu Xiaoyu took a breath and followed from behind: "Wait for me, I'll come too!"

Instructor He stared at the back of Ye Qingluo leaving, and slowly narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of appreciation.

"Why, are you interested in this little girl?" Instructor Chu walked over from behind, put one hand on Instructor He's shoulder, and a smile that seemed to be not a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Instructor He has no expression on his face, but the appreciation in his eyes is obvious: "In her, it seems to see hope."

"Yes...she herself is a person full of hope." Instructor Chu chuckled, "Her eyes are very firm and she has strong willpower. Such a student will definitely have a place in the realm of Nirvana in the future .”

They had been teaching freshmen for decades, and this was the first time they met a freshman like Ye Qingluo.

She is obviously arrogant and arrogant, but she is unnatural, and this is her unique temperament.

People will only appreciate her publicity more and more.

In Ye Qingluo's body, they could see the light of hope.

It seemed that there was nothing in the world that could defeat her.

After a double set of training, Ye Qingluo completely exhausted all her physical strength.

Immediately, Ye Qingluo collapsed on the training ground, his limbs were wide open, and he was panting heavily.

It was almost black before her eyes, and her whole body was heavy and tired, not like her own body at all.

A group of sweaty freshmen all looked at this strong-willed woman.

Ordinary women, no matter how hard and tired they are, will try their best to maintain the characteristics that women should have in front of everyone. How can they just fall to the ground like Ye Qingluo, completely ignoring other people's eyes.


Ye Qingluo was sweating profusely, lying on the ground, so damn charming.

Around is a female student, and her little heart can't stop beating non-stop.

Ye Qingluo closed her eyes, quietly adjusted her breathing, and let her body and mind relax completely.

Muscles in every part of the body came out due to the sequelae of excessive strength overdraft.

She was sore all over, and it was difficult to even raise her hand.

Suddenly, his face was cold.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and met a pair of indifferent eyes.

"Drink a glass of water." The boy was holding the glass and pressing it against Ye Qingluo's face.

Seeing that she opened her eyes, she handed the cup to Ye Qingluo.

It's Qi Yijing.

Ye Qingluo was not polite, took the water glass and drank it down.

After double training, her mouth was already parched, but her body was so tired that she didn't want to move half of her fingers.

"What are you working so hard for? Training has to be gradual, doesn't it?" Qi Yijing squinted at Ye Qingluo, he was curious why this woman would work so hard to complete all the training.

Obviously, she is already the most outstanding of all the freshmen.

Ye Qingluo put down the water glass, poured it on the ground again, closed his eyes, and chuckled softly: "I will increase the difficulty of the training every day. Isn't this a step-by-step process? My physical fitness is too poor. These trainings can strengthen my cultivation. Foundation."