Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 267: Class of Demons Dance of Demons (6)


Ye Qingluo roughly understood the general rules of the Demon Squad from the mouth of the deputy squad leader.

The deputy squad leader is named Qiao Jin, and he has been in the Demon Squad for three years.

The learning situation in the Demon Class is exactly the same as in other classes.

In addition to the freshmen, all the students in the Demon Class also have to train in this training ground.

Because freshmen enter Shangxuan Academy, they have to go through a month of freshmen training that the academy must arrange.

The rest of the get out of class and rest time are no different from other classes.

"Who is the monitor you are talking about?" Ye Qingluo asked curiously.

According to the information obtained by Donghuanglang, the Demon Squad has only disappeared in recent years, and it is mysterious.

Presumably, the reason should be on the squad leader.

This class leader can make all the students in the class admire him so much, and can also drive all the students to maintain the same training as other classes every day.

This squad leader... what kind of person is he

Ye Qing became interested.

Qiao Jin smiled mysteriously, but did not answer.

At this time, those people in the training ground glared at Ye Qingluo with gloomy faces: "Baixi passed out!"

The woman who just attacked Ye Qingluo was named Shan Baixi. She was assigned to the Demon Squad two years ago, and fell in love with the squad leader at first sight. She was a diehard fan of the squad leader.

These people around are all students who have been assigned to the Demon Class one after another in the past few years.

These people have experienced life and death together, and their feelings are like brothers and sisters.

At this moment, watching Shan Baixi being knocked out by Ye Qingluo, the anger in everyone's heart surged up again.

"Cultivators, such a small injury can't bear it, the body is too weak." Ye Qingluo glanced at Shan Baixi's face.

The woman's complexion was pale, without any trace of blood, and the tight hospital uniform made her look extremely slender.

"She is too weak, so she must train hard to strengthen her physical fitness."

As soon as Ye Qingluo's words fell, the sullen and sullen faces of those people showed a sense of astonishment.

A thin young man looked down at Shan Baixi who was lying in his arms, and clicked his mouth: "The squad leader said the same thing, she...how did she say the same thing as the squad leader?"

Several people shook their heads.

Qiao Jin's dark eyes were full of profound meaning.

He habitually touched the money dart: "Okay, okay, send Baixi back to the room and let Lulu show her."

After finishing speaking, the money dart in his hand was thrown into the air, and he caught it again immediately.

He looked at Ye Qingluo, and smiled amusedly: "You go to the class to report first, there must be many students who are very interested in the newcomers."

"..." Ye Qingluo heard the strange meaning+meaning in these words, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, "Could it be... the reception ceremony is not over yet?"

"Our reception ceremony is over, but it doesn't mean that other students are willing to end."

Depend on…

Ye Qingluo was in a mess in the wind.

How many students are there in the Demon Class

Could it be that they were not sent by the students as representatives

"It's better to call the squad leader out, let's talk about it..."

This is the easiest way!

However, Qiao Jin ignored her at all, pointed the way directly, told Ye Qingluo how to go to the school to report, and left with those people, holding Shan Baixi in his arms.

After crossing the training ground and walking down the path, about half an hour later, the third courtyard gate appeared before Ye Qingluo's eyes.

From the closed courtyard door, Ye Qingluo could still hear the noise and commotion inside.

Ye Qingluo pushed the door and stepped into the classroom...