Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 296: Subdue


what does it feel like

The smiling faces of the students slowly froze on their faces.

The noisy training ground fell into an eerie silence.

They were all lost in thought.

Qiao Jin didn't make a sound to urge him, and played with the money dart in his hand silently, waiting for their answer.

Only occasionally, the eyes would glance in the direction of Ye Qingluo.

After a while, one of the students raised his arm: "I'm very happy."

Qiao Jin smiled and motioned for him to continue.

"Seeing that student Ni not only finished two laps, but also ran an extra lap, and was promoted, I was very excited and very happy."

This feeling cannot be expressed in words.

It's as if... I saw my former self, trying hard to get rid of the name of waste.

Seeing Ni Ruopan promoted was like seeing himself promoted.

The excitement, relief and indescribable feelings burned their nerves.

This is indeed much better than them constantly bullying Ni Ruopan and finding balance and comfort from her.

Especially when they heard Qiao Jin say that Ni Ruopan's promotion had an inseparable relationship with them, they became more and more excited.

Now their hearts are full.

When one person spoke, the other students nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the eyes of the students looking at Ye Qingluo no longer had the previous dissatisfaction and unwillingness.

From the bottom of their hearts, they thanked Ye Qingluo for waking them up.

This freshman does have enough ability to become a member of the class committee.

"With just a few words, you have conquered the hearts of a group of stubborn students. How do you feel?" Qiao Jin smiled lightly and raised his eyebrows playfully.

Ye Qingluo shook his head, unfazed by favor or humiliation: "As I said, you didn't use the right method from the beginning."

"How?" Qiao Jin asked curiously.

You know, Long Yunzhan transformed each student step by step according to the characteristics of each student, so that today's Demon Class was achieved. Ye Qingluo actually said that they didn't use the right method from the beginning

Ye Qingluo half-closed her charming eyes, and her curled eyelashes cast a very shallow arc shadow at the corner of her eyes.

"In your concept, only the strong can survive, and you also think that it is natural for these students to bully Ni Ruopan, and you have not thoroughly understood the hearts of these students."

In the class of demons, perhaps these students were once trash, and they were abandoned and thrown into the class of demons.

But people like Long Yunzhan are definitely not trash.

As the saying goes, a dragon begets a dragon, and a phoenix begets a phoenix. Their aura determines that they are by no means ordinary people.

"You don't understand the reason why the students bullied Ni Ruopan, and you also think that Ni Ruopan, as a weak person, should accept this kind of treatment. With such thoughts, you naturally cannot open Ni Ruopan's heart."

Qiao Jin was surprised when he heard this: "How did you find out?"

This newborn is too scary.

But on the first day of class, did you analyze the psyche of these students so thoroughly

"Intuition." Ye Qingluo smiled mysteriously, her charming eyes were curved, revealing a bit of cunning.

Obviously, Ye Qingluo didn't intend to continue answering their questions.

Qiao Jin rubbed his nose, anyway, the days ahead are long, and he will always be able to find the answer he wants to know from Ye Qingluo's mouth.

"Come, come, come, in order to celebrate Ni's successful promotion to the seventh grade of Huangxuan and taking the first step to become a strong person, let's add five more laps!"

Immediately, those students with smiles on their faces and passionate expressions were complaining.

What kind of celebration is this

It was torture!

Although they complained endlessly, they still obeyed the order and lined up, and ran around the training ground again.

[Seeing the birthday wishes in the book review section, there are so many babies, Master Mo is really touched, there are too many, this is the first time Master Mo has such a lively birthday, there are really too many , Master Mo will not reply one by one, here, I sincerely thank everyone, thank you for being by my side all the time.]