Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 300: Master of the Demon Class (1)


In recent years, except for the students who were forcibly assigned to the Demon Class, no one was willing to approach this place at all.

However, just in case, Long Yunzhan would still arrange a few students who look out for the wind to guard outside the courtyard of the Demon Class, and not allow anyone except the Demon Class to discover the secrets of the Demon Class.

It just so happened today that Qiao Jin set up a small formation outside the courtyard in order to enter the Shangxuan training forest tomorrow, and called the students who were watching the wind outside to have a meeting together.

Someone broke his formation!

All the students stopped their voices.

"Damn! How can this kind of environment allow my poor girl to study with peace of mind!" The voice was still cursing outside.

Many students vaguely heard the word "Luo girl", and their eyes moved to Ye Qingluo.

In the whole class, Ye Qingluo was the only one who could be called Luo girl.

After Ye Qingluo heard this sound, he already knew who the people outside were.

With such an irritable temper, who else could be called "Luo girl" except Mr. Yougui

Almost half a month has passed, before You Gui mentioned that he wanted to be a teacher in the Devil's Class, but was rejected by the elders.

From Liu Xiaoyu's mouth, I learned that You Gui went to the dean.

Since then, there has been no news of wandering ghosts.

Unexpectedly, he really came to the class of demons.

"Perhaps, we will have a master to teach in our demon class." Ye Qingluo's thin lips curled slightly, and he walked slowly towards the closed second courtyard door.

The students gasped in surprise.

The master teaches

They have been in the Devil's class for at least five or six years, but they have never seen the master come to teach.

Especially when Long Yunzhan arrived three years ago.

They don't even need those so-called masters.

It is enough to have Long Yunzhan and the class committee.

"Classmate Ye, that... is the master you know?" Qiao Jin's face was also somewhat displeased.

For them, the Demon Ban is their group.

With them urging all students to train and guiding students in their cultivation, there is no need for those masters at all.

The collective gathered by their students does not want any outsiders to intervene.

"You must have heard of the old man Yougui's name." Ye Qingluo also understood what they were thinking, it was just a matter that Yougui had already decided, even if it was her, she would not be able to convince Yougui.

She can only report the name of the wandering ghost first.

You Gui's epaulettes are just a yellow horizontal post, in terms of status level, this is the lowest level of master in the academy.

But he was crazy, violent, and very bad tempered in the college all day long, but he was respected by other masters, and no one dared to blame him for his mysteriousness. Over time, he became a man of the hour in the mouths of the students.

All the students in the school guessed the identity of the wandering ghost.

Therefore, when it comes to wandering ghosts, the students in the demon class have also heard about it.

"You mean...you ghost is going to come to our class and be our teacher?" One of the students swallowed hard and asked in disbelief.

In the eyes of the students, wandering ghosts are mysterious and powerful.

Although no one has ever seen a wandering ghost make a move.

But even the masters of Gaoxuan's class are submissive in front of You Gui, which shows You Gui's strength.

Such a powerful, mysterious and insane person came to be the master of the devil class

Can the college agree

Qiao Jin frowned: "The squad leader doesn't know about this yet. The matter of the master will be decided by the squad leader. Now find a way to send the wandering ghost to the Limo squad!"

The secret of the Demon Squad must not be discovered by the master.