Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 336: The elders are here


Yun Xiang originally thought that being in charge of training the woods was a trivial matter of opening the entrance and guarding the entrance to prevent students from being injured during actual combat training.

Unexpectedly, there will be something like breaking into a stranger.

If this matter gets to Yun Yun's ears, his small fault will become a big one!

Yun Xiang was full of dissatisfaction in his heart, and wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible, so he rushed over in a hurry.

Standing in the distance, I saw Ye Qingqian waving a long whip, chasing a woman in red.

There is also a low-level phantom beast, and the two students are in a panic to stop the phantom beast from moving.

"What's going on! What's going on here! How could outsiders break into the Shangxuan training forest!" Elder Yun Xiang tightened his white eyebrows and walked over quickly.

Ye Qingqian held back the long whip, cupped his fists towards Yunxiang and said, "Elder Yunxiang, the students in Gaoxuan class will never let go, anyone who tries to destroy the peace of the academy!"

When Yun Xiang's eyes touched Ye Qingqian, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He could naturally feel the profound aura released from Ye Qingqian's body.

Another student in the high-level Xuan class broke through the Dixuan, why is there no reminder on the wooden sign of the college

Liu Xuelan followed Yun Xiang, but found that Yun Xiang had been staring at Ye Qingqian all the time, and a tinge of displeasure suddenly rose in her heart.

Yun Xiang has always stood by Liu Xueyue's side, and now she has replaced Liu Xueyue as the acting vice president. If there is no accident, it is only a matter of time before she becomes the principal and vice president.

But Yunxiang still treats her lukewarmly.

Still staring at Ye Qingqian now.

Could it be that they want to cultivate Ye Qingqian into the next Liu Xueyue

This thought made Liu Xuelan's eyes darken a little, and she immediately said: "Qingqian is right, our Academy Council will not let trespassers go."

However, Liu Xuelan's words made the surrounding Gaoxuan class students unhappy.

What is their academy affairs meeting

This is obviously the trespasser discovered by Gao Xuanban, and they exhausted their energy to catch the trespasser here.

How did it become a credit to the Academy Affairs Council

But due to Liu Xuelan's identity, all the students were dissatisfied, and they didn't dare to speak out. They just looked at Liu Xuelan's eyes with a little more displeasure.

"One by one, what kind of faction is being formed, that phantom gun will be dealt with by the elder, and you will quickly take down the trespasser! The entrance is about to be closed!"

Yun Xiang felt depressed for a while, and waved his sleeves impatiently.

He didn't have this kind of spare time to watch the entanglements among the juniors, and when he thought that there was less than half an hour left before Haishi, he became more and more anxious in his heart.

The white robe flitted across the night, turning into an afterimage, and the person had already rushed in front of Xi Jue.

With a wave of the palm, he brought a burst of murderous aura, and slashed straight down!

Shangguan Yi and Yan Zhenfei immediately retreated from the attack range of the phantom beast.

Both of them were already covered with scars, all of which were scratched by Xi Jue's claws.

At this time, a total of twenty students from Gaoxuan Class surrounded Ye Qingluo.

There has always been a competitive relationship between class one and class two.

But this time, the two classes cooperated surprisingly.

Ye Qingluo's arm was injured, and her mysterious rank was not strong enough to resist Dixuan's profound energy.

The erosion of the long whip made her long arms still ache.

At this time, more than 20 students from the Xuanxuan Realm rushed forward.

Suddenly, several money darts flew from around Ye Qingluo.

The money dart was powerful and strong, and with a few "swish", it spun around Ye Qingluo's body.

The students in the high class were alert and took a few steps back sharply.

Several money darts pierced into the ground and were deeply embedded in it.

Ye Qingluo glanced at the few money darts with downcast eyes, his expression was startled suddenly, and he turned his head to look in the direction where the money darts were attacking...