Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 343: Not the good guy you imagined


Ye Qingluo twitched the corners of his mouth and revealed a faint smile.

She could see that these people were genuinely caring about her.

"I'm really fine. If it wasn't for your help today, I wouldn't have taken this little girl away so logically." Ye Qing frowned, with a slight smile, "We are a team, and today's cooperation is very important." good."

Qiao Jin and the others saw that she could smile so peacefully, and felt a sense of boredom in their hearts.

"Classmate Ye, I hope that when you face danger in the future, you will think more about us behind you."

Leaning against the door, with her arms crossed, Tong Ziqing put on a stinky face, her cold eyes swept over Ye Qingluo, "We don't have that kind of leisure, we can always get to your side in time."

Seeing Tong Ziqing's obviously concerned but awkward appearance, Ye Qingluo laughed softly: "Yes, I won't do it in the future."

Her charming eyes were curved with a smile, like a bright moon, the brilliance flowed.

The others, seeing her smile, felt the inexplicable boredom in their hearts gradually dissipate.

I don't know when it started, Ye Qingluo seemed to have become the core of their eyes.

Mingmingye Qingluo came to the class of demons, but within half a month, they had the same status in their hearts as Long Yunzhan.

Xu Shi was in the demon class from the beginning of Ye Qingluo, his confident and firm eyes, and the courage to speak with his own strength shocked them.

Or maybe Ye Qingluo was able to convince them with her words and insights every time.

Or maybe, Ye Qingluo looked cold and indifferent, not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business, but he never stingy with his help to all the students in the class.

Especially today, she faced more than 20 students of Gaoxuan class alone, and she was not chaotic in the face of danger.

Even after they appeared, in order to ensure their safety, they fought against Ye Qingqian's actions alone.

It completely shook their hearts.

Ask yourself, if it were them, could they really be so decisive

"By the way, where is that girl?" As soon as she arrived at the Demon Class, she was forcibly taken to Beiming Lulu by Qiao Jin, and the girl was sent to nowhere.

"The next room." Tong Ziqing frowned, and a hint of impatience flashed in her eyes, "I didn't expect that Classmate Ye would be so kind, and for a little girl whom he didn't know, he wanted to marry a dozen of Gao Xuan alone. You rescued her from the hands of the students in the class, do you really regard yourself as a god with great powers?"

Tong Ziqing really couldn't understand why this seemingly indifferent woman went to save an irrelevant person over and over again.

Helping Ni Ruopan back then, and now saving that weird girl, and one or two are both extremely troublesome.

Can such a kind person really stand firm in this world in the future

"She's not an ordinary person." Ye Qingluo didn't intend to tell them in detail about the orc clan.

Old Man Cang said that the orc race has been extinct in the entire Nirvana Realm.

Even if they say it, these people may not understand it, and it will cause panic.

She chose a statement that everyone could accept: "See the ears on her head and that black tail, she is not an ordinary human being."

Qiao Jin and the others had doubts in their hearts.

This was the first time they saw that a person had grown a pair of cat ears and a cat tail.

Is this why Ye Qingluo chose to save the girl

Ye Qingluo smiled faintly: "I'm not the good person you imagined, I only do things that are beneficial to me, so don't worry, I won't take my life as a joke."