Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 359: Library Pavilion (1)


The Zangshu Pavilion of Shangxuan Academy is equivalent to a library in modern society, which gathers various types of books in the world of Nirvana.

There are also many books that have been lost to the outside world, which can be found here.

Heart method and exercise method, everything is available.

However, Zangshu Pavilion also has the rules of Zangshu Pavilion.

It also depends on strength to speak.

The first floor of the library is open to all students, but most of them are ordinary books on profound energy, exercises, moves, etc.

As for the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion, it is said that there are many categories. Each book is named by the outside world, but it is a rare book.

It is said that there are students on the second floor who have learned a lot of useful mental methods.

However, students in the lower and middle classes are not eligible to go to the second floor of Zangshuge, nor are they eligible to borrow books back to the dormitory for reading.

However, although the students in the high class are eligible to go to the second floor, there are restrictions.

For example, in the cabinet on the second floor, students from the Gaoxuan class are absolutely not allowed to step in.

Moreover, the books on the second floor cannot be taken out of the Zangshu Pavilion.

Only the students of God's class can enjoy all the preferential treatment of Cangshu Pavilion.

Ye Qingluo originally planned to wait for the freshman training to find time to come to Zangshu Pavilion to get familiar with other situations in this alien world.

Unexpectedly, I came to Zangshuge early today.

And it went directly to the second floor.

Ye Qingluo took the punishment list given by Instructor He, and went up to the second floor under the leadership of the administrator of Zangshuge.

Of course, no one envied Ye Qingluo's ability to go up to the second floor.

Because the second floor is relatively secret and closed, the administrators are not qualified to stay on the second floor for too long, so it has not been cleaned for a long time.

The huge second floor, even if Ye Qingluo went to the second floor, it would take a whole day just to clean it, how could he have time to read

The second floor is brightly lit, surrounded by fist-sized luminous pearls.

The furnishings on the second floor are different from those on the first floor.

The first floor is lined with rows of bookshelves, grouped by area.

On the second floor, each category has a separate room.

Looking around, there are rooms one after another, with the categories of books posted on the doors.

After the administrator opened the door on the second floor, he went downstairs.

Ye Qingluo had been enduring the pain all the time, but now that he was alone, his face instantly turned pale, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

She looked around and made sure that there were no students from the high class on the second floor at this time, so she randomly pushed into a reading room, locked the door, and then leaned against the wall and sat down slowly on the ground.

Ye Qingluo unbuttoned her clothes, revealing half of her shoulders.

As expected, the whip wound on the arm split open, and bright red blood seeped out at this time, dyeing the circle of white gauze red.

She took out Beiming Lulu's elixir from the Minghuang ring and swallowed it.

Immediately afterwards, he re-bandaged the wound himself.

Leaning against the wall, closing his eyes, and resting for a long time, the pain in his right arm gradually disappeared.

It's just that she can't do the current physical training, and the cleaning... I'm afraid she can't do it either.

Ye Qingluo took a deep breath, stood up while supporting the wall, and walked out of the reading room.

She had to read the books on the second floor as a whole before she could come up with the best arrangement plan and complete the cleaning work quickly.

There are few people on the second floor, and it has not been tidied up for a long time, so there is a lot of dust, and there are categories placed indiscriminately.

Ye Qingluo walked all the way to the end of the second floor, and wrote down all the categories on the door.

My mind also started to work gradually, thinking about where to start cleaning, the easiest way to complete the cleaning task.

Just when she was about to start cleaning, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the library quietly: "Is everything done?"