Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 361: Library Pavilion (3)


I don't know if it's his own illusion, Ye Qingluo inexplicably felt that the freshman they were referring to... seemed to be her.

Who are these two people

And the voice of one of them sounded so familiar.

But even though she searched through her powerful memory, she couldn't remember who the voice was.

I always feel that I have heard something incredible.

She frowned, her expression slightly dignified.

If the news of her cleaning on the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion spread today, the two of them would definitely think that she had eavesdropped on their conversation.

Even if it is not certain, whether Ye Qingluo really heard it.

But obviously, what they talked about was a very important thing.

I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Sigh... I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing even if I was fined to clean up in the library.

I'm afraid...

The days ahead for her will not be peaceful.

Ye Qingluo's slender fingers pinched the sore brows.

This matter will be discussed with Di Moxuan tonight.

Right now, let's sort out the second floor first.

Before the other party makes a move, don't give yourself away.

Ye Qingluo finished stretching her limbs and was about to leave the room when her footsteps stopped suddenly.

Because, the room she is in now is not a reading room.

After hiding in just now, he was so focused on the conversation between the two that he didn't notice the surrounding environment at all.

Ye Qingluo squinted her charming eyes and looked around the room.

This is not a reading room, but a refining room.

In the large and spacious room, there are two huge medicine cabinets lined up against the wall, and in the center of the room are two huge wooden tables.

On the wall opposite the medicine cabinet, there was a bookshelf with books stacked randomly on it.

There are a pile of bottles and jars on a wooden table, there are pills that have been refined successfully, and pills that have failed to be refined, piled up in a mess.

On another wooden table, there were all kinds of refining equipment, as well as messy herbs, as well as the skins and bones of monsters.

On the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion, why is there a refining room

As a pharmacist, Ye Qingluo became excited when he saw these rare herbs and elixirs, and walked quickly to the wooden table.

Ye Qingluo first looked at the table where the refining equipment was placed, and sorted the messy herbs into categories bit by bit.

For each type of herb, Ye Qingluo would use his fingers to draw the shape and size of these herbs, and put them in his nose to smell them from time to time.

These herbs, which Ye Qingluo had seen in the book of Bailianchengdan, were all rare and precious.

However, there were still several herbs that Ye Qingluo could not recognize.

After Ye Qingluo divided the herbs, she looked at the bottles and jars on the other table.

She walked over and picked up a bottle.

The medicine bottle is just ordinary porcelain, which cannot hide the faint medicinal fragrance.

Ye Qingluo sniffed it in his nose, opened one of the bottles, and poured out one.

A small one, exquisite and translucent, the surface of the elixir still has a faint streamer flowing.

This discovery made Ye Qingluo's eyes burst into light.

She has refined so many pills, but the refined pills have never had such a strange phenomenon.

Putting the pill back into the medicine bottle, Ye Qingluo casually picked up the wooden box beside it, which was full of failed refining pills.

The pits and pits are not yet formed.

Ye Qingluo picked up one pill and took a look. The medicinal fragrance was obviously not made from ordinary products.

How distressed should the precious herbal medicine fail to be refined...