Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 371: What special constitution?


Ye Qingluo was silent for a while: "He asked me to report to the refining room every day and clean up for him."

Qiao Jin: "..."

Beiming Lulu's eyes widened and she held her head: "..."

Tong Ziqing kept a small face, but her eyes couldn't stop being surprised: "..."

Yan Xiaoyi's watery eyes blinked, then she picked out her ears and turned her head stiffly to look at the three of them: "Did I have an auditory hallucination?"

The three nodded in unison.

The cliff is an auditory hallucination!

Who is the ghost doctor

With such an explosive temper, he has always been a loner. Even if the dean came to invite him to guide the students to practice medicine, he was kicked out directly.

Ye Qingluo broke into the refining room, but stayed behind!

Can you still report to the refining room every day


Beiming Lulu covered her face and yelled, "Qingluo Qingluo, let's exchange, I am willing to clean up the ghost doctor every day! I am willing!"

"Are you sure the ghost doctor won't kick you out after the exchange?" Yan Xiaoyi made a cool stab.

Beiming Lulu howled even more terribly, looking at Ye Qingluo's eyes, it was called envy and hatred.

Everyone also thought that the day Ye Qingluo first entered the academy, he was also inexplicably attracted by wandering ghosts, and then he kept chasing and shouting to take Ye Qingluo as his disciple.

This girl... Could it be that she has a special physique specially designed to suffer from these Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and weird-tempered people

Being spotted by wandering ghosts, and now falling into the eyes of ghost doctors.

No wonder Ye Qingluo was still pale when she left the freshman training ground, as if her internal injuries had worsened.

But now, after coming out of the ghost doctor's refining room, his complexion is obviously not so ugly, and he is much more energetic.

It seems that the ghost doctor should step in to treat Ye Qingluo's internal injuries.

Naturally, they don't have to worry about the ghost doctor taking action.

Under everyone's envious and envious gazes, Ye Qingluo nestled peacefully in the reading room reading the books left by the ghost doctor.

The other four resigned themselves to cleaning the Zangshu Pavilion.

Although the punishment was to avoid training, if the library was not cleaned properly, there would probably be gossip on Ye Qingqian's side.

This kind of busyness lasted until Shen Shi, and the four of them finally cleaned up the books on the entire second floor and every reading room.

Ye Qingluo also finished reading two books on elixirs.

Qiao Jin and the others tidied up the second floor to prevent others from finding out, and then led the other three away.

Before leaving, he did not forget to lower his voice and tell: "Go to the class committee room later, the class leader will wait for you there."

Long Yunzhan

Are you finally willing to give Qiqi back to her

She also wanted to ask Long Yunzhan what he meant by the riddle he played with Qiqi that day.

Holding the punishment list and handing it over to the administrator, the administrator still couldn't believe that Ye Qingluo would clean up the huge library so quickly.

He went upstairs to check it, and made sure that the second floor was indeed clean and tidy, and then he signed Ye Qingluo's punishment form.

Ye Qingluo went directly to the Demon Class. It was time for training, and the students lined up one by one and were jogging.

Ye Qingluo walked directly towards the class committee room. The whole journey was quiet. When he opened the door, only Long Yunzhan was sitting inside.

"Where's Qiqi?" Ye Qingluo looked around, but didn't see Qiqi's shadow.

Long Yun stared deeply at Ye Qingluo with his deep blue eyes, and gently patted his sleeve robe.

A palm-sized lump of meat rolled out of his sleeve.

Qi Qi curled up into a ball, her eyes tightly closed.