Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 391: What are you resisting?


Therefore, when the upper three realms were mentioned, Ye Qingluo opened his mouth into an "O" shape.

"Qiqi said that the status of the human dragon in the dragon clan is second only to the green dragon, one of the four ancient holy beasts." Long Yunzhan saw that she knew where the upper three realms were, so he directly chose the human dragon to explain.

"It is already difficult for other high-level phantom beasts to cultivate human beings, but it is even more difficult for dragons."

"In our human-dragon group, every dragon can turn into a human being, but the price we pay is really too high. Therefore, there are not many dragons in the human-dragon group. At the most prosperous time, there were only about three hundred dragons. Then, gradually There are only a hundred or so left."

"Afterwards, in a great battle in the upper three realms, the people and dragons wiped out their clans, and I may be the human and dragon who escaped from the upper three realms during the war."

These are all Qi Qi's remarks and guesses.

Long Yunzhan lowered his eyes, "Actually, I still can't believe it until now, and I haven't figured out the cause and effect of the matter."

Ever since he had memory, his wish was to find his life experience and retrieve his memory.

But now, knowing his life experience, Long Yunzhan didn't feel the slightest sense of joy.

He is not human, so he has such a pair of eyes that are different from human beings.

Moreover, the identity of a human dragon is too heavy.

In the war of the upper three realms, the human and dragon tribes were brutally wiped out.

It also means that he bears the blood feud of the human and dragon clan on his shoulders.

Everything he knew weighed on him one by one.

After learning all this, Long Yunzhan wanted to tell Ye Qingluo.

Because Ye Qingluo is Qi Qi's master, she must be able to give him an answer, an answer of what to do.

However, whenever he saw Ye Qing lagging behind, he didn't know where to start.

He is not human, but a dragon.

I can't say this sentence.

Was it because he was afraid that Ye Qingluo would despise him as a monster after learning all this? Still afraid that Ye Qingluo also looked at him with that strange look

Long Yunzhan couldn't tell exactly what kind of mood this was.

"Are you resisting your identity as a human-dragon, or are you resisting the blood feud of the human-dragon clan?"

The woman's Qingyue voice is light and pleasant, and she utters every word very clearly.

A soft little hand rested on his shoulder.

Long Yunzhan was in a daze, the little hand on his shoulder was very warm, the warmth seemed to penetrate through his clothes and scorched his skin.

Long Yunzhan's heart beat faster again uncontrollably.

This inexplicable mood made Long Yunzhan a little annoyed, and wanted to push away Ye Qingluo's hand, but he was reluctant.

Hearing Ye Qingluo, he expressed his thoughts in one word, and immediately felt a panic that was seen through his heart.

This panic is a bit inexplicable.

Does he have something that he is afraid that Ye Qingluo will see through

"If you resist the identity of a human dragon, you just have to live as a human being. If you don't tell me, who will know?" Ye Qingluo's voice was light, with a kind of peace that soothes the heart.

"Since you choose to live as a human being, the bloody feud has nothing to do with you, does it?"

Ye Qingluo's tone was serious, not joking.

If the identity of Renlong is known to other people, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"God chose to make you lose your memory and let you stay in the Devil's Class. It may be God's will to let you start your life again and live like a human being."

The corner of Ye Qingluo's mouth slightly raised a warm arc.

The great war in the upper three realms is bound to be a huge war.

It is very possible that Long Yunzhan is the only human-dragon blood left by the human-dragon clan.