Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 424: Take a big mouthful


"Miss Ye Family really hooked up with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"The last time Miss Ye family went to the square to trouble classmate Ye Qingluo, classmate Ye Qingluo said that they were having an affair. I didn't think so at the time, but seeing is believing now!"

"This atmosphere, this posture, the precipice has been hooking up for more than three years!"

"Shut up, let His Royal Highness hear, we are the ones who are unlucky."

"They can do this kind of thing, are you afraid that we can't say it? Look at the two of them sticking together."

The surrounding students muttered softly, pointing in the direction of Leng Fenghua.

After Leng Fenghua raised her voice and said that sentence, she regretted it.

But the words have already been exported, so many people have heard them, it is impossible to take them back.

At this time, the eyes of those around him were like needles, staring at him and him, and they were talking about the matter between him and Ye Qingqian in an extremely nasty way.

Although, Leng Fenghua has indeed been with Yeqing for many years.

But this matter is their private matter, and if it is brought out in front of so many people, the face of the prince of his country will be completely swept away.

Especially now that the royal family is in turmoil, his stain is likely to affect his crown prince.

Thinking of this, Leng Fenghua wanted to give himself a big mouth.

He has always been cautious in his words and deeds, and he is very clear that any words or deeds of his own may become a target for the enemy to manipulate him.

But I didn't expect that today, in front of so many people, I made such a poor mistake.

The people coming and going at the entrance of the college are not only people from Xilan Continent, but also not only the families of the rich and powerful.

There are people of all identities from all corners of the country and all over the world of Nirvana.

These topics today must have spread throughout the Nirvana Realm at an extremely fast speed.

Leng Fenghua felt annoyed in her heart, and with a gloomy expression, she suddenly pushed Ye Qingqian away.

His gaze, beyond Ye Qingqian, looked towards somewhere in the crowd.

However, he found that the delicate figure he had been thinking about was gone.

He said loudly that he came to meet Ye Qingluo just now, and he said it deliberately for Ye Qingluo to hear.

They were not far apart, no matter how noisy the surrounding area was, Ye Qingluo must have heard his words.

But...Ye Yeqingluo not only didn't take the initiative to come to look for him, but now there's no one there

Thinking that because of her, he made the people around him doubt his relationship with Ye Qingqian, Leng Fenghua felt a burst of anger in his heart.

After Ye Qingluo walked out of the courtyard, she saw Ye Fengyu who was standing obediently at the door, waiting for her.

Not seeing her for nearly twenty days, Ye Fengyu has grown a lot taller and her body has become much stronger.

Ye Qingluo frowned, "Xiao Yu."

She stepped forward quickly and grabbed Ye Fengyu's wrist.

The wrist in the palm is not as thin and weak as before.

It already has a firm, muscular feel to the touch.

In just twenty days of effort, Ye Fengyu has undergone such a big change.

It seems that You Gui did not forget to train Ye Fengyu when he was serving as the master of the Demon Squad.

"Sister." Seeing Ye Qingluo, Ye Fengyu had a smile on his delicate face.

He was just about to reach out to carry the luggage for his sister, but found that Ye Qingluo's hands were empty.

Ye Qingluo rubbed his head: "The dormitory has been destroyed, and I can't ask for anything inside, and there is nothing valuable."

Mentioning the destruction of the dormitory, Ye Fengyu's smile froze, and he looked Ye Qingluo up and down worriedly: "Sister, it's only been a while, and you have become a celebrity in the academy."