Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 430: The so-called antidote


"Qing Luo, you, you can't go!"

Leng Fenghua immediately stood up, trying to catch up.

It's just that he hasn't stood up straight yet, and just raised his hand, his whole body is limp, as if he has no strength at all.

A raging fire burned in his body.

He fell on the long table, half of his body was already covered by the delicate delicacies on the long table.

His body was stained with a lot of soup, but he didn't even have the strength to move.

There was a burning sensation all over his body.

"You must be wondering what is going on." Ye Qingluo paused, looking down at Leng Fenghua lying on the table.

Her smile is still as bright as a flower.

Ridiculously cold, but like frost.

Leng Fenghua was horrified, pointing at Ye Qingluo with shaking fingers: "You...you didn't..."

"I'm curious why you were the one who took the medicine after drinking this glass of wine?" Ye Qingluo directly repeated Leng Fenghua's question.

Leng Fenghua blinked her eyes.

His whole face was already flushed from the love drug, his whole body was hot, and sweat was rolling down.

Ye Qingluo sneered from the bottom of his heart.

Does he really think of himself as a fool

Lonely men and widows are located in the garden, and there is no servant girl around to serve them.

How could she fail to see Leng Fenghua's purpose

Want to have raw rice and cooked rice

It also depends on whether he has the ability to cook.

Ye Qingluo sneered, raised the wine glass on the table with his fingertips, and shook out a handful of medicine powder.

Immediately, he picked up the wine glass that Leng Fenghua had just drank several times in a row, and flicked his fingers around the rim of the glass.

Around the rim of the cup, a black circle suddenly appeared.

Leng Fenghua's face flushed red, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Mingming Ye Qingluo never touched his wine glass, and he kept staring at Ye Qingluo.

How did she move her hands and feet

"My girl pays the most attention to courtesy and reciprocity, and... it is a double return. You just need to rest assured that... your antidote will come soon." Ye Qingluo smiled softly, leaning down slightly, as if looking at a dying ant .

Xu Shi was fascinated by the drug, and Leng Fenghua could clearly feel the fragrance of the woman's body entering his nostrils.

The burning sensation in his body was more like it was about to explode.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he stood up abruptly and rushed towards Ye Qingluo's direction.

With this pounce, Ye Qingluo kicked her in the abdomen violently.

With this kick, Leng Fenghua was unprepared and flew out.

Just happened to bump into the rockery in that corner.

Leng Fenghua landed heavily, with a sharp pain in his chest, and coughed up blood.

But this pain did not stop the fire in his body at all.

Behind the rockery, a woman with a bluish-white figure stepped out.

She stared coldly at the direction Ye Qingluo left, her facial features were terrifying.

What kind of trick is Ye Qingluo playing

Did you just give Leng Fenghua to her like this

Ye Qingqian frowned tightly, unable to understand what Ye Qingluo did this time.

She lowered her head and stared at Leng Fenghua lying at her feet, flushed and tearing her clothes with both hands. Thinking of his trickery in front of Ye Qingluo just now, a hint of hatred appeared in her eyes.

He should have known Leng Fenghua's fickleness long ago.

Unfortunately, she fell in love with Leng Fenghua in this scene.

Obviously, when he got close to Leng Fenghua at the beginning, he just wanted to get himself into a higher position, and he didn't want to be sojourned by others.


This heart, however, fell in love with Leng Fenghua uncontrollably.

Looking at Leng Fenghua's wriggling body and the pain on his face, he couldn't bear it after all.

She squatted down slowly, took out a handkerchief from her bosom, and wiped Leng Fenghua's sweat: "Be patient, I'll call someone to carry you to the bedroom."

But, when her hand just touched the cold wind birch.

Her wrist tightened suddenly, and she was forcibly pushed down to the ground by Leng Fenghua.

At this time, Leng Fenghua didn't have the slightest sense of reason at all, like a wild beast...