Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 436: He is very satisfied with this great gift


When she heard the human voice, the woman who fell to the ground covered in bruises stretched out her hands and kept shouting: "Help... help..."

The voice was hoarse, obviously it had been roaring for a long time, and it broke its throat.

This scene completely stunned the eyes of several people.

Especially the three old ministers, who were originally pedantic and old-fashioned.

At this time, seeing Leng Fenghua doing such careless things in the garden in broad daylight, she immediately trembled with anger.

Hearing the old minister's constant abuse, the second prince finally understood in his heart what the big gift Ye Qingluo was referring to was.

He is very satisfied with this great gift.

Fortunately, when he invited the three old ministers, the excuse he used was precisely the matter about Leng Fenghua and Ye Qingqian.

Just happened to hit it.

The second prince smelled the smell of blood, he suppressed the deep meaning in his eyes, showed a flustered expression, and went up to stop him.

Leng Fenghua was like a wild beast at this time, completely ignoring that there were already people watching, fiercely oppressing the woman under her.

Because of this, the second prince was beaten several times.

After a long while, Leng Fenghua was finally blocked.

Both of them were already dripping with blood.

The second prince took off his clothes and covered Ye Qingqian.

Although the three old ministers were angry in their hearts, at least this was His Highness the Crown Prince, one by one, they stepped forward, took off their clothes and covered Leng Fenghua's body.

During this process, the three old ministers were often beaten.

Naturally, this matter quickly reached the palace.

The monarch was furious.

If it is said that Leng Fenghua and Ye Qingqian had a private relationship, no one knew about it, and the monarch turned a blind eye, that's fine.

But now in broad daylight, dismissing the servant girl, just in the garden...

It also made a few veterans see it clearly.

You Qi beat up these three old ministers.

I heard that when Ye Qingluo was taken to the hospital for treatment, she passed out, and when the blood was all over her lower body, the monarch almost passed out from anger.

Even the Sanquan sect, compared to the other three sects, has declined a lot.

But anyway, it is also one of the four major sects.

Otherwise, he would not have disregarded Ye Qingluo's worthless body and forcibly betrothed the prostitute daughter of the Ye family to Leng Fenghua.

Now, Leng Fenghua has made the young lady of the Ye family... into this appearance, if she doesn't give the Ye family an explanation, how can Ye Tiankuang give up

Under the rage of the monarch, an imperial decree sent Eunuch Chang to lead the unconscious Ye Qingqian to Ye's house to move the decree.

Leng Fenghua was revoked from the position of crown prince and made King Ping, and moved to the fief south of Xilan Continent.

Ye Qingqian refers to marrying Leng Fenghua, and together they marry into the fiefdom.

As for Leng Fenghua's betrayal of Ye Qingluo, and Ye Qingqian's affair in secret, the monarch also expressed his deep apology, and rewarded Ye Qingluo with a lot of gold, silver and jewels.

In order to appease the anger of the three veterans and the anger of the common people in the world.

The monarch gave Ye Qingluo a handbook.

With this handbook, Ye Qingluo can move freely within the sphere of influence of the imperial city.

And if she can make any request that does not harm the interests of the royal family, the royal family will do everything in their power to do it for her.

When Ye Qingluo was holding this handbook, Eunuch Chang had already returned to report.

Ye Qingqian was carried to the main hall, and was taken care of by two medical girls sent by the monarch.

They talked about Ye Qingqian's current situation.

Yuchi burst into tears, looking at her pale and unconscious daughter on the stretcher, crying miserably, yelling that she wanted to tear Leng Fenghua's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

Hearing these words, the ancestor's eyelids twitched.

Immediately called the mother-in-law and pushed Yuchi down.