Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 45: Alchemy


Ye Qingluo sat cross-legged on the ground, facing a huge furnace.

The four corners of the cauldron did not touch the ground, but were suspended.

Ye Qingluo delivered the medicinal ingredients bit by bit according to the dosage on the medicine list, and responded casually; "Well, I want to give Xiaoyu a little Xuanxinyu."

It is extremely difficult to break through the Xuanjie, especially Xuanxinyu.

Some people spend their entire lives just one step away from the next level of Xuanxin Jade, but they are still unable to break through.

Ye Qingluo's eyes could tell that Ye Fengyu was only missing a chance.

And this opportunity lies in her.

As long as the elixir is successfully refined, Ye Fengyu's Xuanxinyu will definitely be able to break through.

"There is also that girl Ziling, who is very loyal to me. I want to cure her leg." Ye Qingluo took another medicine list and glanced quickly.

This is the Fuji Pill in Baiyao Chengdan. After taking it, it can quickly repair damaged muscles and trauma.

In memory, Zi Ling's leg was broken by Ye Qingling when she was seven or eight years old, a little girl, in order to protect her.

It was only because when Ziling sold herself to bury her father, she begged her mother to use the embroidered cloth she had worked overnight for more than ten days, and the money she earned to bury her father for Ziling, and took Ziling back to the Sanquan Zongfu.

The little girl knows how to repay her kindness, and wholeheartedly regards Ye Qingluo as her benefactor.

For Ye Qingluo, even if he lost his life, he would not hesitate.

Ye Qingluo has never been stingy with those who are loyal to him.

"With your current grade, these two medicines are enough to be successfully refined. You just need to control the dosage and heat."

The old man Cang nodded with a smile, stroking his white beard with crooked eyebrows.

What he appreciates the most is the importance Ye Qingluo attaches to his own people.

This girl seems to be indifferent to everything, but in fact, she is a very kind girl.

This temperament is somewhat similar to the... that person in memory.

Thinking too long.

The old man Cang shook his head, put away the complicated thoughts in his mind, and watched Ye Qingluo's steps of refining the medicine with a smile on his face.

Refining medicine requires great patience.

The most taboo thing is to be impetuous.

Ye Qing fell into the Cangshui bracelet and refined it for at least a month.

It is also equivalent to three days outside.

She was affected by the violent knock on the door from the outside, which affected her sanity.

The refining of medicine was at the most critical time, and it was impossible for Ye Qingluo to get out of the Cangshui bracelet.

She tried to calm down and control her anger.

It was Ziling and Ye Fengyu who knocked on the door.

After knocking for a long time, bumping for a long time, I didn't hear any movement in the house.

Ye Fengyu panicked, swung a palm, and slashed straight down.

The huge wooden door was shattered into pieces.

The two rushed into the room, about to shout Ye Qingluo's name.

Zi Ling screamed and pointed to the bed.

I saw Ye Qingluo lying flat on the bed, his whole body was emitting a burning light like a flame.

That red light enveloped Ye Qingluo in it.

As soon as you get closer, you can feel a scorching heat.

It seemed to melt everything around it.

"Miss... Miss, what's wrong with her..." It was the first time Ziling saw such a situation, and her legs limp on the ground in shock.

Ye Fengyu narrowed her eyes, carefully studying her sister's expression.

At any rate, she is a person who went to the academy, Ye Fengyu stared at it for a while, and then said: "Sister must have extracted her spiritual consciousness and entered the space of spiritual consciousness to refine medicine, so my sister's body will show the appearance of refining medicine. fire."

"Then... then what should I do, the master is waiting in the hall now, if the lady doesn't go..."