Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 57: Enter the first level of purgatory


"This is the competitive arena on the first floor."

Dinglong's faint voice seemed to be from the horizon, from far to near: "Master, raise your head."

Ye Qingluo followed the sound and raised his eyes.

The top of the head is a white mist, and it is impossible to see the end.

On the far right of the arena, a red candle was suspended in the air.

"When this light goes out, no matter what happens to you in the arena, I will call you back."

Ding Long continued: "If you successfully pass through the first floor before the lights go out, you will be able to get the first layer of magic manuals."

That is to say, Ding Long will definitely not interfere with her before the lamp goes out

"There are twelve levels of purgatory inside the Cangshui Bracelet. The first level of purgatory is the simplest. With your current ability, it should be enough to deal with it."

"See that huge 'one' on the arena? Inject profound energy into the word 'one', and the Cangshui bracelet will randomly generate a void space according to your strength."

Ye Qingluo followed Dinglong's words, half-kneeling on the ground, and poured profound energy into the "one" character under his feet.

When her profound energy was released, the profound energy gathered after washing the marrow just frantically rushed towards Xuanxinyu.

It was as if he had found a vent, and he didn't need money, and he got into the Xuanxin Jade all the way.

Ye Qingluo covered her heart, put one hand on the ground, and groaned.

This crazily oppressive feeling squeezed her Xuan Xinyu, and it hurt so much.

At the same time, the entire arena shook violently.

Suddenly, opposite to Ye Qingluo, a group of ferocious beasts appeared.

They gather in groups, at least a hundred or so.

All beasts screamed in unison, deafening.

The entire arena seemed to be collapsing.

"These beasts are refined based on your current strength. You only need to defeat these beasts in front of you, and you will be able to successfully break through the first level of purgatory."

After Ding Long finished speaking, there was no more sound.

As if he didn't see Ye Qingluo's pained expression at this moment.

Just don't hurt too badly!

Her chest was so full it was about to explode.

And the hundreds of beasts in front of them, after the protective film was broken, rushed towards Ye Qingluo violently.

The smallest of the beasts was two meters tall, with a wide mouth, showing sharp teeth.

Opening his mouth, he wanted to swallow Ye Qingluo into his stomach.

Ye Qingluo clasped her five fingers tightly to her heart, leaped forward, and rolled over in the air at the height of the beast.

Immediately, it landed firmly in the open space of the arena.

Several beasts that were too powerful rushed into space and collided with each other immediately.


Ye Qingluo panted heavily, her thin eyebrows furrowed.

Suddenly, Xuan Xinyu felt like a fire was burning, and was wrapped in a ball of flames.

Ye Qingluo could clearly feel the burning heat in his chest.

Immediately, her body glowed with a layer of dazzling light.

That light spread like fire.

Ye Qingluo felt that this ray of light turned into a trace of breath, seeping into her body from her skin.

Little by little, lingering on the Xuanxin Jade.

The painful feeling gradually disappeared.

Surrounding the Xuanxin Jade is a piece of pure profound energy.

When you hold it with five fingers, you can feel the infinite power, ready to go.

There is the roar of wild beasts in my ears, and the ferocity of the beasts in front of me.

Ye Qingluo's charming eyes leaped with a bloodthirsty and enchanting red glow.

Is it the first floor

Beasts, let me become actual combat items in order to accumulate actual combat experience and advance to the Xuan rank!