Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 70: Okay, you are awesome, you are self-willed


Ye Qingluo's face flushed slightly.

In the last life, her identity was there, and no one dared to touch her.

In this life, she has carried the name of a future princess, and she is a waste, and no one wants to get close to her.

Suddenly being touched by a strange man like this.

Anyone would feel embarrassed.

Although this is not the first time that Di Moxuan has hit his chest!

But last time, in that situation, she didn't have time to blush at all!

"Your Majesty Emperor, if you can't help but make such a move on a boudoir girl, aren't you afraid that the world will laugh at you?"

Ye Qingluo bit her lower lip, trying to hold back the hot feeling on her face.

"Oh?" Di Moxuan raised his eyebrows and smiled wickedly, "Who dares to laugh at you?"


Ni! Ma!

Ye Qingluo only had these two words in his heart, which could express his mood at this moment.


You are Emperor Zun, you are arrogant and willful!

Who dares to laugh at your old man

To ridicule is also to ridicule my old lady, trying to seduce Lord Regal, Barabara!


old! mother! recognize! Coward!

Ye Qingluo curled her lips, too lazy to argue with Di Moxuan on this topic.

Still blush!

Anyway, it is flat now, love to touch, no one is afraid of anyone!

Ye Qingluo, who was in a calm state of mind, only felt the temperature of the big palm across his chest gradually rise.

Suddenly, a dazzling light overflowed from his palm.

In an instant, he wrapped his hands into a ball.

At the same time, light penetrated into Ye Qingluo's heart.

A heart that was in severe pain was wrapped in a warm current,

The powerful profound energy impacted her limbs and bones.

Ye Qingluo immediately closed his eyes, led the mysterious energy in his body to circle around for a few days, and then returned to the Xuanxin Jade.

Ye Qingluo didn't see it, but the ray of light on her chest at this moment was faintly shining with a strange red light.

Flickering, very faint.

Di Moxuan's slender fingers touched the red light lightly.

The twinkling eyes of peach blossoms are full of meaningful smiles.

Xuan Xinyu re-concluded.

Ye Qingluo circulated his profound energy, and after a few weeks, the injuries on his body also eased a little.

At least not like before, the pain was so unbearable.

Opening his eyes again, he saw the same flawless and impeccable face.

At close range, the breath sprayed on her face.

Ye Qingluo could even clearly see the man's slender eyelashes, thick and naturally upturned.

The long and narrow corners of the eyes, the charming arc.

The luster of the pupils reveals a breathtaking charm at all times.

To be honest, this face is really pleasing to the eye.

"Why are you still here?" Ye Qingluo frowned.

The implication: you can get out.

Di Moxuan's smile deepened, and his voice was full of intoxication: "Just after using it, you want to drive this deity away? Little thing, you are really ruthless."

When the words fell, the other person was already close to Ye Qingluo, and with his long arm he grabbed...

Ye Qingluo's whole body was brought into Di Moxuan's arms.

The elegant sandalwood, rich in breath.

His warmth dispelled the coldness of her body.

This temperature... this thickness...

It was completely different from Ye Fengyu's.

"Little thing, this deity has plenty of time to accompany you now, and I'm looking for you this time, I don't intend to leave."

Di Moxuan's deep voice slowly rang in her ears.

While speaking, there was also a low smile.

not leaving

What's the meaning

Did Di Moxuan prepare to stay by her side all the time


What are you kidding

elegant! minute fly! butterfly!

She can't afford to serve such a big Buddha!

Ye Qingluo shook his head, shook his head, and shook his head again: "No need! If you conclude a Xuanxin Jade with a longer time limit, I will thank you very much!"