Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 84: Shangxuan Academy


What Ye Fengyu did was like...

Another purpose.

It doesn't matter, there will be a long time to come.

She will always know Ye Fengru's purpose.

Right now, the most important thing is to heal Ye Fengyu as soon as possible.

Ye Qingluo put away the thoughts in her eyes, and hurried to the direction of the abandoned courtyard.

Fortunately, Ye Fengyu's injuries were all skin traumas.

Ye Qingluo took out the trauma medicine that he had made when he was refining the pharmacist level.

Apply what you should apply, eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink.

At most two or three days, Ye Fengyu's wound can be completely healed.

"What does Ye Fengru mean by the assessment competition?" Ye Qingluo, who was sitting by the bed, scooped up a spoonful of medicinal soup and brought it to Ye Fengyu's lips.

She lived two lifetimes, and it was the first time she took care of someone!

Ye Fengyu was obviously also a little uncomfortable, and shyly drank the medicinal soup in the spoon: "It's just... the assessment competition for class placement."

Placement assessment

Ye Qingluo searched for memories in his mind.

Shangxuan Academy...

I'm a bit impressed.

Shangxuan Academy is the best academy in the realm of Nirvana.

It was personally selected by the royal families of the four continents as the best academy.

Countless profound practitioners desperately want to enter Shangxuan Academy.

This is not only a place to learn to cultivate profound energy, but also a status symbol.

Because those who come out of Shangxuan Academy can basically occupy a place in the realm of Nirvana.

There have never been any profound practitioners who did not become famous.

The premise of being able to achieve zero mistakes is that the terms of accepting students from Shangxuan Academy are too strict.

If you want to enter Shangxuan Academy, you have to pass the top ten assessments.

From the comprehensive results of various factors such as strength, intelligence, ability, potential, etc., it is determined whether one can be admitted to Shangxuan Academy.

A person has only three chances to be assessed in a lifetime.

Ye Fengyu has been studying in ordinary colleges all along.

Going to Xuan Academy is the place he yearns for.

After getting the most elixir from Ye Qingluo, his Xuanxinyu was promoted, and even with his profound energy, he was also promoted to a rank.

And under the influence of Ye Qingluo from time to time, Ye Fengyu's mood has already changed.

With this promotion, the strength of the whole person has also made a breakthrough.

Taking advantage of the excitement, he directly applied for the entrance examination of Shangxuan Academy.

After receiving the admission form yesterday, he actually passed the assessment!

"It's good if you pass the exam." When Ye Qingluo saw his younger brother mentioning going to the Xuan Academy, his eyes lit up, and the anger in his heart almost disappeared. "Don't be too brave in the ability assessment, even if you are assigned to the low Xuanban, that's okay."

Shangxuan Academy divides all the students into four classes according to the comprehensive data such as Xuan level, potential and so on.

The low class is the class where the profound practitioners with low level and low potential stay.

The Middle Mysterious Class is a class for profound practitioners who are of average profound rank and average potential, but whose overall strength should be above the middle level.

The Gaoxuan class is the class where profound practitioners with stable and excellent aptitudes and abilities stay.

And the last class is the most mysterious class in Shangxuan Academy.

It is called the Class of God.

It is said that the students in that class are either geniuses or eccentrics.

No one knows how many people there are in that class, and what kind of people...


There are people in the God's class that have nothing to do with her.

According to visual estimation, Ye Fengyu's ability to enter the middle school class is quite remarkable.

"Sister, you can also cultivate profound energy now, how about...how about you also being admitted to Shangxuan Academy?" Ye Fengyu suddenly thought of something, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Ye Qingluo in surprise.