Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 85: You don't have to be so vigilant


"I'm going to be admitted to the Xuan Academy?" Ye Qingluo narrowed her eyes slightly.

This proposal can be considered.

After all, she is in a different world. Although old man Cang is by her side, most of the time, she is self-taught.

A little carelessness can easily lead to madness.

It would be much better to have a professional teacher to guide you than to learn by yourself.


Her current Xuanxin Jade must be tied to Di Moxuan.

If she wants to go to Xuan Academy, Di Moxuan has to follow.

Otherwise, if she enters Shangxuan Academy, once Xuanxinyu leaves the power supply of her mother's body, it will take more than a month...

It is easy to be suspicious of other students.

If it is known by others, her Xuanxinyu is only a temporary contract, I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

not to mention…

If Di Moxuan also went to Shangxuan Academy.

I'm afraid that there will be a storm in the whole Shangxuan Academy.

Thinking about this, Ye Qingluo shook his head: "Even if you go to the academy, you can't be in the same class as you. You are a man, if you want to protect your sister, you have to become stronger first, and you can't always think about your sister being by your side."

"I... I just don't want people in my family to look down on you." Ye Fengyu pursed her lips and lowered her head slightly.

Ye Qingluo's heart trembled, and he suddenly understood something.

Entering Shangxuan Academy represents a status symbol.

If she is admitted to Shangxuan Academy, she will prove her strength.

In the Ye family, at least he has his own place.

At least... no one dared to call Ye Qingluo a waste.

Otherwise, it would be questioning the vision of Shangxuan Academy and the teaching level of Shangxuan Academy.

"Stupid boy." Ye Qing's smile on the corners of his eyes gradually softened, and he raised his hand to touch Ye Fengyu's head, "As long as the people my sister cares about, it's good that I think highly of my sister, other people, my sister doesn't care. "

She doesn't care what people who don't matter think of her.

She is not a coin, and everyone cannot love her.

Of course, she doesn't need everyone to love her.

Seeing that Ye Qingluo had no intention of taking the college entrance examination, Ye Fengyu had no choice but to give up.

After drinking the medicinal soup, he felt drowsy and fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Qingluo let Zi Ling take care of it, while he went to another room, preparing to enter the Cangshui Bracelet to study the teleportation technique.

As soon as the door was closed, Ye Qingluo's expression froze suddenly.

A cold light flashed across those calm eyes.

Immediately, his figure swayed, and in a strange posture, he rolled on the spot and rolled under the table.

Ye Qingluo raised her eyes quickly, and saw a pair of purple boots with unique embroidery on the outside of the table.

"A Luo, run away as soon as you see me, am I so scary?"

A clear voice, like the tinkling of a clear spring, washes away in my heart.

There was a bit of forbearance in that voice.

Ye Qingluo's face darkened for a moment.


It's Emperor Moxuan!

She just said, how could someone be able to appear in her abandoned courtyard without anyone noticing under her perception.

Besides Di Moxuan, a pervert beyond her imagination, who else could there be

"Shouldn't you be able to say hello to someone who appears and disappears like a ghost?" Ye Qingluo quickly opened the table, stood up straight with her small body, and raised her small face to stare at him fiercely.

"A Luo's vigilance is so strong, I haven't had time to say hello yet." Di Moxuan smiled, and his long and narrow eyes were slightly curved, shining with charm.


As soon as a normal person enters the room, he will feel a powerful aura rushing towards him, and he will instinctively avoid it!


This is Lord Regal's unique way of greeting

"A Luo, you don't have to be so vigilant in front of me."