Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 518: Ning Guanzhu’s biggest fan!


At the foot of Malu Mountain, both Bai Yi and Liu Teng seemed a little cautious.

After all, the person coming is the president of a country.

He first had a friendly exchange with Bai Yi and Liu Teng, and then stood aside and waited.

Two of his bodyguards stood behind him.

"Is the president of this country very idle? Why is he here?"

Bai Yi saw the battle and asked Liu Teng in a low voice.

Liu Teng didn't open his mouth, he just spoke in his abdominal cavity and replied:

"How did I know? I must be here to see Master Ning."

"It wouldn't be good to have the president stand and wait, right?" Bai Yi said again.

"We didn't ask him to stand."

The scene is very strange.

The little guys ran back to the jeep when they saw so many strangers, especially the two fierce bodyguards.

At this moment, Ning Fei was still in the cave.

Mosasaurus skeleton, Mosasaurus stone carving, this civilized people believe in Mosasaurus as a totem.

And those two mosasaur egg fossils.

Ning Fei guessed that it was because ancient humans discovered the mosasaurus skeleton and fossils, and then gradually formed a civilization around the mosasaurus skeleton after who knows how many years.

The history cannot be studied, but Ning Fei is very satisfied with the fact that Fu Zhudan can absorb the aura of the mosasaurus egg fossil.

About half an hour later, Ning Fei returned to Fu Zhudan.

At this moment, Fu Zhudan's eggshell has become a little more light blue, and even a slight fluorescence can be seen.

Ning Fei avoided the live broadcast camera and returned Fu Zhudan to the mythical beast space with satisfaction.

This underground cave exploration was not in vain.

Make money with blood!

Then, Ning Fei planned to return to the ground.

The mosasaurus fossils here should be left to the research institutions of later generations to study.

The outside world is talking more and more about Ning Fei.

[Do you feel that Guanzhu Ning is revealing the hidden mysteries of the earth for us?]

[Good guy, you mean that a great god appeared in modern human civilization and accelerated the progress of human exploration of history?]

[One thing to say is that his current achievements have made people all over the world admire him.]

[Haha, I have always felt that there must be experts in the mountains of our country.]

[Watching Ning Guanzhu’s live broadcast, I wouldn’t be surprised even if aliens are discovered.]

At this time, Ning Fei had already started to return along the original route.

He walked out of the mosasaur's skeleton and came to the underground slit.

Not far away is the waterfall flowing downward.

That's the entrance to groundwater.

In other words, if Ning Fei wants to go back, he must swim from the waterfall into the underground water area.

[What should Ning Guan do?]

[Ordinary people coming to this place are almost certain to die. There is an unknown amount of underground water under this mountain range, and he dared to jump down.]

[How is he going to do it? Damn it!]

I originally thought it was a very difficult situation, but in the next second, I saw Ning Fei lightly stepping on the stone wall opposite the waterfall, and then used his strength to jump up.


His body jumped to the source of the waterfall and entered the underground water again.

[Good guy, I’m still worried about how Ning Guanzhu will get up there.]

[Yes, people don’t care about the difficulty at all.]

The bionic flying fish also flies into the groundwater.

Next, there is a scene of Ning Fei swimming upstream in the darkness.

Bai Yi had been watching Ning Fei's live broadcast. As soon as Ning Fei came out, he immediately handed over the towel and Taoist uniform.

"Brother, someone is looking for you."

Bai Yi looked at Ning Fei and said.

"Looking for me? Who is it?"

Ning Fei wiped his hair and said doubtfully.

"Liu Teng said he is the president of Madagascar."


Hearing this, Ning Fei frowned.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also heard the conversation between the two people, and they were even more confused.

[What Bai Yi and Ning Guanzhu were talking about just now was: President?]

[Good guy, is it true or not, the president of a country is here?]

[Guanzhu Ning, this is so impressive!]

After Ning Fei changed his clothes, he and Bai Yi walked out of the cave.

He saw a helicopter parked outside, a kind-looking man, and two bodyguards.

"Hello, Mr. Ning." President Rajoelina of Madagascar saw Ning Fei and immediately responded with a smile.

A bodyguard next to him acted as a translator and translated in broken Chinese: "Mr. Ning, howl in reverse."

Seeing this scene, Ning Fei couldn't laugh or cry, and then said in French: "Madagascar's mother tongue is French and Malagasy. I can speak French, so there is no need for a translator."

After hearing Ning Fei's words, the expression on the president's face was even more surprised.

[What are they talking about? Who will translate it?]

[Ning Guanzhu said that he understands French. Madagascar’s native language is French, so there is no need for a translator.]

[real or fake?]

[It’s true, I’m also a French major.]

[Good guy, Guanzhu Ning still knows French?]

[The last time I was in a primitive tribe, I still understood the language of the primitive tribe. Who can I talk to to reason with you?]

[I don’t know how many times I have to kneel to Ning Guanzhu, he’s so awesome.]

Netizens this year have always been crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

There are hidden masters in every aspect.

As a result, an interesting scene appeared in Ning Fei's live broadcast room.

All conversations between Ning Fei and the president were translated by several people who knew French.

The house management also gave a few people special permissions, so that their barrages would be larger and appear directly in the middle of the screen, like those at Station B.

In this case, Chinese netizens can also understand the conversation between Ning Fei and the president.

Everyone was curious about what the president was doing when he came to find Ning Fei.

At this moment, several netizens acting as translators were dumbfounded listening to the conversation between the two.

[The president said that he is a fan of Ning Guanzhu and came to take a photo with him.]

[He also said that if he asked others to invite Guanzhu Ning, Guanzhu Ning would definitely not come over, so he came over in person.]

[The president also said that he never expected Ning Guanzhu to come to Madagascar!]

A series of translated languages appeared in the live broadcast room, leaving netizens stunned.

[What the hell? ! real or fake?]

[Among Guanzhu Ning’s fans, is there another president?]

[It’s relatively normal. When Jackie Chan was at the height of his popularity, he would be received by the president when he went to film.]

[That’s right, the president even closed the road to accommodate Jackie Chan’s filming, as well as the Sydney Opera House. Tom Cruise’s application to film the Sydney Opera House on the roof was rejected, but Jackie Chan’s application was approved.]

[But this is probably the first time that the president has come in person.]

[Just the president of a small African country.]

[Okay, they are all people who win glory for China, what are they doing? Why do some people love to compete with each other?]

Rajoelina's appearance tends to be Asian, but he is a solid African native.

He chatted with Ning Fei for a while and felt very happy.

Later, after the two took another group photo, Rajoelina left with satisfaction.

"Mr. Ning, do you need me to take you away? My helicopter will fly faster." Rajoelina asked sincerely.

Ride a ride from the president

It sounds very impressive, but Ning Fei doesn't intend to do this.

"Thank you. I made an agreement with the Wildlife Conservation Association to take a jeep and go back." Ning Fei responded politely.

His expression remained calm. Even though he knew that the other person was in charge of a country, he treated him like an ordinary person.

This is actually very difficult to do.

A superior person will be born with a kind of majesty, even if he speaks very kindly, that majesty is still there.

President Rajoelina has met many people, and most of them are polite and reserved to him.

Only Ning Fei's calmness and calmness impressed him deeply.

He was also more certain that Ning Fei was the rumored Chinese Immortal!

Then, because of a busy schedule, Rajoelina left in a hurry by helicopter.

He thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a photo with Ning Fei, so he took the time to come here to find Ning Fei.

Seeing the helicopter flying away, Liu Teng walked over with a confused look on his face.

"Ning Guanzhu, I really didn't expect the president to come here. You are so awesome."

Liu Teng said in shock.

After hearing his words, Ning Fei just smiled and said:

"I didn't expect it, maybe it's just luck."

(End of chapter)