Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 527: Go through the poisonous water layer! Save the tiger dragon!


Ning Fei looked up and saw a nearly 100-meter toxic layer of hydrogen sulfide water, which the tiger dragon could not swim up no matter what.

There are many emerging species documented and discovered in the ocean.

These tiger dragons are also one of them.

"These tiger dragons are trapped here. They can only survive by preying on small fish that swim in."

"I don't know how long it's been. It could be only a few years, or it could be decades."

"They're like prison."

Ning Fei said with regret.

After hearing this, netizens suddenly felt that the tigers and dragons were a little pitiful.

[Can't they get out? That's too pitiful.]

[They are rare marine species found in China's waters, and are likely to be found only in China.]

[I have to live in such a small space for decades and die of discomfort!]

[I guess they are used to it!]

[No wonder these tiger dragons look a little depressed, it turns out to be for this reason.]

[It looks very much like the Dragon King who made a mistake and was punished by heaven.]

Ning Fei took a look and decided to help Hu Jiao escape from this undersea purgatory.

Ning Fei has an encyclopedia to check information about tiger dragons.

Tiger dragons live in the South China Sea and do not swim to the outer sea. Moreover, the survival and reproduction of tiger dragons are extremely slow and they are an endangered species and will not have any impact on the marine ecology.

Ning Fei began to wander along the wall of Yongle Dragon Cave.

There is a thick layer of coral reef accumulated on the wall. It seems that there has been no flow here for many years.

He was looking for the undercurrent that allowed the small fish to swim in.

Not long after, Ning Fei found the place where the undercurrent was.

It was an extremely narrow hole, only two fingers wide, and the tiger dragon's body was relatively large, making it impossible to swim out of this place.

Ning Fei came out of the cave and saw many body parts of the tiger dragon.

It seems that Tiger Dragon also tried to leave here, but failed.

Then, Ning Fei checked the width of the walls of Yongle Dragon Cave.

"The width is nearly ten centimeters. Without professional tools, it is almost impossible to manually dig a large exit."

Ning Fei muttered to himself and gave up on making the hole bigger.

If you look at it this way, you can only leave from above.

Countless netizens paid attention to this scene.

Everyone understands the situation at this moment.

A group of rare marine animal tiger dragons are trapped in the deepest part of Yongle Dragon Cave.

And Ning Fei wants to rescue these tiger dragons.

[Ning Guanzhu, can you succeed?]

[It’s very difficult.]

[You have to put down a storage device and then go up with the tiger dragon.]

[The buoyancy of Dragon Cave is different from that of the sea surface, and ships cannot dock on it, so this is impossible to achieve.]

[What should we do?]

Everyone was talking about it.

People are thinking about how to save the tiger dragon.

At this time, Ning Fei made a bold decision.

"The depth of the hydrogen sulfide water layer is about a hundred meters."

"According to the speed of the jet and the resistance of the ocean, if it is jetted at full speed, it will take about 30 seconds to break through."

"Hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic, but if the fish don't breathe underwater, there's no problem."

"These tiger dragons are rare marine creatures unique to China. I have to find a way to rescue them."

"With today's technological equipment, it is very troublesome to rescue them."

Ning Fei said so.

Ning Fei's words were beyond everyone's expectations.

[Can he really do it?]

[Think about what Ning Guanzhu would do!]

Netizens were talking about it and the whole network was in an uproar.

At this time, Ning Fei used thought conduction to communicate with the tiger dragon group, and then, these tiger dragons followed him and swam upward.

The bionic tuna is broadcasting this scene live in the distance.

Netizens saw a human diver swimming upwards, followed by seven or eight long dragons.

This picture gives people a sense of ancient vicissitudes and mystery. After seeing it, people can't help but feel a sense of admiration in their hearts.

Above the head, the black poisonous water is like a chasm, isolating the upper and lower worlds.

If Ning Fei wants these tiger dragons to return to the human world, he must take them through this level of purgatory.

"It doesn't matter if heaven imprisons you here!"

"I will definitely take you out!"

Ning Fei looked at the tiger dragon and said softly.

For fish, hydrogen sulfide water is equivalent to people being in a poisonous room.

In other words, as long as the tiger dragon does not breathe, it can pass through the hydrogen sulfide water body.

Of course, the fish's gills are constantly moving, so the fish does not hold its breath.

However, Ning Fei had other ideas.

Then, he made an unpredictable move.

I saw him sealing the connection between the oxygen bottle and the diving suit, and then taking the oxygen bottle off his back.

This action made netizens look confused.

What is he going to do!

In such a terrifying and depressing deep sea dragon cave, if you remove the oxygen bottle, isn't this looking for death

The remaining oxygen may not last for several minutes.

Then, Ning Fei communicated with the tiger dragon and rode on the tiger dragon from behind.

At the same time, all those little tiger dragons were clamped on Ning Fei's arms.

Ning Fei used thought conduction to tell the tiger dragon not to resist, not to swim hard, and to lower the breathing rate as much as possible.

The next second, Ning Fei opened the seal on the oxygen bottle cap.

In an instant, a large group of white bubbles emerged and floated upward.

This is the purest form of oxygen.

This scene really stunned netizens.

At the same time, Ning Fei quickly started the submarine jet.

He hugged the tiger dragon group, mixed in the oxygen bubbles, and rushed upward.

White oxygen bubbles continued to rise, and among them, a human being held a long dragon, also facing upwards.

At this speed, it would only take 30 seconds for Ning Fei to lead the tiger dragon swarm out of this terrifying water of death.

These 30 seconds are also the most critical 30 seconds.

After Hu Jiao communicated with Ning Fei, he completely trusted Ning Fei.

It has been imprisoned in this dark seabed for who knows how long.

It does not want its children to be imprisoned here for the rest of their lives.

So, it has to fight!

Netizens were amazed when they saw this scene.

This scene is amazing.

30 seconds, every second seems so slow.

The slowly rising oxygen bubbles can only slightly isolate some of the hydrogen sulfide water.

Tiger dragons can still be poisoned.

But as long as it comes to the real sea, the seawater will quickly neutralize the remaining hydrogen sulfide, and the tiger dragon can return to its original state.

The injector went straight upward, and finally, Ning Fei and Hu Jiao left the hydrogen sulfide water layer at the same time.

In an instant, the light shone down, and the light blue sweat looked like the hope of new life.

Ning Fei looked at the group of tiger cubs in his arms.

Fortunately, these tiger dragons have very strong physical fitness, so they are not too affected by the hydrogen sulfide water.

Ning Fei let go of them.

The group of tiger dragons looked at the world outside with some disbelief, and then they started to swim excitedly in the sea water.

They only relaxed a little, and when the hydrogen sulfide in their bodies was completely eliminated, they swam straight to the entrance of Yongle Dragon Cave.

At this point, the cage has been broken, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to leap.

Watching their retreating figures, Ning Fei felt very happy in his heart.

"Fortunately, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm quite worried."

"Since it is a species recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it should have survived since ancient times."

"It would be a shame for such a creature to be trapped in a dragon cave."

"The sea is their destination."

Netizens looked at the scene in front of them and were also infected by Ning Fei's heart.

All of a sudden, all kinds of compliments came one after another.

There was also a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet.

(End of chapter)