Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 540: Abducted a group of sea lion pups


Above the sea, Ning Fei rides the wind and returns.

Seabirds and dolphins accompany the cruise ship, making the live broadcast look more relaxed.

The moon like a silver disk shines on the calm sea.

The waves kept shaking into folds.

Everything is wonderful.

Ning Fei set the direction, turned off the live broadcast, and rested comfortably on the cruise ship.

Life without pets is a bit boring.

If he had known that this adventure would be so simple, he would have taken the little guys with him.

The main concern is that the natives on Beisen Island are not good for the little guys.

In this way, the Qingfeng cruise ship continued to speed on the sea.

By the time he bypasses the Australian islands and enters the Fiji Sea, he will not be far from China.

"To the Fiji Sea."

"This area is rich in tropical cash crops, especially sugar cane, coconuts, bananas, etc. Fiji is also known as the world's sweet island."

“The most inhabitant of Fiji’s sea is tropical fish.”

Ning Fei was on the boat, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sea and said.

"Everyone, look over there, there are schools of sardines."

Ning Fei pointed forward, looking very interested.

In the live broadcast, netizens saw a large group of fish under the blue sea, so densely packed that it seemed as if the seawater was polluted.

[Hey guys, these fish look so scary, there are so many of them!]

[Looking at it, I thought some sea monster had appeared!]

[The ocean is really scary.]

[There must be at least a million sardines here.]

"Sardines are gregarious, and generally there are a lot of them. At the peak, 400 million sardines can gather together."

"The number of sardines in this group is probably not small."

At this time, Ning Fei noticed that there were more and more seabirds around the cruise ship. He also saw many swordfish swimming among the sardines.

"Sardines are the best prey in the sea and many marine animals feed on them."

The Qingfeng cruise ship has approached the sardine school.

I saw various seabirds constantly flying in the sky, and then suddenly rushed into the sea water, swimming out with a sardine in their mouths.

At the same time, from time to time, several strange species of swordfish turned over, exposing their four-meter-long bodies, and then continued to hunt sardines.

Ning Fei had already eaten the most delicious bluefin tuna and had no intention of hunting these swordfish.

He just looked at this strange hunting scene on the ocean.

The seabirds are flying excitedly, enjoying the sardine feast.

Sailfish are also running rampant among the sardines.

Netizens were amazed when they saw such a spectacular scene on the sea.

[Poor sardines, they are the only ones getting beaten!]

[Haha, I can’t help it, who made them prey!]

[There are so many seabirds here, and the nature is so beautiful!]

In the live broadcast footage, the sea and the sky meet, with countless seabirds flying in the middle. The picture is indeed very beautiful.

At this time, Ning Fei noticed another black figure swimming in the distance.

It looks like another kind of sea creature.

"Look there, everyone, it seems like someone is here to join in the fun again."

Ning Fei also said curiously.

[What the hell is here again, a big fight?]

[Could it be another group of sardines?]

[Sardine is sick. Why are you running here when you have nothing to do?]

[It must be a predator, either a shark or a dolphin.]

[Sardine: I thank you all.]

Ning Fei looked over with interest.

There are estimated to be millions of sardines in the shoal below. For marine hunters, this is simply the most abundant "buffet" on the sea.

Who can resist a buffet!

[It seems that many animals eat sardines as food.]

[This kind of fish is so miserable!]

[TNND, there are so many sardines in the sea, but canned sardines in supermarkets are still so expensive!]

Ning Fei looked at the group of black figures swimming over in the distance.

He also wondered what kind of animal it was.

His eyesight was very good and he could distinguish approaching animals from a distance.

"It turns out to be a sea lion!"

"There are a lot of sea lions in the Fiji Sea. It seems that this group of sea lions smelled the smell of sardines and came all the way to share the meal."

At this time, the drone also took pictures.

Netizens saw a group of sea lions cutting through the sea surface and swimming over.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

[Another group of hunters has arrived. I’m afraid there won’t even be any sardines left in this group of sardines.]

[Is that a sea lion? Why do I feel like I look exactly like a seal?]

[They do look similar, but I can’t tell them apart.]

Sea lions have a relatively gentle temperament.

Ning Fei also felt relaxed after seeing the sea lion.

"Sea lions and seals are really similar."

"There are many differences. Sea lions are slippery and have no other color, while seals have many small spots."

"Sea lions have claws that look like fish fins, and seals have furry claws with little hooks."

"Also, sea lions have longer necks and long beards, while seals almost have no necks."

Ning Fei said with a smile.

[I gained knowledge again.]

[A piece of trivia every day.]

[Guanzhu Ning knows so much, I am completely convinced.]

The little sea lions are so naive and extremely cute.

They also rush into schools of sardines.

Suddenly, the sea became completely lively.

Thousands of seabirds were flying together on the sea surface, and sea lions and sailfish were scurrying about below the sea surface.

As for the sardines, I can only say that they are miserable.

"But these sea lions may be in danger."

"They probably didn't notice the swordfish."

"You know, swordfish not only eat sardines, they also eat sea lions."

While Ning Fei was talking, a sea lion suddenly jumped out of the sea and jumped directly onto the deck of the Qingfeng cruise ship.

The hull of the Qingfeng cruise ship is much higher than the yacht. The sea lion can jump on it, which is really beyond Ning Fei's expectation.

Netizens were also shocked.

Ning Fei looked down and found a swordfish chasing him!

Ning Fei said: "These sea lions have now discovered the swordfish, and they are probably afraid."

"Eating sardines is important, but being hunted by swordfish is no joke."

Ning Fei looked at the sea lion on the deck again.

The sea lion's eyes widened and he looked at Ning Fei curiously.

Sea lions are relatively gentle animals, and they also look very cute and somewhat cute.

Therefore, Ning Fei temporarily let him take refuge on the cruise ship.

At this time, Ning Fei looked down and found that many sea lions gathered around the Qingfeng cruise ship.

The swordfish is fast and requires sprinting to attack. If there is an object behind it, the swordfish will not dare to hit it suddenly.

These sea lions actually used the cruise ship as cover.

Netizens also saw this scene.

Everyone rejoices.

[It seems like a group of sea lions are seeking shelter from the Qingfeng cruise ship!]

[It’s so messy down there, being targeted by swordfish is no joke.]

[Yes, swordfish are fast and ferocious, and sea lions are easier to get close to cruise ships.]

When Ning Fei saw this, he also controlled the cruise ship to break away from the sardines and sail in the other direction.

Sure enough, this group of sea lions just followed the cruise ship and swam out together.

Netizens were a little confused when they saw a group of sea lions following the Qingfeng cruise ship.

[what's the situation? Why did Guanzhu Ning abduct the sea lion group?]

[Haha, Guanzhu Ning escaped with the sea lions!]

[No way, there are so many swordfish, the sea lions are also scared. At this time, the cruise ship becomes their savior.]

The live broadcast was extremely beautiful and interesting.

Ning Fei didn't expect that he would kidnap a group of small sea lions.

(End of chapter)