Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 541: Leisurely fishing! Fishing with little sea lions!


"Wherever there are sea lions, it means there are islands nearby."

"Sea lions do not have a fixed residence, but they generally do not migrate across the ocean easily."

"So, there must be some reefs around."

Ning Fei said with a chuckle.

At this time, the young sea lions were out of the attack range of the swordfish and began to swim in one direction.

The sea lion that jumped onto Ning Fei's deck was still lying there, patting its belly.

"Hey, your friends are all gone."

Ning Fei smiled and said to the little sea lion.

The sea lion heard what he said, stood up and took a look, and then jumped off the deck of the Qingfeng cruise ship.

Ning Fei found it interesting.

"Follow them and see."

“Sea lion habitats generally have nice scenery.”

Ning Fei made up his mind.

The Qingfeng cruise ship followed the group of small sea lions and swam forward quietly.

Not long after, Ning Fei saw an island appearing in front of him.

The island looks about the same size as a football field, but is extremely irregular.

From the drone lens, the reef under the island is huge.

[There is a small island there!]

[There are many reef islands like this in the sea, nothing to make a fuss about.]

[Look, everyone, there are little sea lions on the island!]

I saw many little sea lions on the reef island shouting with their necks held high, eagerly waiting for their parents to bring back a sumptuous dinner.

Ning Fei also saw this scene.

He smiled and said:

"Find a sea lion colony."

"This island is not recorded on the map. It is an unknown island."

"Sea lions have a very gentle temperament. I'll go up and have a look."

With that said, Ning Fei put down the sea motorcycle from the back of the cruise ship, and then rode the motorcycle straight towards the island.

He rode very slowly and landed on the island from the side because he was afraid that the sound of the motorcycle would disturb the little sea lions.

After Ning Fei landed on the reef island, he took out the fishing rod and bait from the box of the sea motorcycle and walked towards the sea lion group.

These sea lions were not afraid of him, but from time to time they bent down and straightened their necks to look at him.

Ning Fei walked to the edge of the reef island, chose a good location, and sat down.

There were several small sea lions less than one meter away from him, and everyone looked at this uninvited guest in confusion.

"I'll fish for a while."

"Fishing on the sea is so boring, and you can't even catch anything to eat."

"It happens to be a nice place here, so I'll play with the seals for a while."

At this time, many of the returning sea lions had sardines in their mouths. It turned out that they had left some behind when hunting just to feed their young.

Most species in nature are like this.

Ning Fei threw down his fishing rod and caught the fish leisurely.

Now that his fishing skills are fully developed, he will naturally be able to catch a big fish in no time.

Ning Fei took the fish back, looked at the sea lion on the side, and threw the fish over.

Immediately, several small sea lions started to eat, and they were particularly excited.

Then, Ning Fei continued fishing.

More and more baby seals gathered around him.

Netizens were filled with admiration when they saw such a fairy scene.

The drone hovered high.

Surrounded by the vast sea, with only rippling blue waves, it looks empty and deep.

In the center of the camera, on an unnamed small island, Ning Fei, dressed in Taoist robes, is sitting on it, fishing and feeding a few sea lions.

This feeling of independence from the world is indeed like an immortal traveling around the world.

Netizens were amazed.

[The scene where Ning Guanzhu is shown always amazes me!]

[It’s so beautiful!]

[Yes, so beautiful!]

[This is the realm!]

[If it hadn’t been caught on live broadcast, I wouldn’t have believed there would be such a place or such a person!]

[Do you think there might be immortals like Guanzhu Ning in the places not captured by the camera, in the deep mountains and old forests?]

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

Ning Fei looked at the little sea lions around him and found it very interesting.

Every time he caught a fish, the little sea lions came to eat it.

One sea lion was the most active and wanted to eat just after it had eaten. When Ning Fei fed other sea lions, it growled anxiously.

This ruthless rice-drying machine made Ning Fei couldn't help but think of puppies.

The same goes for the puppy. When he was following Ning Fei, his biggest hobby every day was cooking.

However, Ning Fei insisted on the principle of equal exposure to rain and dew, and fed every little sea lion a fish.

The adult sea lions were watching this scene, lying lazily on the rocks and basking in the sun.

Ning Fei has become a qualified nanny for the sea lions.

After fishing for about three hours, Ning Fei felt that he was quite satisfied.

He had finished catching the bait, so he put away his fishing rod, stood up, stretched and moved his body.

The little sea lions surrounded him, and Ning Fei took a few steps inside, intending to visit this small island.

Wherever he goes, the little sea lions follow him.

The live broadcast is very interesting to watch.

Still very warm.

"There are no fish, go find your parents."

Ning Fei waved his hand and said to the little sea lions.

A group of small sea lions looked at him with their big eyes, which made Ning Fei feel helpless.

Ning Fei stayed on the reef island for a while, and then drove the motorboat back to the cruise ship.

Life on the sea is still too boring.

"When I go back this time, I probably won't go to sea for a while."

"Take some rest."

Ning Fei said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

The Qingfeng cruise ship sailed forward, heading towards China.

After arriving in China, Lin Tao sent Ning Fei to hand over the stone carvings and murals from the Mayan civilization ruins. Ning Fei left a small sun disk as a souvenir and donated the rest to the Cultural Relics Bureau.

At the same time, Lin Tao invited him to visit China's special department in a few days.

It seems like I have something important to ask him for.

Ning Fei didn't care so much and went straight back to the deer house.

During this time, he rested in the deer house.

Play with the animals during the day, and do some healthy exercise at night, which is probably the same action repeated thousands of times.

On this day, Ning Fei was studying how to hatch ferocious mythical beast eggs.

He received a call from Lin Tao and was invited to visit China's special department.

Ning Fei has always been interested in this special department, so he happily went there.

The Special Department is located in Kyoto City, not far from the Forbidden City. It looks unremarkable, just an ordinary small courtyard.

But when Ning Fei walked in, he discovered that there was something else going on inside.

There are actually underground structures!

Ning Fei took the elevator down. After walking out, he was surprised when he looked at the high-end scientific research equipment outside.

"Your master also came here back then and joined our team. He and I are considered old team members."

Lin Tao, wearing a white scientific research uniform, said with a smile.

"Master has never mentioned this to me." Ning Fei nodded and said.

"It's a pity that Bai Yuanche's exploration ability is top-notch, but he later had a disagreement with us and chose to leave." Lin Tao added.

"Disagreement? What disagreement?" Ning Fei asked.

"In some special places, such as the top of the Kunlun Mountains, we discovered a magical egg, an egg that does not belong to any species today."

"Bai Yuanche thinks the egg should be left where it is, and we think we should bring the egg back for study."

"So, he chose to leave."

Lin Tao said calmly.

After hearing Lin Tao's words, Ning Fei's expression gradually changed slightly.

He realized that the egg Lin Tao was talking about might be the egg of a mythical beast!

Unexpectedly, in this special department, there are actually eggs of mythical beasts!

(End of chapter)