Painted Skin

Chapter 21


So fate is always a wonderful thing.

It was indeed a good fate that the boy was able to choose Anyun Pharmacy among so many pharmacies and happened to meet me when I was strolling here.

Uncle An couldn't help thinking, he still remembered that Pi Qinghua said at that time, if he bought his Magnolia officinalis bark, there would be so many repeat customers that he would trample on his doorstep. How did he respond at that time? Uncle An thought, probably just regarded it as a young man's gratitude and good wishes.

Although his pharmacy cannot be compared with those old pharmacies that have been established for hundreds of years, it is not much worse. His family and teachers are well-known, and now he himself is also a well-known figure. Anyun Pharmacy has a good reputation. Therefore, medicinal materials are just icing on the cake.

But who doesn't like icing on the cake? Especially when it comes at the right time, icing on the cake is a little bit like sending charcoal in the snow.

"Uncle An! Are you there? I was sick a few days ago, so I didn't come to deliver the medicine. I hope it won't be a problem, right?"

Pi Qinghua's voice sounded again.

Uncle An appeared at the door of the pharmacy. "If you don't come, I'll go to your place to look for you. If you don't come to deliver the medicine today, it will probably be delayed. Now that you come, it won't delay anything."

Pi Qinghua felt relieved when he heard Uncle An say that. Fortunately he came here today, otherwise things would have changed again and he wouldn't have so much time.

So Pi Qinghua quickly asked Dahei and Xiaolangzi to move three large bags of herbs into the store. The heaviest bag of Magnolia officinalis bark was moved by Uncle An who asked a young man to do it.

"Come here and let me feel your pulse to see what's wrong with you." Uncle An waved at Pi Qinghua, "You're stupid, if you're sick, either come directly to me, or let your big black dog carry my trouser legs to your house. After all, I'm a doctor, and it's better than you just staying at home and holding on."

Pi Qinghua smiled a little embarrassedly: "I was so sick at the time that I couldn't remember it. But it's nothing. I'll be fine after sleeping for two days."

Uncle An had already put his hand on Pi Qinghua's wrist. After a while, his brows slightly frowned. "Panic and shock, too much blood but not enough blood in the heart, what's wrong with you? I have never seen such symptoms in my life. It stands to reason that your body should be anemic and lack of blood, but now your blood is overflowing, just like you suddenly ate a hundred ginseng roots. Tsk, even an ordinary person would die from eating so much, and you just look weak? What's wrong with you?"

When Pi Qinghua heard what Uncle An said, cold sweat immediately flowed down his head. Should he say that he is indeed an awesome old Chinese doctor? He immediately pointed out the crux of his problem. He almost died because he sucked the blood of two people! However, he couldn't say this to Uncle An.

"No, I just received something when I was collecting medicinal herbs. I heard it was the skin of a thousand-year-old ginseng. I thought it was just ginseng skin, nothing special, so I ate it directly. Who knew that when I got back I felt my blood boiling and slept for two days." Pi Qinghua began to talk nonsense.

Then he saw Uncle An's eyes light up first, and then he looked at him with a look of grief and indignation at the waste of natural resources. "You, you, you! You kid!" You have to know that the efficacy of medicinal materials nowadays is no longer as good as before. Because of the increasingly serious damage to the natural environment and the fact that people only pay attention to immediate benefits, most of the Chinese medicinal materials nowadays are artificially planted, and the efficacy is only 3 to 5 years. It is very lucky to receive medicinal materials that are more than ten years old. The ones that are a hundred years old are almost all taken care of by people, or only found in the medicine gardens of those Chinese medicine families that have been passed down for generations.

As for thousand-year-old medicinal herbs, they were simply legendary things, and he had never seen them before. Not to mention him, even his master had only seen an eight-hundred-year-old ginseng.

"You just ate such a good medicinal herb like that?!" Uncle An's eyes turned red.

"Well, it's just ginseng skin, it shouldn't be that serious..." Pi Qinghua murmured, making himself seem like he had committed a heinous crime.

"Ginseng bark is not a medicine, right?! What's more, it's a thousand-year-old ginseng bark! The medicinal effect is completely equivalent to that of a five-hundred-year-old ginseng! You you! How come I didn't eat you to death in one go! ! Give that thing to me, and I'll give you one million!" Uncle An roared.

Then Pi Qinghua just exclaimed “Fuck!” in his heart.

How can a thousand-year-old ginseng skin be worth a million?! The first thing I will do when I return is to paint the ginseng skin!

"Okay, Uncle An, if you don't mind, I still have half of it left. How about I bring it over next time I deliver medicine?" Pi Qinghua said cautiously. Although he could already paint the skin of birds, he didn't know how much effort he would have to spend on painting ginseng, which was considered the spirit of plants. So he said it in a low voice, so that he would have a way out when he couldn't do it.

But Uncle An was not willing to wait: "It would be a waste to leave such a good thing with you, hurry up and bring it to me in a moment. I also want to see if it is really a thousand-year-old ginseng skin."

Pi Qinghua smiled bitterly: "I just threw it away before and I don't know where I put it. I have to find it when I go back. How about I just send it to you tomorrow? Anyway, it won't be lost at home, so don't worry."

After hearing this, Uncle An's hands were shaking with anger: "How dare you throw it away casually!!"

The corner of Pi Qinghua's mouth twitched. If he didn't say that, he wouldn't have the time to paint his skin.

"Hmph! Forget it, I won't talk to an ignorant kid like you! Take your money and get out of here as far as you can!"

Pi Qinghua quickly took the card that had been transferred 4,000 yuan by the shop assistant Xiao Zhang and put it in his pocket. He was extremely speechless and was about to turn around and go home, but was stopped by Uncle An's sarcastic voice: "Where do you want to go, kid? Why don't you come and get the medicine? With your health, you still want to sleep for three days?"

Although it was certain that Uncle An meant well, Pi the male god really felt like he had a stomachache at this moment.

Uncle An personally grabbed five packets of medicine, tied them up and handed them to Pi Qinghua: "Your body is too weak to be nourished now, so eat some light and refreshing food recently. Also, it is not good for you to be depressed for a long time. If there is anything that you can't get over, don't think about it. You still have a son to raise. Put your focus elsewhere, and you will have less hatred."

Pi Qinghua took the medicine bag and paused, then thanked him solemnly. He should be able to leave this time, but he was stopped by Uncle An for the second time.

"Uncle An, can't you just say everything you want to say all at once? I'm getting nervous when you keep calling me that."

Uncle An snorted, "The quality of your Magnolia officinalis bark, Ghost-seeing Feather, and Dictamni bark is very good. Recently, many repeat customers come to buy related herbs. If you have extra energy, you can double the amount of herbs in ten days, and the price will naturally be doubled at that time."

Upon hearing that, Pi Qinghua's originally clear eyes became even brighter and almost glowed. Lang Zhi laughed happily, and his normally expressionless face now beamed with joy.

"Well, there shouldn't be any problem. If the harvest is not good in a certain month, I will tell you in advance."

Uncle An smiled and nodded. He was very thoughtful.

Pi Qinghua was finally able to leave this time. But he was stopped for the third time.

"...Uncle An." Can't you just speak properly? !

"Why are you in such a hurry, kid? I have something good to tell you. On the first of next month, which is May 1st, there will be a Chinese medicine exchange meeting held every five years. At the exchange meeting, medical experts from all over the country will come here to exchange and compete. Of course, this has nothing to do with you. However, at the medical exchange meeting, in addition to "medicine", there will naturally be exchanges on "medicine", which is related to you. The medicinal effects of your Magnolia Bark and Guijianyu are quite good, so you can participate in the medicine competition. If you win the medicine competition, the benefits in the future will be quite great."

Pi Qinghua's eyes once again became extremely bright.

"Dou Yao?"

Uncle An knew from the look on his face that this kid was tempted. "Yes, if you have any good medicinal materials, you might be able to sell them at a high price there. The medical exchange conference is not open to just anyone. Only important people go there. Who knows, because of a good medicinal material, you might make friends with an important person, or get a lot of money, or find a master who can treat your face. In short, it's an opportunity. What do you think? Do you want to go?"

Almost without even thinking about it, Pi Qinghua nodded firmly: "Yes."

Apart from anything else, he might be able to find a source for purchasing blood bags there directly, which is the most important thing.

Then, Pi Qinghua looked at Uncle An, who looked puzzled, "Why are you looking at me? Why don't you go back and find the ginseng skin?"

Pi Qinghua was sure that everything was finally fine this time.

Then he took Langzhi and Dahei on the tricycle and headed home.

After his tricycle drove out of the medicinal materials market, a black van followed them not far behind, walking quietly.

"Brother, everything is ready, that kid will definitely take the bait!"

Zhao Dali in the van laughed grimly.