Painted Skin

Chapter 81


Just as Pi Qinghua guessed, on the tenth day of Sun Boliang being detained by the police, and the third day of Pi Qinghua nearly scaring him to death, Pi's company, or Pi Yuan, finally couldn't bear it anymore. Because in the 10 days before that, Pi's stock price was like parachuting from the sky, with a terrifying drop every day, and no matter how calm Pi's company acted, it couldn't calm some crazy stockholders.

Therefore, the directors of Pi's company held a meeting to discuss what to do about this matter. In the end, people only thought of one way, which was to hold a press conference specifically for this matter and produce solid evidence to prove that Pi Yuan absolutely did not have the opportunity, time, or intention to harm people.

Only in this way can people's emotions and those of other small shareholders calm down, and they can bring Pi's back on track.

So we have today's press conference.

Sitting on the podium were Pi Yuan, who looked gentle, Pi Qing, who looked full of smiles, and other major shareholders of Pi's. Judging from their appearance, they all looked well-behaved and stable.

Such performance naturally made the media and onlookers trust them a little bit unconsciously, laying a solid foundation for the passionate words that followed.

"I think everyone has been discussing some news about our Pi Group's president recently. We have always believed that these news are just groundless jokes. Anyone with a little common sense can figure out what is going on after careful consideration. So we have not said anything." The Pi Group's representative spoke. He looked elite and argumentative, which was in line with his current identity.

"However, recently this rumor, instigated by some ill-intentioned people, has not only not slowly disappeared, but has become more and more intense. In particular, the rumor has affected the mood of customers who support our Pi Group. Therefore, Pi Group has the responsibility and obligation to put an end to this rumor, clarify the facts, and recover our own losses."

The reporters and onlookers below heard this and thought it was quite normal. You know, Pi's stock price has been falling like a building recently. If it continues to fall like this, Pi's might collapse.

If this is a conspiracy by some opponent against the Pi family, then the Pi family will suffer a huge loss this time.

"Then may I ask this gentleman, do you have any evidence to end the rumors? Now this matter cannot be resolved by just talking about it. If we don't see strong evidence, it won't work."

Now it was Pi Qi's turn to speak.

The man smiled and said, "Of course we have evidence. My eldest brother has taken special care of me and my third cousin since we were young. The three of us are so close that we can even wear the same pants. I am sure that the guy who shouted in front of the TV station that day was talking nonsense!"

"Why do you know he is talking nonsense? Where is the evidence?"

Pi Qi continued to laugh: "You know, three years ago, Aqing had the accident on the night of August 8th. That night, Aqing and we attended a charity party together. Then he drank too much and felt uncomfortable, so he left early. There is a surveillance video. But at that time, my brother and I were still at the party. In the end, we waited until the party was over before leaving. It was 11 o'clock when we left. At that time, it would take at least an hour to get from the party to Aqing's home, and Aqing's villa caught fire at 11:30, hehe..."

"Think about it, if my eldest cousin was really the murderer of Qing, how did he delay time? Oh, don't tell me that my eldest cousin knows magic or something, that's only in the game I play."

Pi Qi's words caused a good-natured laugh. After hearing these words, people felt relieved. After all, Pi Qi's words were well-founded. Time cannot be faked. Unless Pi Yuan had magic or could turn back time, he would never be able to get to Pi Qing's house.

However, some people still don't quite believe it.

"Are there any surveillance photos of President Pi after the party?"

Pi Qi narrowed his eyes and looked at the reporter who asked the question. When the reporter thought he was going to lose his temper, he suddenly laughed.

"Of course I did, and I was right next to Big Brother at the time. Just look if you don't believe me."

When Pi Qi said this, a slightly dim video clip appeared on the big screen behind them. Judging from the time and the faces of the characters, the two people were indeed Pi Qi and Pi Yuan, but Pi Yuan seemed to be a little drunk, so his face was slightly leaning on Pi Qi's shoulder.

Although this image is not very clear, it is very favorable evidence.

After seeing this video, the reporter who asked the question was speechless.

Until this time, Pi Yuan spoke with some helplessness and regret: "Aqing is my beloved brother since childhood. I take care of him and treat him as my own brother, let alone harm him for money. Even if it makes me bankrupt, I will not touch a hair of his. Originally, this is a matter between Aqing and me, and I don't want others to know. But Aqing also said that he would hand over the Pi family to me. I can't watch it wither because of some rumors. If so, when I die, I will be speechless to see Aqing in the underworld."

Pi Yuan's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely calming down the reporters and people who were still suspicious. Looking at Pi Yuan's determined and regretful expression, they couldn't help but believe that this man really had a deep brotherly love. If his current behavior was all a lie, then he was just too hypocritical and terrible.

As a result, the expressions on people's faces began to relax, and many reporters began to ask some light-hearted questions about Pi's future plans. Pi's company took the opportunity to promote its own ideas and their future plans, which restored the confidence of many people.

However, in this happy atmosphere, a discordant voice suddenly rang out.

"Okay, you have good evidence here, so we will believe you this time, but what about Sun Boliang? He is your department manager, right? I heard that he was Pi Qing's childhood friend and one of the culprits who killed Pi Qing. Why didn't he show up today? I heard that he was taken away by the police and hasn't come back yet! Are you trying to say that Sun Boliang is also innocent?"

As soon as these words came out, almost all the members of the Pi clan looked fiercely in that direction. Although the expression on Pi Yuan's face did not look ferocious, his eyes were also extremely sharp. However, it would be strange if the person who asked the question was afraid of them. This person was thin, and the skin above the neck was really dark, but his eyes were surprisingly bright.

Pi Yuan was startled when he saw the pair of eyes that were almost flashing with cold light. He always felt that he should have seen this person before, and that he had a grudge against him, but this face was so unfamiliar that Pi Yuan felt an inexplicable sense of weirdness.

But at this time, people were also guided by Pi Qinghua, who had a new face, and many people began to ask about Sun Boliang's situation. Fortunately, Pi Yuan had thought about all the situations before the press conference. He had also thought about this situation and had a way to deal with it. However, if Sun Boliang saw him, he would have to find someone to comfort Sun Boliang.

"Well, this friend really hit the nail on the head. Aliang grew up with the three of us brothers, just like I treat Aqing as my own brother, so does Aliang. He even takes care of Aqing more than I do. So, I absolutely don't believe that Aliang would harm Aqing. As for why the police took him away, as I said before, they just asked Aliang to assist in the investigation, and they didn't say that Aliang was a suspect. Besides, you may not know that Boliang has already assisted in the investigation of Aqing's case. The reason why the police detained him in the detention center is not because they think Boliang is the murderer, but because Boliang, a workaholic, drove through a red light and exceeded the speed limit because of an urgent meeting. Because of this, the police detained Aliang."

Pi Yuan paused and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, Aliang will be able to come out in five or six days."

This statement made sense and people all nodded in acceptance.

But Pi Qinghua didn't come here to let them pass so easily. He laughed again:

"Mr. Piyuan, where was Mr. Sun Boliang on the night when Mr. Piqing had the accident? Was he also at the charity party? Is there any video evidence of him? In other words, is there no way for him to prove that he could not have committed the crime that night?"

Pi Yuan clenched his hands violently, and his expression turned grim: "Sir, please stop making alarmist statements again and again. What is the truth of the matter? It is not something that can be determined with just one sentence from you. Everything depends on the evidence. Talking nonsense before there is any evidence is no different from someone who slanders others!"

Pi Qinghua chuckled, and finally said something that made everyone feel uneasy and Pi Yuan furious.

"That's what you said, but you can also say it another way. In other words, Mr. Sun Boliang could still be a murderer, right? After all, the police haven't finished their investigation yet! The investigation has just begun."