Paintings of Terror

Chapter 10: Bai Shi 10 ┃ death became a mosaic


Ke Xun and Wei Dong stopped in shock, staring at Mu Yiran in disbelief.

Mu Yiran also stopped and looked back at the two of them deeply: "To put it more directly, the world in the painting does not allow a day when no one dies, but because of the randomness of the development of things in this world, there is often a The phenomenon of zero deaths is caused. In this case, the world in the painting requires one person to die to fill the vacancy of zero deaths the day before. The number of dead people will be voted for by the surviving personnel.”

Ke Xun's mind was still in a blank space caused by the extreme shock of this incident, and his voice was a little floating and asked: "What about after the election?"

"This person will die within a minute in a way that matches the style of this painting." Mu Yiran's tone was so calm that it was almost cruel.

Ke Xun knew that this cruelty was just to remind him that the world was far more cruel than he imagined.

What kind of fear does it feel to be voted by everyone to die

"So what do you think the old man did for us to come to his house at eight o'clock this morning?" Mu Yiran glanced at him, and his tone softened imperceptibly, "If no one died last night, then just now we The first activity in his house is not to eat breakfast, but to vote for people, and after the election, there will be food."

"...Also...Fucking to eat, it's really human..." Wei Dong scolded with a sad face.

Ke Xun sighed and looked up at Mu Yiran: "It's quite cruel, so you mean that if we team up with everyone, it's very likely that we were partners one day, and the next day it will become self-confessional in this form. Murder? When you think about it, there's really nothing worse than that."

Mu Yiran suddenly smiled again, although there was no smile in his eyes: "You are still too naive. If everyone votes for one person to die, who can guarantee that he will not be selected by the majority?"

"... So?" Ke Xun's eyelids jumped.

"You must know that human nature is the most difficult subject in the world to understand." Mu Yi stared at Ke Xun's eyes, "-Some people will kill themselves in advance because they are afraid of being chosen."

Ke Xun took a deep breath and said after a pause, "That is to say, whether it's voting for elections or taking the initiative to kill one-on-one, as long as someone dies, it can be regarded as filling the vacancy of zero deaths the day before. If you kill people one-on-one before the election, then there will be no more voting that day, right?"

"Yes." Mu Yi replied.

"So, some people will take the initiative to kill someone because they are afraid that they will be voted by the majority in the election, so as to avoid the risk of death." Ke Xun finally understood Mu Yiran's intention.

No wonder there was a strange atmosphere among those who were not newbies, apart from being indifferent and numb, there was alienation and mutual defense.

This also means that in this painted world, it is impossible to have deep friendship with other people, and no one can guarantee that when faced with the choice of life and death, the person standing next to the other person and your own humanity is an angel or a devil.

Mu Yiran calmly looked at the person in front of him.

After telling him the rules in the painting, he was watching the changes in the person's expression and mentality.

This person is not the first person to seek cooperation with him, and all the people who wanted to cooperate with him before, after he described the rules in this painting, without exception, chose to be on guard, be on guard, and immediately distance themselves.

If the person in front of him also made such a choice, Mu Yiran would not be angry because of it.

After all, this is human nature.

"I agree to your conditions." Mu Yiran heard him say this, "Although I am not very smart, I am not stupid enough to think about exchanging my sincerity with others in this environment."

Mu Yiran continued to look at him calmly, waiting for his next words.

"But I also have something to say ahead," Ke Xun looked at Mu Yiran with clear eyes, "Whether you believe it or not, I can guarantee that I won't betray you. When it's time to vote for someone to die, I'm sure I won’t vote for you, but—if it comes to life and death, I need to choose between you and Dongzi to live, and the other to die, I will choose Dongzi to live, I declare this first, I hope you can understand , Of course, when it comes to life and death, I will never blame you if you choose to save yourself and sacrifice us both. What do you think? If you can't accept it, just pretend I didn't say it, and let's go our separate ways."

Mu Yiran's eyes moved slightly and nodded slightly: "I accept."

"Deal." Ke Xun stretched out his hand.

However, Mu Yiran didn't give him a face and shook hands with him, and walked away with a noble and glamorous step.

Ke Xun: "..."

Wei Dong: "Ke'er, you are so kind to me, I really want to hug your thigh and cry, as expected of my own child, my father will be your father, my mother will be your mother, my son will be your son, my daughter-in-law will be It's your brother and sister."

Ke Xun: "...Go away, let me help you support your father, mother, and son. It's a beautiful idea, why don't you let me help you support your daughter-in-law?"

Wei Dong: "You fucking sex male, like male, I will give you my daughter-in-law, do you want it?"

Ke Xun: "First of all, you have to have a daughter-in-law. The single dog status has not been released yet, so don't think too much."

Wei Dong sighed: "I can't think too much. I don't know if I can get out alive in such a mess. What kind of bike do I want?"

"Don't be too pessimistic," Ke Xun put his arms around his shoulders. "Once people give up hope, they will also give up on you. Do you trust my intuition? My intuition is that we can definitely go out."

A crying smile appeared on Wei Dong's face: "Why do you think Abe's 'bend' people come from 'intuition'... But you are too straight sometimes, you shouldn't say those words just now, even if you I really think my life is more important than his, you can't tell him, who can be happy to hear it?"

"Don't worry, he won't mind." Ke Xun smiled.

"How do you know?" Wei Dong didn't believe it.

"If a person can even give up his best brother in order to survive by hugging his thighs, can such a person be trusted?" Ke Xun said, striding forward.

Walking side by side with Mu Yiran, Ke Xun tilted his head to look at him: "Can we officially be a group now? Is it time to tell us the clues you got?"

Mu Yiran said lightly: "It's not a clue, it's just my personal opinion, and it still needs to be confirmed. However, the only way to confirm it is to continue to wait for death, and the price is too high."

"Don't be under pressure, talk about it first, maybe we can help." Ke Xun reassured.

Mu Yiran glanced at him, then retracted his gaze: "The first thing I wondered about was why the five people who died last night had different ways of dying."

Ke Xun thought for a while: "Because it was killed by a different 'thing'?"

Mu Yiran laughed slightly: "No matter what 'thing' it is, isn't it an unnatural 'thing'? Why did the three people who guarded the spirit goug out their eyes after being frightened to death, while the two who dug the grave were..."

Wei Dong hurriedly covered his ears: "Don't say it, don't say it!"

Ke Xun thought for a while: "Because I encountered different kinds of 'things'?"

Mu Yiran said: "Of course this can be used as an explanation, but I am more concerned about the death of these two groups of people, whether they were gouged out of their eyes or..."

Wei Dong covers his ears: "Artificial mosaic, artificial mosaic, artificial mosaic..."

Mu Yiran: "... After death, the corpse still maintains its original outline. These two forms of death are very formalized, or in other words, have a certain ritual and iconicity."

Ke Xun: "Having said that, I still don't see how this can inspire us."

Mu Yiran looked at him lightly: "You said that you are a student of the sports department, and it seems that you are not lying."

Ke Xun: "...Although you mocked me, I'm not angry."

Mu Yiran closed his eyes and said coldly, "If in a stadium, there are hurdles on the running track, shot put on the turf, as well as mats for high jumps and sand pits for long jumps, come in at this time. A group of students."

Ke Xun answered wisely: "Then the teacher will assign good projects to these students. Some will run the hurdles, some will practice shot put, some will be high jump, and some will be long jump."

Mu Yi Ran accepted: "So on this field, students who carry out each project will show a different state of movement."

Ke Xun suddenly said, "It's just like our current situation. Last night, someone was in charge of the spirit watch, someone was in the woodshed, someone was in the granary, and someone was digging graves."

Mu Yiran's eyes were cold: "The person who guards the spirit has his eyes gouged out, and the person who digs the grave..." He glanced at Wei Dong, "Death is like a mosaic, just like a hurdler running, a high jumper jumping, throwing The shot put person is throwing it."

Ke Xun Weidong: "..."

Mu Yiran: "The point is that athletes, track, spanning, hurdles, as well as athletes, turf, throwing, and shot put are the four elements in the form of hurdling and shot put, namely: character, location, state of movement, Logo delineating sports form of athlete.

"Evolving into the current situation also requires four elements:

"Characters—the five who died last night;

"Location - mourning hall, wasteland;

"Death (movement) state - frightened to death with eyes gouged out and..."

Ke Xun Weidong: "Death becomes a mosaic."

Mu Yiran: "...Then the question is, what are the signs that delineate the death (sports) form of dead figures (athletes)?"

Ke Xun turned his head to look at Mu Yiran.

Mu Yiran also looked at him, his voice was calm and calm: "If we find the 'shot put' and 'hurdle' in the two death games last night, maybe, it will be not far from the moment when this painting is opened. ."

What determines the state of death of the five people who died last night

"I already have a guess." Mu Yiran said lightly.