Paintings of Terror

Chapter 100: Shadow 23 ┃ RR


"When the night comes, you have nothing but death." The man in the colorful robe finally said the first sentence.

"As long as the death conditions are not violated, we still have four nights." Mu Yiran replied coldly.

Wei Dong's voice floated in the distance: "Boss Mu, both of us are purple. If we both contributed the colors together, would it become a condensed version of the villain..." - Wei Dong's voice Distant and miserable.

"All colors are just symbols," Mu Yiran's eyes stared at the shadowless man in front of him, "We donate a few drops of blood, only a few drops."

The man sneered: "I can ask for all of you at will."

"What happens if you and your shadow are separated for too long?" Mu Yiran asked suddenly.

The man's face was ugly, even a little angry.

The four members exchanged a brief glance at each other, perhaps because of these paintings, everyone had a rare tacit understanding.

"We have many ways to destroy the house of mirrors." Qin Ci said these words with the rigor of a doctor, and he has a kind of scientific convincing, "At least it can make the person who looks in the mirror invisible to himself. image."

"We also have many ways to destroy the glass jar on the sixth floor of the circular building." Zhu Haowen showed a serious expression that gamers have rarely seen in a century, "At least it can make people unable to open the lid on it."

"Our patience is limited, and we don't want to spend another night here, or even an extra hour." Ke Xun was a street fighter with a bad temper this time.

With the three of them doing this, Mu Yiran developed the cold style without lines that he was good at.

Wei Dong's shout came from a distance: "Let's do it, let's get a few drops of blood, you can get me an autograph, we will win together~"

Weidong is completely the tone of the small merchants and hawkers who are forced to buy and sell.

The man seemed to be thinking about this seemingly overbearing proposal.

However, Zhu Haowen secretly looked at the green patterned clothes on his body. The color missing on this man's body now is green, except for purple.

I don't know what happened to Shi Zhendong, who was bewitched. Like himself, he belongs to the green.

At this time, it was almost noon, and the whole labyrinth showed a sparkling vitality, and the whole castle also glowed with bright and charming colors.

Shi Zhendong was pacing the room nailed with wooden bars in a rage. Those members never came back after they left. Maybe they have found their signatures, or maybe they are in danger.

If these people really found the signatures, Shi Zhendong didn't believe that they would abandon him.

If they forsake themselves, they are killing themselves.

Shi Zhendong calmed down for a while, put himself in his shoes and thought about it, if he were in the position of Ke Xun and others, what would he do with "Shi Zhendong"? They will definitely find a way to stay away from themselves, for fear of being bewitched again; but after they find the signature, they can't abandon themselves—what way can they do both.

Shi Zhendong figured this out, and began to search in the room. These people must have left a way for him.

Sure enough, Shi Zhendong found an axe in the gap between the furniture and the wall. The axe was rusted and it was very inappropriate to use. If he wanted to cut the wooden strips of the door or window, it would take a few hours. Time - During this time, if Ke Xun and the others fail to return, they will find a way to shackle themselves again; if during this time, those people find their signatures as scheduled, they can go out before dark, just one step behind those people

Thinking of this, Shi Zhendong whipped a rusty axe and slashed at the wooden bars on the window...

In the labyrinth at this time, the shadowless person wore a large robe and walked towards the person closest to him, Zhu Haowen, with an expressionless face.

Zhu Haowen took a deep breath, feeling that his partners were slowly surrounding him from all directions, and he gradually gained some confidence in his heart.

The pattern on the person in front of him suddenly changed: in the pattern of red, yellow, blue, purple and orange, a long green line suddenly appeared. The change was so unexpected that Zhu Haowen shivered involuntarily.

These green lines are exactly the patterns that belong to Shi Zhendong.

And the purple pattern on this person came from the few drops of blood donated by Mu Yiran and Wei Dong just now.

All eyes were focused on these green lines, and the man said blankly: "Your partner has not been able to get rid of the demon in the end - I have done too many transactions with him, he is already part of the painting and cannot leave."

I didn't expect that this person would attack Shi Zhendong now. Does this mean that everyone is not far from the painting

None of the members made a sound, quietly watching the man walk towards the wall of green plants, groping for a while among the plants with slender hands, and then opened an invisible door.

The man walked into the door, his back sullen.

When everyone caught up, the door was automatically closed.

Everyone pushed aside the plants covering the door, gradually restoring the true face of this ancient wooden door.

On the mottled wooden door, there are two clear letters, the color of the letters is dark and full - RR.

The handwriting is very casual and very artistic, just like the reflection of the signature seen in the mirror house just now, each R is slightly inclined to the lower right.

As for the man who had left, whether he finally defeated his inner demon, no one could tell.

Wearing colorful clothes, the words written are as black as a cave in Tongzhou.

The signature on the door shone dazzlingly, and a huge picture frame appeared in front of everyone.

Even if they guessed the result, everyone still felt incredible when facing the frame.

For the first time, I painted with a calm attitude, and the five familiar companions are still there. I should be secretly happy, but there is sadness.

The five men walked through the darkness, and when they saw the light again, they didn't feel dazzling. Compared with the painting, the tones in the real world were gray and monotonous.

The painting in front of him is made up of many gorgeous colors, which seem to be irregular, but those circular diamond lines and other patterns are of extraordinary significance to several people.

The composition of these patterns is shaped like a maze. The author's signature is rarely signed in the center of the picture, and Rong Rang's signature abbreviation is written in black letters: RR.

At this moment, there are only five members in this exhibition hall, and the walls are literally filled with various colorful Fauvism paintings.

"Let's go." Qin Ci reminded.

Everyone walked silently to the outside of the exhibition hall, but just after opening the door, they saw a huge oil painting.

Before the oil paint was dry, all five men were stained with color.

Wei Dong looked at the horrific T-shirt, but he was full of emotion after the catastrophe: "Emma, I was scared to death just now, I thought I was going to be in the painting again!"

The volunteers quickly walked out from behind the oil painting: "I'm so sorry, I just saw that there was no one in this exhibition hall, so I just pushed the work forward!"

It was Ye Ningchenyi who spoke, and Miao Zipei was standing beside her.

Both of them expressed infinite apologies and insisted on compensating for their clothes, but Ke Xun and others refused more firmly.

Ye Ningchen was about to say something, but suddenly heard someone shouting outside: "Mi Wei fainted! Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

When the two heard this, they hurried over to have a look.

Only then did Ke Xun and the others leave the exhibition hall. They first went to the bathroom to wash off the paint on their arms and faces, and each left the museum with a variety of colors.

"Mi Wei and the others, how long will they stay in the world temporarily?" Zhu Haowen asked.

"At least a week, at least, immediately." Qin Ci replied, and by the way, he touched his trousers pocket and found that there was already a ticket there. "Next stop, Fang Box Art Museum."

The world in front of them has passed with the previous painting, and everyone is reluctant to say a few more words to the people in the previous painting, no matter what, they have to say goodbye-there are too many partings of life and death, but it cannot make people completely numb.

"Let's change our clothes first, this dress is too eye-catching." Wei Dong looked at everyone who was full of colors. "Those pedestrians thought we were doing body art."

This university art gallery is located on a youth street behind the university, and there are small shops selling clothes on the street.

So, a few people walked into a shop selling casual clothes.

The store is small, and the walls are covered with t-shirts of all kinds, and the print style is too sharp and a bit old-fashioned—hot pink hands with raised middle fingers; mustard green banshees with six pairs of nursing tools; soles of feet. The board is coated with a giant foot of many color ointments...

Another wall is full of cuteness, and T-shirts are printed with various fruits and foods.

"Let me get a banana." Ke Xun directly chose one with a banana print, and at the same time picked one with a pineapple, "Yan Ran, you can get this one."

In addition to the whole pineapple in the pineapple pattern, there is also a pineapple ring cut into pieces with a heart cut out. Mu Yi frowned and directly chose another one with a few thick and strong sugarcane printed on it.

"… "

Zhu Haowen chose a few watermelons with green and bright red teeth and printed them on the cream yellow T-shirt, which has an inexplicable small town style in the 1980s.

Qin Ci chose the most inconspicuous white T-shirt with a few green olives on it.

"That's all I have, I love Mai Lisu!" Wei Dong put on a new T-shirt, sky blue with chocolate balls on it, revealing the white flesh inside.

Zhu Haowen looked at it: "You are not Mai Lisu."

"I am coconut! Coco is cocoa, and nut is nuts~" Weidong sometimes really admires his ability to translate and comprehend, "This is a kind of Mai Lisu containing nuts~"

Zhu Haowen wanted to say something, but he still swallowed it. Mai Lisu is just Mai Lisu. It has been in paintings and paintings so many times, so it doesn't matter what coconut or Mai Lisu is.

As a result, five big men collectively walked on the street wearing fruit T-shirts, with an indescribable contrast.

"Are you going directly back to City S? I'll be with you." It was Zhu Haowen who spoke, "My cousin gets married in two days and will be in City S."

"Hey, it's lively this time." Before Wei Dong could finish his words, he heard Qin Ci also say, "I happened to have a one-week medical exchange meeting in S city."

Ke Xun, who was wearing a banana T-shirt, tilted his head and looked at Mu Yiran, who was wearing a sugarcane T-shirt: "What's the matter, the five of us gathered in my place? Celebrate the rest of our lives?"

Mu Yiran didn't have a cold face this time, wearing a fruit T-shirt was still in the wind, and almost dressed the sugar cane into a purple bamboo effect: "I don't have time for the past two days, so I have to arrange a time."

Qin Ci said with a smile: "Then we will wait for your arrangement. We have all lived and died together for so long, and we haven't sat down and had a meal together. It's really unreasonable."

"Yes, yes, let's go to Ke'er's house instead of going to the restaurant! Let him set a table for us!" Wei Dong looked like a host.

"Yes, everyone recognizes the door!" Ke Xun also laughed.